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Revelations of Conquest: Galactic Schemes


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If they were actively doing things, you would be correct.


But due to them, for the most part, merely observing... Much, MUCH harder to catch.


Did they ever call in those observations? Because being 100% honest, a strange phone call or transmission can get some one caught. Even just observations can be caught this goes to the conversation you guys were having about "covert ops to strong" It wasnt really covert ops being to strong, it was counter intel being piss.

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Ok now I want to know how many agents everyone had in my faction.

Well I had a total of 25 agents within your faction mainly just to monitor and make sure you and the GI wasn't to close.Also if you had figured out some of my activities I would used the Space Stationed and your Capital ship that I riged to blow to hit you with a quick strikes that would hopefully put you down quickly.Sorry Cheat I had to be on the safe side.I also had some counter intelligence in your faction for a while trying to help you out.



Did they ever call in those observations? Because being 100% honest, a strange phone call or transmission can get some one caught. Even just observations can be caught this goes to the conversation you guys were having about "covert ops to strong" It wasnt really covert ops being to strong, it was counter intel being piss.

I have to agree with you Tune.I biggest problem was that when it came to Sil no offense but when it came to out Counter intelligence agencies you made them a after thought in my opinion. when they should have been a bigger factor in what was going on..

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Why did Felher help the Coalition and what things did he do for us?


The why is complicated, but the what:


- Dealt with numerous Black Sun members

- Lowered the crime % due to his hobby

- Killed terrorist cells before they could be an issue

- Kept the CIS from doing... ANYTHING on world


and a few other things.

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Could of sworn there would of been MANY more questions... :(


Why were the CiS following me before I even did anything to them :p also, I am assuming the reason the Empire looked into me so extensively was that little transmission trick. It probably cost them big, and they wanted to know who was behind it and how they pulled it off. In looking in on me I am assuming they saw a guy that took the opportunities presented, but couldnt be trusted by any one, which is why they stuck that bloody inquisitor on me at the same time as they hired me for the job.

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Why were the CiS following me before I even did anything to them :p also, I am assuming the reason the Empire looked into me so extensively was that little transmission trick. It probably cost them big, and they wanted to know who was behind it and how they pulled it off. In looking in on me I am assuming they saw a guy that took the opportunities presented, but couldnt be trusted by any one, which is why they stuck that bloody inquisitor on me at the same time as they hired me for the job.


Basically. :p


Or as Bioware would say: Choices matter! :rolleyes:

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Basically. :p


Or as Bioware would say: Choices matter! :rolleyes:


See we arent asking questions cus a few of us understood why things were happening. My whole thing was why didnt I catch Karadrons people with ANY of the multiple sweeps I did, even when I KNEW his methods. And then WHY the hell did the CiS have me followed with 0 reason. They followed me at around week 1 as the only thing I ever stole from them was ALSO my first theft job so they had 0 reason to be following me at that time, and yet that was how they started to miss trust me. Neither of those makes sense to me, to have me followed they would need suspicion something had to happen regarding this person to make you feel suspicious at the times of my thefts I should have had 0 suspicions as nothing happened up to that point, and thus I should have had 0 tails, but I had a tail any way, one that avoided the advanced sensors that came standard on the Agave's at week 1 (basically the most advanced sensors of any ship in a PC fleet at the start of the game because I sacrificed fire power for a recon ship at the start of the game so I could steal things and not get caught.... I made a cover story so that if people tried to look into such things, it wouldnt look suspicious, I set my group up at the start of the game for counter intel especially around space based pirating actions, and tried to maintain that threw out most of the game, and my starting set up for this was not respected with NPC's, as I had tails I shouldnt have had, and tails that could avoid sensors that were top notch for the start of the game, do not send Players into a universe that is technilogically higher then they can handle, if the players are playing by the experience and tech level rules so should the NPC's.) This I feel goes back to that counter intel set ups were trash, you could attempt to do everything right in terms of counter intel, but it didnt matter.



Also if you want us to engage in more space battles and ground battles, their needs to be ways to set things up for massive success. Losing 1/4th of your fleet every single time you engage in a space battle, and only getting enough funds to recoup 1/4th of what you lost is not incentivizing us continueing to attack places. I know you dont want us to do things recklessly but, there is intel and counter intel as in Infiltration and the like which should be difficult, but scouting missions to catch a place that thought it was ok to just leave 1 Imp I to defend was a good idea should be pretty common, I mean most fleets didnt go running around with more then 4 or 5 large ships in it at a time unless it was the main front, or they were setting up or expecting a trap.


Sure we should occasionally run into traps and lose some stuff to it, but for a trap to be effective we have to first think that its "business as usual", we should feel secure to split our fleet into 8th's or 10th's and just when we feel safe to do that one of those 10th's run into trouble and we lose the whole thing. you want players to lose every now and again that's fine, but we have to have incentives to split up large enough with out fear of being completely screwed on every front, while still suffering occassional set backs that should occur. We shouldnt be force to fly around with our full fleet all the time and any time we run into an enemy fleet be risking everything we have for just 1/100th of the massive NPC armada, those kinds of risks with such little reward is why several of us played it "safe" and tried to just do covert stuff all the time. It was massively to risky to engage in a space battle, you never knew who the commander was, you never knew what kind of thing they may be hiding and just looking at the battle you werent happy with the probable losses or the amount of effort you had to put into it.

Edited by tunewalker
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I have a question how did Karadon and Star get Forces user?Also how were you two force user organization set up?Like Star Void Knights had to be very interesting belief system.


Going to avoid the land mine Tune, we already discussed that in detail before, and it blew up quite a bit that time...


In regards to this J, if I recall, they received jedi training manuals. It was one of the early Agenda rewards if I remember right. As far as how they were set up, with their permission, I could share their Order's doc's.

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Going to avoid the land mine Tune, we already discussed that in detail before, and it blew up quite a bit that time...


In regards to this J, if I recall, they received jedi training manuals. It was one of the early Agenda rewards if I remember right. As far as how they were set up, with their permission, I could share their Order's doc's.


you told me they followed me, you never explained WHY they followed me. You explained how they didnt get caught following me (having greater tech then any PC at the time, because NPC> PC.), but you never explained why they had some one tailing me to begin with. When they didnt have a reason to. That question has been avoided by you for a long time. Its the only question that matters and the only one you wont answer. Why have a group that has done nothing as of yet followed, let alone followed with the best Technology the galaxy has to offer, they paid top dollar to have a nobody that has done nothing followed... does that make sense to anyone.



Edit: Also please respond to the edit at least, there is A LOT more to that post then the land mine question. Including several suggestions so that people arent feeling like they HAVE to do Covert ops stuff all the time or take on a risk that the reward for is basically non-existent.

Edited by tunewalker
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Edit: Also please respond to the edit at least, there is A LOT more to that post then the land mine question. Including several suggestions so that people arent feeling like they HAVE to do Covert ops stuff all the time or take on a risk that the reward for is basically non-existent.


Didn't really seem like a question, rather than an observation.

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Didn't really seem like a question, rather than an observation.


true I guess, not much really to respond to but plenty to take into consideration when designing encounters... (another way to decentivize large groups of ships moving around is have them easier to track, and being easier to track means enemy NPC's can just warp almost entire fleets in, as far as i can tell that's part of the reason no one moves in large groups. There are to many places to defend, and if you move a large group you could find yourself in DEEP trouble leaving so much open, and if the bigger better enemy finds you risk so much.

Edited by tunewalker
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Sil I really think we need to discuss how counter intelligence work in game.Tune hit it on the head compare to regular intelligence it meant crap.Counter Intelligence groups should be able to stop Enemy agents or else what's the point.The only time in game where counter Intel agencies seemed to do their job was on Naos III with Star.When he faced the KB other than they couldn't stop Jar jar from what it seems.
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The IC I promised. Green is mine, orange is Sil



The issues surrounding Kohler were nagging at her. Keira wasn't one to let anything get beneath her skin, but Kohler could walk... and sometimes it felt like her could see right through her.


The scariest part. She felt just as empty as he was physically.


Naturally these were thoughts best left for a time of private contemplation. And seeing as how the current operations did not require her presence, Kess had insisted she take a vacation and with the decisions that would soon need to be made, now seemed as good a time as any to take some time and contemplate.




And with that the bottle of Corellian Brandy flew from the blind old Rodian barkeeper's hand and she deftly caught it mid-flight, despite obvious signs of impairment.


"Tell me. Is it all you'd hoped for?"


The man standing at the end of the bar was dressed in a vibrant, deep green suit that shimmered as he shifted his stance to face her. She continued to stare at the bottle in her hand, seemingly ignoring him.


"The vacation I meant..."

"I know."

"So? good, bad... found any company outside that bottle?"


"You need to be silent. Just, plea--" She stopped, still glaring at the bottle. She opened it up and began to pour a glass. Then she slid it in his direction. "drink and be silent."


As the drink slid, it ran afoul of the age-old issue where impaired persons have terrible aim. The drink went a meter before dropping off the bar and crashing to the floor. The glass broke, the drink spilled. Keira buried her head in her arms, mortified.


The green suited man glanced down at the spilt drink, furrowed his brow, then immediately softened his expression. "It's the thought right?" The man walked towards her, maintaining a modicum of distance with about one stool between them.


"So, are you ok?" He was unsure how to approach her. To be honest, no one ever knew how to approach her. She was never the same person very long, heck she didn't know how to approach her. But he tried, that was something she guessed.


"That's why I'm drinking alone in a seedy cantina on the fringes of the galaxy isn't it?" She gave him a hard stare, with as much malice as she could muster. Her uncoordinated muscles could barely manage the eye contact and she looked more like she'd been dazed after being trampled by a pack of Banthas.


"Oh? Uh, perhaps you could answer a question for me."

"Then you'll leave?"



"When did a nightclub on Denon frequented by holostars and the wealthy become a seedy spot on the edge of the galaxy?"


And with that, she slammed her head against the table and attempted to bury it under her arms and cloak, and anything she could grasp. Had she not been so drunk she might have decked him, but she was too tired for that.


"I'm sorry miss. I was rude, but will you be alright or could I call you a speeder?"


After a few minutes she sat up again. "Buy me a dinner, hold the drinks."


Without hesitation he motioned to the waiter droid.


"How may I be of service to you Sir?"

"I'd like a pair of well seasoned Nerf-steaks and a plate of our lovely planet's freshest produce. Also, fetch my coat if you will."

"At once Sir!" and the droid flittered off to fulfill its instructions


As they sat there, they didn't speak and only occasional glances were directed at one another. But it was peaceful, and Keira began to think that she might just not feel entirely empty again...


In the background a lone man who looked as if he had been to hell and back, his clothing ripped in various places, entered the restaurant. Seeming to not even notice the state of his clothing, he ordered a table for one, which was found a minute later.


He seemed paranoid, almost frantic as he continually scanned the room. As he was seated, not much changed, as he kept one eye open. The disconcerting part however, was how often he glanced in Keira's direction.


He checked his watch, and suddenly seemed as normal as can be, just sitting there.


Of course, that is when a commotion came from outside, which drew everyone's attention. Security guards rushed out, but seemed to not be making any progress.


The man was calmly sipping a fine wine, eyes fastened on Keira now.


Keira had noticed the man enter, and had maintained a casual watch on him since he'd arrived. The man in green seemed oblivious, though a peculiar sensation ran through her for a moment, then vanished.


As the commotion saw the guards leave and the man's stare continued, she grew uncomfortable.


"Excuse me." And motioned for the man in green to sit still. She stood up, wandered over to the bar again.


"Another" and as before the bottle flew at her. She caught it again, turned, and made her way, albeit slowly so as not to lose her balance, to the man's table.


"Drink." She poured a glass, this time letting the recipient take the glass himself. "Then talk and don't stare." she sat across from him, and pulled her cloak more across her shoulders.


The man in green's coat had been delivered to him, and he withdrew an item that Keira could not discern from the folds of the coat. Then he positioned the meals on their table, grabbed a round, purple fruit the size of his fist and began walking their way.


"Veeeeeeeeery interesting to meet you h-here... Lady Keira."


He chuckled at that, a slightly mad look in his eyes.


"I take it you are-are doing well?"


His grin was obviously fake.


The commotion outside started to quiet down, though the guards didn't return.


The man across from Keira looked as if he had been through the ringer, a face that may have been considered handsome to some before, now covered in bruises, and nose crooked.


His neck twitched a little before he continued, "Who is, eh..." he gestured widely to the man in green, "he?"


"Drink, you seem... distracted."


The man in green stepped over to the door, keeping an eye on it. Anticipating those who caused the commotion to arrive soon.


"Now, you know me... and I don't like that. So tell me who you are. Maybe then my friend will tell you his name."


He laughed full tilt at that.


"Why, I may look different since last time... But I would think you would remember your own operative, Mi'lady..."


He took a swig.


"Just making sure."


She poured one for herself, then let it sit there in front of her. As if she was daring herself to slip again.


"I didn't want to imagine you had made it Kyr." She looked him in the eyes with an icy gaze. "I had hoped they would kill you quickly." Her gaze didn't let up, it analyzed and observed every mark and line imprinted on his once young face.


"He's dead." The works barely made it past her lips. She cleared her throat.



"He's dead, You're dead..." She looked down at her drink in solemn contemplation. Then up to him, this time a somewhat softer look. "I'm dead." The finality of the statement was easily apparent in her voice.


"What now?"


"I thought I was dead too." He laughed.


He took another drink, the hints of insanity still lingering in his eyes.


"In a way... I didn't... In a way neither did you! Ha! None of us are who we were... Swirling into darkness..."


He shook his head.


"But... we can still avenge the fallen! Recover the lost!"


She glanced back up at him, and took a drink. The liquid burned its way down her throat, clearing the path for her words and dulling the pain they inflicted.


"Don't you get it Kyr? That was the mission. That was his vision and we failed."


She began to grow impatient


"We're done Kyr. It is over." She paused and sat in silence for a moment, dueling thoughts of if she should drink still more came whipping through her mind and were gone nearly as quickly as her will retook its tenuous hold.


"The war and death and honor. It is over... we're done." Her tone had an edge, exasperation with a hint of sadness.


"But I guess we can recover you now at least. The survivors are still around, I can arrange your return to them. Ventis might still be happy to see you."


She glanced at the doorway where the guards had vanished through and not returned.


"Friends of yours on their way?"


"It took some doing... but I put him back together again. Besides we, eh, had some who were trying to track us... Told him not to be so loud..."


Keira caught the man in green's eye.


"If you would, allow the droid to pass."


"What droi-"


The droid waltzed right past the man in green as it shouldered its rifle, but remained silent as it processed the nearly empty cafe.


"Something tells me it is time to go..." Kyr commented


"Our contact has a ship in a nearby hanger if you want to join us? I hear he is an old friend of yours... Unless, of course, we are to go with you?"


"I'm beginning to wonder how many old friends I can handle showing up... well this place was boring anyway."


She glanced over at the barkeeper. "Final Round!"


This time, a DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle came flying across the room. She deftly caught it and slung the rifle. As she did, the man in the green suit took possession of a helmet from the serving droid. As he donned the helmet, Keira's expression rapidly transitioned from confusion, to realization, to horror, to anger, then rested on contentment.


"Kess sent you?"


"Yes ma'am."


"Damn that girl." and as she ran out, she grasped his forearm, pulled him close and whispered.


"Ner vod"


Then she smiled and took the second position in line while Scythe brought up the rear.


The agent and droid followed suit.


Outside of the Cafe were some charred corpses which some-what resembled Imperial Agents, and a few others low rung bounty hunters.


IC: "Now where is that ship?"


"Just around that corner up there."


He gestured to a corridor that led left a dozen meters ahead of them.


They could hear dozens of footsteps pursuing them, but luckily they couldn't get clear shots.

"Hurry it up..."


As they reached the corridor, Keira skidded to a halt, turning her body to face the enemy and unloaded a clip from her rifle. As she finished Scythe used the force to yank her into the corridor and they continued to run.


Ahead of them a large man that looked vaguely familiar stepped out of the hanger, Assault Cannon with rotating chambers in his arms.


"Hit the deck!" he hollered down the hall as the gun started to warm up and spin.


Kyr and Shiver forced Keira and the man in green to the ground mere moments before red bolts roared from the heavy weapon, scything down the remaining pursuers.


In less than a few seconds it was over, and the gun was spinning down as he motioned for the group to follow.


As Keira got up, she noticed that there was at least 20 bodies at the other end of the hall, filled with blaster holes now.


"Kyr... why are there so many people chasing you?"


At the same time she slung the rifle and walked over to the man with the assault cannon.


"They and I had a disagreement" Kyr responded as he rushed for the hanger.


The man with the cannon however laughed loudly at that, "Ho ho ho! Yes, for you see, they wished to kill him, and he... well... decided to cause some mayhem in his escape..."


By then Keira was close enough to identify the man.


"Well now, if it isn't Keira! Jolly good, how has the Galaxy been treating you, eh?" Brasher dropped the gun as if it was a toy, leaving a small dent in the floor as well as a loud clang. He then embraced Keira in a bear hug.


She embraced him back. One thing she'd learned from her travels was that you had to take friend where you could get them. Despite her mission to infiltrate them, they still took her in even knowing full well who she was. Brasher had always been the one she'd appreciated the most, aside from the occasional pep-talk from O'gis.


"Su'cuy vod" She pulled away, and looked at him and just thought to herself, He has no idea how long I've wanted to say that.


"Now, before more arrive we need to leave. Once on the ship you lot will explain this to me."


He nodded as he released Keira, hefted his gun from the dented floor, and led the way to the ship in the hanger, scanning for hostiles.


The good ole fashioned troop transport was as beat up as ever, but it was home.


They made it into hyperspace before any fighters could be launched.


IC: "Alright. So you ruined my vacation. Kess will have your head Kyr."


"Buck up, lass! You couldn't drown your misery's anyways," Brasher retorted, probably from experience...


"So, now that were away from imminent annoyances... How bout we chit-chat bout this here groups future, eh?" Brasher retrieved some drinks from the ships cooler as he asked the question, handing one to each.


Kyr just glared at the man.


"I'm curious about that myself. Is it just you and these two with us Brasher?"


She looked towards the ship's cockpit with mock concern.


"Aye, we all decided we could do much more separate, with aide should we call for it."


He briefly followed her gaze.


"That laddie is off on his own mission," he mumbles "not that we could stop him if we wanted..."


"Very well. So what is your current plan, I mean it wasn't an accident that Kyr stumbled into my bar. The SD is typically very thorough in composing covers."


Kyr spoke first, "S-shiver and I want to continue on w-with our work. The Mando Werda's days are o-over... But under y-your leadership, we feel we can still do some g-good."


"Affirmative," Shiver commented.


"And you Brasher?"


He took a swig, seeming to think it over.


"Ah, you lot seem to get into plenty of trouble. Count me in."


IC: "Well Kyr, as I said we're out of the game. Galactic politics, fighting the Empire... it isn't for us."


She sat back in her seat, the adrenaline high started to fade and she realized just how drunk she'd gotten.


"We'll be headed to our newest project. In case you didn't hear Kyr, Dar'yaim went mad and tried to conquer Mandalore. The survivors have made their way back, now we have to settle them down. We're in the business of construction if you can believe it."


She gave Brasher the coordinates for Maryx Minor and went to lie down in the back cabin.


"Go here. I think we could all use a week of safe, hard labor before we do something fun again. Trust me, there will still be plenty of things to blow up in the galaxy."


"Jolly good, I got some new ones to test out... I'll wake ya when we arrive."


He adjusted the trajectory, and off they went.


Edited by StarSquirrel
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The IC I promised. Green is mine, orange is Sil



The issues surrounding Kohler were nagging at her. Keira wasn't one to let anything get beneath her skin, but Kohler could walk... and sometimes it felt like her could see right through her.


The scariest part. She felt just as empty as he was physically.


Naturally these were thoughts best left for a time of private contemplation. And seeing as how the current operations did not require her presence, Kess had insisted she take a vacation and with the decisions that would soon need to be made, now seemed as good a time as any to take some time and contemplate.




And with that the bottle of Corellian Brandy flew from the blind old Rodian barkeeper's hand and she deftly caught it mid-flight, despite obvious signs of impairment.


"Tell me. Is it all you'd hoped for?"


The man standing at the end of the bar was dressed in a vibrant, deep green suit that shimmered as he shifted his stance to face her. She continued to stare at the bottle in her hand, seemingly ignoring him.


"The vacation I meant..."

"I know."

"So? good, bad... found any company outside that bottle?"


"You need to be silent. Just, plea--" She stopped, still glaring at the bottle. She opened it up and began to pour a glass. Then she slid it in his direction. "drink and be silent."


As the drink slid, it ran afoul of the age-old issue where impaired persons have terrible aim. The drink went a meter before dropping off the bar and crashing to the floor. The glass broke, the drink spilled. Keira buried her head in her arms, mortified.


The green suited man glanced down at the spilt drink, furrowed his brow, then immediately softened his expression. "It's the thought right?" The man walked towards her, maintaining a modicum of distance with about one stool between them.


"So, are you ok?" He was unsure how to approach her. To be honest, no one ever knew how to approach her. She was never the same person very long, heck she didn't know how to approach her. But he tried, that was something she guessed.


"That's why I'm drinking alone in a seedy cantina on the fringes of the galaxy isn't it?" She gave him a hard stare, with as much malice as she could muster. Her uncoordinated muscles could barely manage the eye contact and she looked more like she'd been dazed after being trampled by a pack of Banthas.


"Oh? Uh, perhaps you could answer a question for me."

"Then you'll leave?"



"When did a nightclub on Denon frequented by holostars and the wealthy become a seedy spot on the edge of the galaxy?"


And with that, she slammed her head against the table and attempted to bury it under her arms and cloak, and anything she could grasp. Had she not been so drunk she might have decked him, but she was too tired for that.


"I'm sorry miss. I was rude, but will you be alright or could I call you a speeder?"


After a few minutes she sat up again. "Buy me a dinner, hold the drinks."


Without hesitation he motioned to the waiter droid.


"How may I be of service to you Sir?"

"I'd like a pair of well seasoned Nerf-steaks and a plate of our lovely planet's freshest produce. Also, fetch my coat if you will."

"At once Sir!" and the droid flittered off to fulfill its instructions


As they sat there, they didn't speak and only occasional glances were directed at one another. But it was peaceful, and Keira began to think that she might just not feel entirely empty again...


In the background a lone man who looked as if he had been to hell and back, his clothing ripped in various places, entered the restaurant. Seeming to not even notice the state of his clothing, he ordered a table for one, which was found a minute later.


He seemed paranoid, almost frantic as he continually scanned the room. As he was seated, not much changed, as he kept one eye open. The disconcerting part however, was how often he glanced in Keira's direction.


He checked his watch, and suddenly seemed as normal as can be, just sitting there.


Of course, that is when a commotion came from outside, which drew everyone's attention. Security guards rushed out, but seemed to not be making any progress.


The man was calmly sipping a fine wine, eyes fastened on Keira now.


Keira had noticed the man enter, and had maintained a casual watch on him since he'd arrived. The man in green seemed oblivious, though a peculiar sensation ran through her for a moment, then vanished.


As the commotion saw the guards leave and the man's stare continued, she grew uncomfortable.


"Excuse me." And motioned for the man in green to sit still. She stood up, wandered over to the bar again.


"Another" and as before the bottle flew at her. She caught it again, turned, and made her way, albeit slowly so as not to lose her balance, to the man's table.


"Drink." She poured a glass, this time letting the recipient take the glass himself. "Then talk and don't stare." she sat across from him, and pulled her cloak more across her shoulders.


The man in green's coat had been delivered to him, and he withdrew an item that Keira could not discern from the folds of the coat. Then he positioned the meals on their table, grabbed a round, purple fruit the size of his fist and began walking their way.


"Veeeeeeeeery interesting to meet you h-here... Lady Keira."


He chuckled at that, a slightly mad look in his eyes.


"I take it you are-are doing well?"


His grin was obviously fake.


The commotion outside started to quiet down, though the guards didn't return.


The man across from Keira looked as if he had been through the ringer, a face that may have been considered handsome to some before, now covered in bruises, and nose crooked.


His neck twitched a little before he continued, "Who is, eh..." he gestured widely to the man in green, "he?"


"Drink, you seem... distracted."


The man in green stepped over to the door, keeping an eye on it. Anticipating those who caused the commotion to arrive soon.


"Now, you know me... and I don't like that. So tell me who you are. Maybe then my friend will tell you his name."


He laughed full tilt at that.


"Why, I may look different since last time... But I would think you would remember your own operative, Mi'lady..."


He took a swig.


"Just making sure."


She poured one for herself, then let it sit there in front of her. As if she was daring herself to slip again.


"I didn't want to imagine you had made it Kyr." She looked him in the eyes with an icy gaze. "I had hoped they would kill you quickly." Her gaze didn't let up, it analyzed and observed every mark and line imprinted on his once young face.


"He's dead." The works barely made it past her lips. She cleared her throat.



"He's dead, You're dead..." She looked down at her drink in solemn contemplation. Then up to him, this time a somewhat softer look. "I'm dead." The finality of the statement was easily apparent in her voice.


"What now?"


"I thought I was dead too." He laughed.


He took another drink, the hints of insanity still lingering in his eyes.


"In a way... I didn't... In a way neither did you! Ha! None of us are who we were... Swirling into darkness..."


He shook his head.


"But... we can still avenge the fallen! Recover the lost!"


She glanced back up at him, and took a drink. The liquid burned its way down her throat, clearing the path for her words and dulling the pain they inflicted.


"Don't you get it Kyr? That was the mission. That was his vision and we failed."


She began to grow impatient


"We're done Kyr. It is over." She paused and sat in silence for a moment, dueling thoughts of if she should drink still more came whipping through her mind and were gone nearly as quickly as her will retook its tenuous hold.


"The war and death and honor. It is over... we're done." Her tone had an edge, exasperation with a hint of sadness.


"But I guess we can recover you now at least. The survivors are still around, I can arrange your return to them. Ventis might still be happy to see you."


She glanced at the doorway where the guards had vanished through and not returned.


"Friends of yours on their way?"


"It took some doing... but I put him back together again. Besides we, eh, had some who were trying to track us... Told him not to be so loud..."


Keira caught the man in green's eye.


"If you would, allow the droid to pass."


"What droi-"


The droid waltzed right past the man in green as it shouldered its rifle, but remained silent as it processed the nearly empty cafe.


"Something tells me it is time to go..." Kyr commented


"Our contact has a ship in a nearby hanger if you want to join us? I hear he is an old friend of yours... Unless, of course, we are to go with you?"


"I'm beginning to wonder how many old friends I can handle showing up... well this place was boring anyway."


She glanced over at the barkeeper. "Final Round!"


This time, a DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle came flying across the room. She deftly caught it and slung the rifle. As she did, the man in the green suit took possession of a helmet from the serving droid. As he donned the helmet, Keira's expression rapidly transitioned from confusion, to realization, to horror, to anger, then rested on contentment.


"Kess sent you?"


"Yes ma'am."


"Damn that girl." and as she ran out, she grasped his forearm, pulled him close and whispered.


"Ner vod"


Then she smiled and took the second position in line while Scythe brought up the rear.


The agent and droid followed suit.


Outside of the Cafe were some charred corpses which some-what resembled Imperial Agents, and a few others low rung bounty hunters.


IC: "Now where is that ship?"


"Just around that corner up there."


He gestured to a corridor that led left a dozen meters ahead of them.


They could hear dozens of footsteps pursuing them, but luckily they couldn't get clear shots.

"Hurry it up..."


As they reached the corridor, Keira skidded to a halt, turning her body to face the enemy and unloaded a clip from her rifle. As she finished Scythe used the force to yank her into the corridor and they continued to run.


Ahead of them a large man that looked vaguely familiar stepped out of the hanger, Assault Cannon with rotating chambers in his arms.


"Hit the deck!" he hollered down the hall as the gun started to warm up and spin.


Kyr and Shiver forced Keira and the man in green to the ground mere moments before red bolts roared from the heavy weapon, scything down the remaining pursuers.


In less than a few seconds it was over, and the gun was spinning down as he motioned for the group to follow.


As Keira got up, she noticed that there was at least 20 bodies at the other end of the hall, filled with blaster holes now.


"Kyr... why are there so many people chasing you?"


At the same time she slung the rifle and walked over to the man with the assault cannon.


"They and I had a disagreement" Kyr responded as he rushed for the hanger.


The man with the cannon however laughed loudly at that, "Ho ho ho! Yes, for you see, they wished to kill him, and he... well... decided to cause some mayhem in his escape..."


By then Keira was close enough to identify the man.


"Well now, if it isn't Keira! Jolly good, how has the Galaxy been treating you, eh?" Brasher dropped the gun as if it was a toy, leaving a small dent in the floor as well as a loud clang. He then embraced Keira in a bear hug.


She embraced him back. One thing she'd learned from her travels was that you had to take friend where you could get them. Despite her mission to infiltrate them, they still took her in even knowing full well who she was. Brasher had always been the one she'd appreciated the most, aside from the occasional pep-talk from O'gis.


"Su'cuy vod" She pulled away, and looked at him and just thought to herself, He has no idea how long I've wanted to say that.


"Now, before more arrive we need to leave. Once on the ship you lot will explain this to me."


He nodded as he released Keira, hefted his gun from the dented floor, and led the way to the ship in the hanger, scanning for hostiles.


The good ole fashioned troop transport was as beat up as ever, but it was home.


They made it into hyperspace before any fighters could be launched.


IC: "Alright. So you ruined my vacation. Kess will have your head Kyr."


"Buck up, lass! You couldn't drown your misery's anyways," Brasher retorted, probably from experience...


"So, now that were away from imminent annoyances... How bout we chit-chat bout this here groups future, eh?" Brasher retrieved some drinks from the ships cooler as he asked the question, handing one to each.


Kyr just glared at the man.


"I'm curious about that myself. Is it just you and these two with us Brasher?"


She looked towards the ship's cockpit with mock concern.


"Aye, we all decided we could do much more separate, with aide should we call for it."


He briefly followed her gaze.


"That laddie is off on his own mission," he mumbles "not that we could stop him if we wanted..."


"Very well. So what is your current plan, I mean it wasn't an accident that Kyr stumbled into my bar. The SD is typically very thorough in composing covers."


Kyr spoke first, "S-shiver and I want to continue on w-with our work. The Mando Werda's days are o-over... But under y-your leadership, we feel we can still do some g-good."


"Affirmative," Shiver commented.


"And you Brasher?"


He took a swig, seeming to think it over.


"Ah, you lot seem to get into plenty of trouble. Count me in."


IC: "Well Kyr, as I said we're out of the game. Galactic politics, fighting the Empire... it isn't for us."


She sat back in her seat, the adrenaline high started to fade and she realized just how drunk she'd gotten.


"We'll be headed to our newest project. In case you didn't hear Kyr, Dar'yaim went mad and tried to conquer Mandalore. The survivors have made their way back, now we have to settle them down. We're in the business of construction if you can believe it."


She gave Brasher the coordinates for Maryx Minor and went to lie down in the back cabin.


"Go here. I think we could all use a week of safe, hard labor before we do something fun again. Trust me, there will still be plenty of things to blow up in the galaxy."


"Jolly good, I got some new ones to test out... I'll wake ya when we arrive."


He adjusted the trajectory, and off they went.

I have to asked did you just update his innates for this or have they been their for a while now?

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Hmm? By "his" who do you mean? There are 4 males in that story...

My apologies I thought I put his name but did you upgrade Kyr innates during the game for this reveal or did you leave it in plan sight?


Side note: Did you get my email from earlier?

Edited by Jarons
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My apologies I thought I put his name but did you upgrade Kyr innates during the game for this reveal or did you leave it in plan sight?


Side note: Did you get my email from earlier?


This was my 1 year reward to get these two back. They both got new innate skills and I'm pretty sure I posted them.


As for the email, yeah I got it just been busy with other stuff.

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This was my 1 year reward to get these two back. They both got new innate skills and I'm pretty sure I posted them.


As for the email, yeah I got it just been busy with other stuff.

Wait so those were your two special characters that's pretty cool well three characters since you also got Basher.Not to mention I was debating sending a Coalition stealth frigate to scout out Maryx Minor am kinda happy I didn't it would have been destroyed.


Then it's no rush just making sure my email had been wacky all week several of my teachers haven't received them from my main email so was just checking.

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Wait so those were your two special characters that's pretty cool well three characters since you also got Basher.Not to mention I was debating sending a Coalition stealth frigate to scout out Maryx Minor am kinda happy I didn't it would have been destroyed.


Then it's no rush just making sure my email had been wacky all week several of my teachers haven't received them from my main email so was just checking.


I actually didn't pick characters I picked mystery and that was what I got.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I just remembered something I was going to do in 1.0 but silw wouldn't let me.I had a agent aboard the IRA diplomatic Ship over Voss.I was going to blow the entire Ship or at very least disable the light support systens of the ship than allow you all to die.
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