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Carnage PVP gearing


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I haven't seen one marauder/sentinel with accuracy in PvP, after you get 204 gear you will need to exchange 3 enhancments to critical one. I suggest you to buy 2x Main hand weapon since it has perfect stats.


Auguments are all power, since you should be around 38-40% with crit and with all buffs, and alot of ppl say they feel its better to do power.

Earpiece/Implants are adept one, power and master relics.

I saw some marauders with full crit auguments, they reach about 43% crit and mostly perform worse then other marauders.


Problem with Carnage is that you will spend 60% of time rooted/slowed or stuned, ppl tend to play fury due to CC immunity in 90% cases ppl waste knockbacks when you are immune.

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Problem with Carnage is that you will spend 60% of time rooted/slowed or stuned, ppl tend to play fury due to CC immunity in 90% cases ppl waste knockbacks when you are immune.

See, I don't get that design decision AT ALL.


Concentration/Fury is primarily a 10m range spec. It didn't really NEED the CC immunity because its burst is rather unpredictable, when compared to Combat/Carnage (whose burst window you can see coming a mile away).


But, to make matters worse, Combat Carnage REALLY needs to be able to stay in melee range to be effective. If there was EVER a spec that needed some CC immunity baked in, it was this one.


Don't get me wrong, I'm loving my Concentration Sentinel. But it really feels like a case of robbing the poor to feed the rich.


Bad, bad, BAD decision, Devs.



Edited by RodneyMcNeely
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Well in carnage your biggest burst come from 10-12m range, but im completly agree, i think that 4 sec cc immunity after charge should be Knight/warrior wide, not jugger/guardian. But we all know BW doesn't really care about anything except cartel market and they are doing poor job with it too.


It depends on playstyle but from my perspective all 3 specs are viable, they all perform mediocre, i just love Mara/sent as class, for ranked i would never take sent/mara since they dont bring anything to table that one PT/Jugger can't.


For unranked i do Anni/Watchman feels most solo effeicent spec and i like it most.

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