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"Time to run" Achievement on Ziost


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I know this has been reported quite a few times already. Certain citizens refusing to 'Run away' after their captors are defeated. Trying to prevent that and completing Ziost, I just engaged the packs that were known to have civilians that 'run away'. I managed to get 4 from the 5 I needed, before the game stopped tracking it - EVEN when the civilians ran away.


I have tried virtually everything to fix it, waited a hour, relogged, visited other planets and instaces - but nothing. No success. My last desperate try was to just move on and hope I had it completed and it just didnt show yet. Ofcourse this proved to me untrue - and as such I may have just locked myself out of ever completing Ziost. Which sucks because it's on the character I am doing all the planetary achievements with.


So to make the bug report clear:

1> The civilians still do not run away (bug has been there for AGES)

2> The final civilian running away did not count

3> I am now unable to complete one of the easiest achievements in the game and am very sad about it. Is there any way I can still do this bonus-queste and get the achievement for it?


Possible causes:

The civilians are bugged. I did not do anything special when freeing the civilians. I was farming the civlian that runs away, up the stairs left, right before the instance. He awarded 4 credits but not the 5th. Neither did any of the others that did run away.


Please help - and please find someway for me to still get the Time to Run achievement


Enataros Valadar, Red Eclipse

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