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Credit "farming"


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Hi I just got to level 65 on a sith juggernaut.what's the best guides/tips to get a few million credits before my sub ends in28 days.I know gtn and stuff but I stink at operating it.Im trying to buy cool things and helpful things before my sub runs out and I need tips on making big amounts...Thank You..appreciated greatly Edited by ljlittlek
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Since you want to avoid the GTN, I'd say running weeklies/dailies/heroics over and over is your best bet. Be sure to complete any bonus missions that pop up as part of heroics and dailies as they offer additional credits, ranging anywhere from 12k+ to 18k+ at your level. (Granted, after you've done them all once you might determine certain ones take too much time for the amount of credits you receive, but you can skip those in the future.)
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Also, whenever you have a situation where you need to kill a certain number of NPCs to complete a mission, if there are elites that count towards that goal, they'll give you the most credits per kill, (though it's about half of what it was prior to 4.0), so take them out whenever possible, followed by silvers, then trash.
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Simple answer, do stuff, just about everything gives some credits, weekly heroics, daily zones (Section X, Blackhole, CZ-198, Oricon, Rishi, Yavin 4, Ziost), Flashpoints, or OPs, about the only things that do not pay well is grinding mobs & camping crates/crafting nodes and the crates/nodes only because you will have to play GTN to get creds.
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