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Darth Revan runs a PT/OT villain gauntlet


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Darth Revan vs.


1. Asajj Ventress

2. Savage Opress

3. General Grievous

4. Darth Maul

5. Count Dooku


Boss: Darth Vader


Darth Revan must face off against various villains from the Movie era, he gets 5 minutes rest between each bout. All characters are in their primes and have full use of their abilities, how far does he get?


NOTE: Please provide reasoning for your opinion to spark some argument, no one word answers.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Darth Revan vs.


1. Asajj Ventress

2. Savage Opress

3. General Grievous

4. Darth Maul

5. Count Dooku


Boss: Darth Vader


Darth Revan must face off against various villains from the Movie era, he gets 5 minutes rest between each bout. All characters are in their primes and have full use of their abilities, how far does he get?


NOTE: Please provide reasoning for you're opinion to spark some argument, no one word answers.


I'm not great with this but IMO he stops at 3. I just don't see him being able to defend or break Grievous' fighting style, especially when he has monstrous speed, strength and such an unorthodox fighting style. I also don't see him being able to crush or TK Grievous which are the only Force attacks (AFAIK) that have damaged him as Darth Revan IMO is not RotS Windu level.

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I'm not great with this but IMO he stops at 3. I just don't see him being able to defend or break Grievous' fighting style, especially when he has monstrous speed, strength and such an unorthodox fighting style. I also don't see him being able to crush or TK Grievous which are the only Force attacks (AFAIK) that have damaged him as Darth Revan IMO is not RotS Windu level.


Revan beat Nyriss, a Dark Councillor at her prime, with ease. I think we can confidently assume that he is at least comparable to Windu, if not stronger, particularly with the Force.


Given the guantlet as presented: Revan would comfortably best Asajj, flick Opress away withI'd his little finger (as all serious Jedi and Sith should be able to do...that character is not a good one), then defeat Grevious after a lengthy bout through extensive use of the Force. Fatigue would seriously hamper him during his duel with Maul, and I'd give Revan a 50/50 chance of getting through that fight. Maul is a ******, but Revan has one hell of a track record.


As for Dooku...yeah. Fatigue would be a killer at this point. I believe Revan could defeat Dooku while fresh, but not while exhausted from beating Grevious and Maul. Dooku would just be strong enough to defeat him, although it would be one hell of a duel.

Edited by Cailus
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Revan beat Nyriss, a Dark Councillor at her prime, with ease. I think we can confidently assume that he is at least comparable to Windu, if not stronger, particularly with the Force.


Given the guantlet as presented: Revan would comfortably best Asajj, flick Opress away withI'd his little finger (as all serious Jedi and Sith should be able to do...that character is not a good one), then defeat Grevious after a lengthy bout through extensive use of the Force. Fatigue would seriously hamper him during his duel with Maul, and I'd give Revan a 50/50 chance of getting through that fight. Maul is a ******, but Revan has one hell of a track record.


As for Dooku...yeah. Fatigue would be a killer at this point. I believe Revan could defeat Dooku while fresh, but not while exhausted from beating Grevious and Maul. Dooku would just be strong enough to defeat him, although it would be one hell of a duel.


In the OP it states this is Darth Revan not Reborn Revan. Also saying a fresh Revan would beat Dooku in a duel is something I disagree with.

Edited by PadsterPwns
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Revan beat Nyriss, a Dark Councillor at her prime, with ease. I think we can confidently assume that he is at least comparable to Windu, if not stronger, particularly with the Force.


Given the guantlet as presented: Revan would comfortably best Asajj, flick Opress away withI'd his little finger (as all serious Jedi and Sith should be able to do...that character is not a good one), then defeat Grevious after a lengthy bout through extensive use of the Force. Fatigue would seriously hamper him during his duel with Maul, and I'd give Revan a 50/50 chance of getting through that fight. Maul is a ******, but Revan has one hell of a track record.


As for Dooku...yeah. Fatigue would be a killer at this point. I believe Revan could defeat Dooku while fresh, but not while exhausted from beating Grevious and Maul. Dooku would just be strong enough to defeat him, although it would be one hell of a duel.

That was also a stronger but still pretty prime Revan he is very weaker then he was at that time.Dark Revan isn't even close to his strongest incarnation. So I would agree with Pad he is no where near Windy level at this time.I have to say Revan will have a easier time with Maul then he will with Grevious.

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That was also a stronger but still pretty prime Revan he is very weaker then he was at that time.Dark Revan isn't even close to his strongest incarnation. So I would agree with Pad he is no where near Windy level at this time.I have to say Revan will have a easier time with Maul then he will with Grevious.


I genuinely think Grievous could take this Revan fairly easily considering he almost broke Kenobi's Form 3 defense.

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Revan should fall at Vader, honestly. He's a superior warrior to the rest and is more powerful than them as well. Him vs Dooku is a good fight tho, but inevitably would fall in Revan's favor.


You did see that this is Darth Revan right? Don't get me wrong while prime Revan would likely do what you say, I don't see how Darth Revan is getting past Grievous.

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If it's pre-Kotor Revan and Legend Grievous, then he stops at 3. He couldn't take him on fresh, let alone after two fights.


Grievous is just too fast for him and too overwhelming. He can analyze Revan's style and adapt to it. Even his exceptional battle precog won't help, because Grievous is just that overwhelming. It might lessen the unorthodox moves of Grievous, but he'd still have to react to them.

Grievous is pretty much topdog physically in the PT era. He was massively faster than Kenobi, who is in Dooku's speed tier. That's without a doubt beyond Revan. He was also pretty damn strong, throwing around Jedi Masters like paper planes. He could be incredibly fast and strong at the same time, like in his duel with Windu.


His strikes were as forceful as any Mace had ever had to counter, and his speed was astonishing.

—Labyrinth of Evil


Windu sparred a lot of times with most of the jedi. Most notably with Yoda and Dooku, yet Grievous strength was a match for theirs (Yoda who could overpower Sidious in a saber lock). And that was when Grievous had to root himself in place on top of the train. Windu is definitely more skilled and likely faster than this incarnation of Revan, so he'd do much worse than Windu. Even more so because he won't enjoy the environmental advantage.


As for Force Revan would have to be fast enough to catch him, and powerful enough to harm him. Since Grievous is a lot faster than him it's questionable if he could actually connect a successful force attack at distance. But even if he could he'd have to do it fast, which means he can't gather energy and in that case I doubt he could hurt Grievous significantly.

This is all when they are apart from each other of course. Under Grievous unrelenting assault he won't have a split second of time to mount a force attack. The best he could hope for is what Galen did under Ti's assault, that is telekinetically stopping lightsabers. Unfortunately for Revan Grievous has 3 more blades than Ti.


So yeah. Stops at 3.

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Revan isn't going to be capable of defeating Grievous in a lightsaber duel, but you underestimate how much an advantage the Force is, we are not playing wack-a-mole here Grievous is right in front of him, all he has to do is find an opening to lash out with the Force, and as a Sith he will lash out hard and mercilessly.


I wouldn't fancy Grievous' chances against his TK, Force lightning and potentially even Sith sorcery.


Those kinds of tactics won't be effective against Maul or Dooku however, I doubt he'd survive both of them.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Revan isn't going to be capable of defeating Grievous in a lightsaber duel, but you underestimate how much an advantage the Force is, we are not playing wack-a-mole here Grievous is right in front of him, all he has to do is find an opening to lash out with the Force, and as a Sith he will lash out hard and mercilessly.


I wouldn't fancy Grievous' chances against his TK, Force lightning and potentially even Sith sorcery.


Those kinds of tactics won't be effective against Maul or Dooku however, I doubt he'd survive both of them.


Do you think Grievous will give him that chance? Considering what we've seen with Grievous going all out, you either need to have a defense as unbreakable as Obi-Wan's or have an environmental advantage like Mace did. Apart from those scenarios we've only seen him be TK'd by Fisto, who had a stylistic advantage, and Eeth Koth who Grievous wasn't going all out against. Also Grievous being right in front of Revan is just as much as an advantage to Grievous as he can go right to lightsaber combat meaning Revan is highly unlikely to get any breathing room.

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We are assuming that Revan would have to drop his lightsaber to perform such an attack, I'd point out that Revan is a practitioner of the Niman form so using Force powers in conjunction with lightsaber combat is well within his skill set. Ergo he's more than capable of simultaneously defending against Grievous attacks and hitting back with the Force.


Lets also bear in mind that Revan is a master of battle precognition, he'd be one step ahead of Grievous throughout.

Edited by Beniboybling
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We are assuming that Revan would have to drop his lightsaber to perform such an attack, I'd point out that Revan is a practitioner of the Niman form so using Force powers in conjunction with lightsaber combat is well within his skill set. Ergo he's more than capable of simultaneously defending against Grievous attacks and hitting back with the Force.


Lets also bear in mind that Revan is a master of battle precognition, he'd be one step ahead of Grievous throughout.


He'd be one step ahead of General "I can replicate Vaapad within a minute" Grievous? I'm sorry Beni I'm not seeing it. Grievous is faster, stronger, more skilled and they start right in front of each other which means it's going to saber combat straight away in which he outclasses Revan. Also about Niman, like I said earlier, unless his style is immensely unique I doubt Grievous will have problems considering he almost replicated Vapaad and has been trained in the classical lightsaber forms by Count Dooku.

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He'd be one step ahead of General "I can replicate Vaapad within a minute" Grievous? I'm sorry Beni I'm not seeing it. Grievous is faster, stronger, more skilled and they start right in front of each other which means it's going to saber combat straight away in which he outclasses Revan. Also about Niman, like I said earlier, unless his style is immensely unique I doubt Grievous will have problems considering he almost replicated Vapaad and has been trained in the classical lightsaber forms by Count Dooku.
Yes? Grievous' combat algorithms are unlikely to be capable of surpassing an individual superior in precognitive powers to Echani would can predict the path of entire wars. And you missed the point concerning Niman, it's an asset to Revan because of its focus on incorporating Force powers into lightsaber combat. Edited by Beniboybling
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Yes? Grievous' combat algorithms are unlikely to be capable of surpassing an individual superior in precognitive powers to Echani would can predict the path of entire wars. And you missed the point concerning Niman, its an asset to Revan because of its focus on incorporating Force powers into lightsaber combat.


My bad on the Niman point, what I meant that was Grievous isn't exactly going to surprised that a Niman user is going to chain Force attacks meaning he will expect and compensate for this. As far as pre-cog goes it will be useful but it's not going to save him from four lightsabers dishing out 20 strikes per second at random velocities as, like Zoltan said, unless his defense is greater than Kenobi's he is going to get overwhelmed. Honestly Revan's only advantage in this is his Force powers which we've seen Grievous overcome time and again, and in this fight Revan is right in front of him meaning he can go to a saber fight immediately in which Grievous outclasses him in. Add in Grievous' monstrous speed, strength and skill and I really don't see how Revan is beating Grievous.

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1. Grievous has nothing to compensate for Force based attacks, and contrary to what you claim, we've in fact seen Grievous routed by Force based attacks time and time again, and when I say that I mean almost every time.


2. Ventress & Savage are not tough fights for Revan, they are warmups.


And I'd again remind everyone that we are dealing with a Sith Lord here, who is not above aggressive attacks like

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1. Grievous has nothing to compensate for Force based attacks, and contrary to what you claim, we've in fact seen Grievous routed by Force based attacks time and time again, and when I say that I mean almost every time.


2. Ventress & Savage are not tough fights for Revan, they are warmups.


1. First of all Grievous has dodged Force attacks before. Also there is still the issue of Revan being able to get one off considering he is going to be facing an opponent that is noticeably faster, stronger and more skilled, until you can provide a scenario of how Revan is doing that whilst fending off an assault that ROTS Kenobi found difficult to defend against, your Force attack argument is void.


2. Perhaps not Force wise but saber wise? Ventress is a precise, skill based fencer who has fought and survived against Kenobi and Skywalker numerous times and Savage, while not fantastic, is still an overwhelming brute. Both will wear down Darth Revan to an extent.

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