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Character log in/connection bug on the Harginger.


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I just encountered this bug, and I am wondering if it is happening to anyone else.


At first I got stuck on dromund kaas. I could not zone out of the area, QT, travel to stronghold, fleet pass would not work. Also could not type in chat. My ping was showing 23ms. If I tried to log out of the game, it would freeze up and crash, needing the use of altF4 to close the game. When logging back in, the game would freeze up if I tried to log on to any different character (which would also need altF4 to close the game). The character that was stuck, was the only one that I could log on to the game with, only to run right back in to the same issues when in game. After trying to log in/out 10+ times or so, I was finally able to travel to a stronghold and quit the game from there.


When I logged back in, I was able to swap to a different character, but then the same issue started again, and now that character is the only one I am able to log in to, and they are stuck in zone (on the guild flagship). I am now stuck on that character, unable to log on to any other one.


Just a case of the harbinger hamster getting the rakghoul plague? Or is this a new 4.0 issue.

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It is. This started to happen about 1,5 hour ago.

Tried logging out, switching toons, restarting computer, nothing....


I can only log in with 1 toon, but he can't travel, or leave far from where I logged. Chat stops. It's not lag.


Other toons don't load.

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