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Revelations of Conquest: Galactic Schemes


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So did anyone ever find the EV's capital planet?


Or find out where the MW went?


I have to admit a few things.


1. I was in fact responsible for blowing up the hanger in your space station J. Also, my agents posed as the construction crew repairing it and laid traps, more explosives, and hacked the whole station. I never used it of course... I also had, when the MW was around, no fewer than 150 men on Gall until the MW went rouge and the SD pulled out.


2. I actually had an expert agent/assassin within blaster reach of Farewell for about 8 weeks or so. About half Adrian's personal guard detail provided by the MW were agents (who, coincidentally were also professional soldiers as per their training). The Warehouse explosion/implosion was Fehler blowing up my agents as well, Kyr barely made it out.


3. I seriously considered targeting Gall with the rouge MW, but Voss became a better target to make the MW into a galaxy-wide issue.


4. I knew about the Vong attack on Mandalore a long time before it happened.


5. I lead a successful guerilla war on Geonosis right up to the MW going rouge. I captured well over 500,000 b1's and reprogrammed them all and stashed them on my capital world in case some idiot tried to attack me. The attacking team, btw, suffered no casualties and were on the surface for over 5 weeks.


6. The MW had gained access to ALL Mandalorian technology after the attack on Kamino.


7. I had a book. It was a special book. I liked my book but it took a while to get around to using it.


8. Keira was a part of Team Bad@ss for a while, Brasher was actually under my command for a while


9. Kyr and Shiver found their way home after escaping Kronva.


10. I know some things about Fehler, but I think I want to be extra sure with Sil that talking about the other "K" guy is alright now.


Bonus: I had the Fett DNA from Kamino


If anyone has more questions feel free to ask.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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Ok am calling Bull$hit on that right now.No one you could have possible have would have even near enough power for that to happen.




The big issue was that it wasn't really possible to do what I wanted to do with you faction.


Then look at what could have happened with the OK if Rynne had won.

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So did anyone ever find the EV's capital planet?


Or find out where the MW went?


I have to admit a few things.


1. I was in fact responsible for blowing up the hanger in your space station J. Also, my agents posed as the construction crew repairing it and laid traps, more explosives, and hacked the whole station. I never used it of course... I also had, when the MW was around, no fewer than 150 men on Gall until the MW went rouge and the SD pulled out.


2. I actually had an expert agent/assassin within blaster reach of Farewell for about 8 weeks or so. About half Adrian's personal guard detail provided by the MW were agents (who, coincidentally were also professional soldiers as per their training). The Warehouse explosion/implosion was Fehler blowing up my agents as well, Kyr barely made it out.


3. I seriously considered targeting Gall with the rouge MW, but Voss became a better target to make the MW into a galaxy-wide issue.


4. I knew about the Vong attack on Mandalore a long time before it happened.


5. I lead a successful guerilla war on Geonosis right up to the MW going rouge. I captured well over 500,000 b1's and reprogrammed them all and stashed them on my capital world in case some idiot tried to attack me. The attacking team, btw, suffered no casualties and were on the surface for over 5 weeks.


6. The MW had gained access to ALL Mandalorian technology after the attack on Kamino.


7. I had a book. It was a special book. I liked my book but it took a while to get around to using it.


8. Keira was a part of Team Bad@ss for a while, Brasher was actually under my command for a while


9. Kyr and Shiver found their way home after escaping Kronva.


10. I know some things about Fehler, but I think I want to be extra sure with Sil that talking about the other "K" guy is alright now.


Bonus: I had the Fett DNA from Kamino


If anyone has more questions feel free to ask.

1 question: HOW??

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How to which one? They were all quite unique feats...

Most of the stuff you pulled of with the MW tbh. The Geonosis thing for example, I just cant comprehend how that would work. Was it the strategy, the troops used, the PC(s) leading them or luck/overlord generosity? What canfuses me is that iiirc most of the MW NPCs werent that skilled, mostly around rank 3 iirc, so I juat cant understand how theyd pull of something like this.

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The big issue was that it wasn't really possible to do what I wanted to do with you faction.


Then look at what could have happened with the OK if Rynne had won.

YEa she would have never won.Am the one who shoot her anyway. Only reason she wasn't killed their was because I wanted to take her in the middle of the night and had more then enough to buy some stuff off of Star to make her tell me whatever I wanted and would have found your people in my faction with it.


Also well for a but I was going to destroy the FC and do something similar to star and just Start over with JR as the leader.Then some stuff happened so I kept the faction as is.

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Most of the stuff you pulled of with the MW tbh. The Geonosis thing for example, I just cant comprehend how that would work. Was it the strategy, the troops used, the PC(s) leading them or luck/overlord generosity? What canfuses me is that iiirc most of the MW NPCs werent that skilled, mostly around rank 3 iirc, so I juat cant understand how theyd pull of something like this.


Traits are pretty helpful, plus I put more stock in skilled troops than in phenomenal leaders. A part of it was Overlord grace as well ofc, but everyone got that.


As for the plan, I used a captured Providence and several Action VI transports (which have a sensor-shielded hull) to gain access to the planet. My troops unloaded and the ships were loaded with B1's and left. For resupply and eventually extraction the process was repeated. The CIS droid production is so big, what I stole was a rounding error on someone's spreadsheet so it didn't draw attention.


The troops waited a week to ensure other cargo vessels could come and go so the MW vessels wouldn't be pegged as being the cause. Then they got to work, simultaneously attacking a cave system and the arena at the same time (mostly planting explosives and leaving) They used Basilisks and Sooba's skill at camouflage to hide in some of the more remote areas of Geonosis. They even managed to sabotage the CIS's droid production for a bit when they hit one of the factories after drawing the guards off with an assault on the main hive.


My Security Division agents played a key part in getting the proper codes for the fleet and such, so kinda critical to have an extremely elite intelligence agency working for you.


This was also one of the more detailed operations I conducted so less room for error.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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So did anyone ever find the EV's capital planet?


Or find out where the MW went?


I have to admit a few things.


1. I was in fact responsible for blowing up the hanger in your space station J. Also, my agents posed as the construction crew repairing it and laid traps, more explosives, and hacked the whole station. I never used it of course... I also had, when the MW was around, no fewer than 150 men on Gall until the MW went rouge and the SD pulled out.


2. I actually had an expert agent/assassin within blaster reach of Farewell for about 8 weeks or so. About half Adrian's personal guard detail provided by the MW were agents (who, coincidentally were also professional soldiers as per their training). The Warehouse explosion/implosion was Fehler blowing up my agents as well, Kyr barely made it out.


3. I seriously considered targeting Gall with the rouge MW, but Voss became a better target to make the MW into a galaxy-wide issue.


4. I knew about the Vong attack on Mandalore a long time before it happened.


5. I lead a successful guerilla war on Geonosis right up to the MW going rouge. I captured well over 500,000 b1's and reprogrammed them all and stashed them on my capital world in case some idiot tried to attack me. The attacking team, btw, suffered no casualties and were on the surface for over 5 weeks.


6. The MW had gained access to ALL Mandalorian technology after the attack on Kamino.


7. I had a book. It was a special book. I liked my book but it took a while to get around to using it.


8. Keira was a part of Team Bad@ss for a while, Brasher was actually under my command for a while


9. Kyr and Shiver found their way home after escaping Kronva.


10. I know some things about Fehler, but I think I want to be extra sure with Sil that talking about the other "K" guy is alright now.


Bonus: I had the Fett DNA from Kamino


If anyone has more questions feel free to ask.


I always assumed it was somewhere around Wroona where I was going to pick up those B1 for the Ruusan thing.Not to mentioned I was going to help Team VS track you down so I could get Adrian back.


1.Star remember o figured that out myself I still have the PM I think when we talked about that.The construction Crew I did not know we can do that am keep that in my back pocket for the future.The SD thing I also knew about but it wasn't hurting me so I didn't care.


2.Ok this one I did not know about but I did think it was possible but this was around the same time Adrian first left.


3.Well am happy about that and thought you was coming to Gall next So I laid traps for you.Which now with the station thing probably wouldn't have worked.


5.Well I am the one who gave you the Job so am happy this was a success.


6.How much tech did they really have I have to ask?Well wasn't that from a Job you did with Tune or from something else?


7.Wait I know this one will you tell em how you got that book and answer the question I email you about?


10.The Felher thing Sil told me about and I am surprise you really went that deep into it.


To your bonus ok who wouldn't have went after that but dam star you did way more then I thought you would how come you never attacked Karadon?

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YEa she would have never won.Am the one who shoot her anyway. Only reason she wasn't killed their was because I wanted to take her in the middle of the night and had more then enough to buy some stuff off of Star to make her tell me whatever I wanted and would have found your people in my faction with it.


Also well for a but I was going to destroy the FC and do something similar to star and just Start over with JR as the leader.Then some stuff happened so I kept the faction as is.


Still it would have required your people to evade, essentially a whole faction and a bit of another. Then having her disappear in the middle of the night would have only thrown dirt on Ayan's reputation. (That is if your people even got near her.) Then if you people got found out...the OK would have been more than happy to join in on the GI anti-FC bandwagon.


Also she didn't know anything about the GI's people in your faction. So...

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I will admit I learned a lot from 1.0 and how I made many mistakes that could have costed me in game.I will use all I learned in 2.0 to hopefully make things that happened in 1.0 not repeat its self.


Side note:I feel I should mentioned I had agents in the IRA sense we meet and signed the treaty and was going to kill the Twins then slowly gain the loyalty of your troops and have them joined me.Then I changed my mind and just kept my agents in for a plan I had down the line.

Edited by Jarons
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I always assumed it was somewhere around Wroona where I was going to pick up those B1 for the Ruusan thing.Not to mentioned I was going to help Team VS track you down so I could get Adrian back.


To your bonus ok who wouldn't have went after that but dam star you did way more then I thought you would how come you never attacked Karadon?


You're sorta close to one of my planets, in fact I met Kohler over Wroona... but I sold Wroona, so no that wasn't my capital.


As for attacking K, there were two issues.

- He was in Imperial space, and the MW fleet was hardly inconspicuous so getting to him would have likely been more trouble than it was worth.

- After the MW went rogue I never had a fleet again. The most capital ships I've had since the EV started was 8, with an additional 8 obtained when the MW returned for a total of 16. I had a 100 elite fighters that formed Prudii Company. I only had ~3,000 other fighters as well. Now, the ships I did have were the kind you never wanted to run into in a dark corner of space, but I hadn't built a lot yet.

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Still it would have required your people to evade, essentially a whole faction and a bit of another. Then having her disappear in the middle of the night would have only thrown dirt on Ayan's reputation. (That is if your people even got near her.) Then if you people got found out...the OK would have been more than happy to join in on the GI anti-FC bandwagon.


Also she didn't know anything about the GI's people in your faction. So...

Well that would have been very difficult when the OK put me in charge of the investigation. It would have been easy to find evidence linking her to the GI and saying she sneak away in the middle of the night to return to her Imperial master.Which would have her missing her honor in the OK and given me leeway to go on about my business.Especially since the people I had doing it could defeat all three of yours without a problem.


I have to mentioned The speech kinda put the Coalition on top of the Galaxy.With its leader convincing multiple Galactic power into peace when that spreads it will really make the GI look bad when the leader of the faction they said was so evil just convinced half the Galaxy to put down their arms.So thank you.

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1.Sil was that Adrian who convince the other factions to accept the peace deal?


2.Will he be returning to the Coalition?


3.Can you tell me all the stuff Star and Tune done to my faction or planets without my knowledge?


4.Did the GE every Make the GI do something against their values.


5.What happened to the MW.


6.How many agents did the EOV,GI and tune Faction have in the FC?


7.Who framed Roger Rabbit?


8.Can you release how everyone unique design ships?


9.How did Felher Kidnap Adrian?


3. I was behind black sun, I was the terrorists, I was the guys that blew up Star's Station.


On Ruusan I had both a Velocity canon and a Ion Canon, could have decided that one either way according to Sil.


I was hired by the empire and had an inquisitor placed on me to do some of this, others was I was trying to get in the good graces with black sun to move on up in the galaxy. I owned nearly every transport company in the Republic, Old Republic and Rebel Space which made all kinds of money and I had 3 secret Space Stations, I had Corrupted several planets including Sullust so if you had troubles setting up trade there its probably cus I didnt want you snooping around my operations.

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3. I was behind black sun, I was the terrorists, I was the guys that blew up Star's Station.


On Ruusan I had both a Velocity canon and a Ion Canon, could have decided that one either way according to Sil.


I was hired by the empire and had an inquisitor placed on me to do some of this, others was I was trying to get in the good graces with black sun to move on up in the galaxy. I owned nearly every transport company in the Republic, Old Republic and Rebel Space which made all kinds of money and I had 3 secret Space Stations, I had Corrupted several planets including Sullust so if you had troubles setting up trade there its probably cus I didnt want you snooping around my operations.

Really the first two *** I was you best PC customer.The BS thing was going to happen anyway but the terrorists thing why?


Well I was going tmo build one myself should have built the Velocity cannon.


Ok the sullest thing I wonder why that didn't work.

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Really the first two *** I was you best PC customer.The BS thing was going to happen anyway but the terrorists thing why?


Well I was going tmo build one myself should have built the Velocity cannon.


Ok the sullest thing I wonder why that didn't work.


As I said, Empire had an inquistor on me. It was the only way to remove the inquisitor. The job was to elimate you, Star's Faction and LK's faction. I succeeded, kind of.

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I have to asked Did you own the Wheel space stationed that just seemed like you would own that.


My stations were called, Fallout, Phalanx, and something else. Obviously the way I pulled off some of the schemes is you guys litterally let me do it practically.


Like for example star's station that got destroyed, the bombs were built into the portions I added onto it. For me it was a win win. I had quick access to upgrade station and the job got done.



But ya Its not like Karadron was safe from it either, before I stopped I was planning to infiltrate the Empire pretty heavily. Like when you told me to send people to Duros I think it was or where ever it was Jerec was before the attack on Ruusan, I LITERALLY had people infiltrated there already they had been there for months gathering intel on the Empire. I think same thing went for the planet you were on. When I said "consider them already there" its because they were already there. :D


Honestly I was surprised some of you didnt catch on. First my change in behavior after being picked up by the empire and it gave no hint to star (I was trying to warn you subtly) and then all those links to Lando. I was basically playing Lando ("who has 2 thumbs and betrayed his best friend... THIS GUY") but I was also planning on pulling a Lando when I got the chance, the army I was building up was for a surprise party for the Empire. They let me in, built up trust and then I stab them in the back with the whole "you shouldnt have put an inquisitor on me"


Edit: speaking of did ANYONE have agents in my organization that I didnt find. I was running counter intel pretty constantly so I was pretty sure I was clean.



(speaking of army, it was basically made up of Spartii Clone's as I had about 4 or so area's set up with sparti cloning cylinders)

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I'd like to know the truth about Kohler Sil.


I mean, Keira shot and killed him on Hoth then he comes back as a ghosts and haunts the Nova, then he helps bring down Xist, and then Klados (who he manages to affect despite being incorporeal), then he wants me to give Klados to him, THEN I find out that he might not be dead and on Coruscant instead.


Not to mention his story about him and Fehler.


I mean seriously straighten this out.

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I'd like to know the truth about Kohler Sil.


I mean, Keira shot and killed him on Hoth then he comes back as a ghosts and haunts the Nova, then he helps bring down Xist, and then Klados (who he manages to affect despite being incorporeal), then he wants me to give Klados to him, THEN I find out that he might not be dead and on Coruscant instead.


Not to mention his story about him and Fehler.


I mean seriously straighten this out.


He is indeed alive.


In fact, his skills are exactly what qualified him for the mission he went on.


Combine force illusions/projections, invisibility, and ability to mask ones presence? Fake-Ghost. :cool:

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He is indeed alive.


In fact, his skills are exactly what qualified him for the mission he went on.


Combine force illusions/projections, invisibility, and ability to mask ones presence? Fake-Ghost. :cool:

Hmm... I called it then.


Still, curious why my 2 force-users with force sense mastered didn't catch on when they both regularly spent time meditating around him. In fact I explicitly asked several times if they sensed anything which they obviously should have. Or why when my ship went to the opposite end of the galaxy from Coruscant he could still convincingly project to them. Or how he could attack Klados...


Altogether, it was a pain of the storyline and I hope it is dead and buried never to see the light of day again. Seriously, there is no precedence in the mythos for this to be possible so I'm at a loss for why my people didn't find out...

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Hmm... I called it then.


Still, curious why my 2 force-users with force sense mastered didn't catch on when they both regularly spent time meditating around him. In fact I explicitly asked several times if they sensed anything which they obviously should have. Or why when my ship went to the opposite end of the galaxy from Coruscant he could still convincingly project to them. Or how he could attack Klados...


Altogether, it was a pain of the storyline and I hope it is dead and buried never to see the light of day again. Seriously, there is no precedence in the mythos for this to be possible so I'm at a loss for why my people didn't find out...


Except I also mentioned invisibility. Do note, the last sighting on Coruscant was before he started 'haunting' the Nova.


As for why they didn't catch on, that is due to his highly advanced skill in remaining undetectable to other force users. Tbh, his other force abilities were rather... terrible... and he was more of a specialist.


Also, part of why they didn't sense something off, was in part due to the lack of knowledge on force ghosts in general, as well as the whole hiding his presence thing.


Heck, as K about him a bit. Even when he isn't haunting people he is a pain... :rolleyes:


Side Note: For example, Art of Small, Force Stealth, and one or two others.

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My stations were called, Fallout, Phalanx, and something else. Obviously the way I pulled off some of the schemes is you guys litterally let me do it practically.


Like for example star's station that got destroyed, the bombs were built into the portions I added onto it. For me it was a win win. I had quick access to upgrade station and the job got done.



But ya Its not like Karadron was safe from it either, before I stopped I was planning to infiltrate the Empire pretty heavily. Like when you told me to send people to Duros I think it was or where ever it was Jerec was before the attack on Ruusan, I LITERALLY had people infiltrated there already they had been there for months gathering intel on the Empire. I think same thing went for the planet you were on. When I said "consider them already there" its because they were already there. :D


Honestly I was surprised some of you didnt catch on. First my change in behavior after being picked up by the empire and it gave no hint to star (I was trying to warn you subtly) and then all those links to Lando. I was basically playing Lando ("who has 2 thumbs and betrayed his best friend... THIS GUY") but I was also planning on pulling a Lando when I got the chance, the army I was building up was for a surprise party for the Empire. They let me in, built up trust and then I stab them in the back with the whole "you shouldnt have put an inquisitor on me"


Edit: speaking of did ANYONE have agents in my organization that I didnt find. I was running counter intel pretty constantly so I was pretty sure I was clean.



(speaking of army, it was basically made up of Spartii Clone's as I had about 4 or so area's set up with sparti cloning cylinders)


*slowly raises hand* I had five guys in there, tune.


I supplied tune with GI codes so he could frame my faction for espionage stuff. :p


Also I captured S1L and SK, or at least there chassis, by exploding an EMP in my main base and then using my intelligence network to link it with the FC.


Also my main planets were all along the GE-Republic border by the end.


And actually the GI didn't say the FC was bad, just the FC not led by Adrian. So...theoretically him helping the peace only proved part of what the GI said.

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Also I captured S1L and SK, or at least there chassis, by exploding an EMP in my main base and then using my intelligence network to link it with the FC.


Incorrect K.


You captured SK-LX.


Then that 'virus' that was lying in wait sent the signal. Which triggered the IC after. However, it was not S1L that you encountered (not even his style).


What you saw was, in essence, a 'copy' of SK-LX attempting to retrieve the memory of the original that you captured.


Basically, after the events of SOTN, S1L was already stated to have gone and ensured that his files were completely backed up to prevent losing such a vast store of knowledge. When he re-built SK-LX, he took this a step farther. Not only did he rebuild him and store his data... He made multiple other bodies that either of them could inhabit should the worst happen and they do not transmit at preset times.


Due to what happened on Balmorra, such was activated prematurely by that signal that got off, and multiple copies of SK-LX ventured forth to retrieve the data that lay within the chassis that you had captured.


That said, when they sensed the energy build up that would be the EMP pulse, they transferred their files to an off-site location, and deleted the originals. Which is why you didn't then get the complete read outs of what they knew.

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