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New player, looking for an RP mistress/friend/guide person


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Hey people. Just started on ToR after ten years on World of Warcraft. Now that I've spent a few days looking around, I'm interested in dipping my toes back into RP.


Basically my Jedi Shadow, Istarial, is looking for a more experienced Jedi to apprentice herself to - must be female though! She's frightened of men. xD Also since I'm new, she's only in her twenties level wise, so I can't chill out with you while you lay waste to Ziost or anything. Our early get togethers would be on Coruscant or Tython I would imagine.


So yeah, if any padawan-less Jedi Master would like to impart her wisdom to a newbie, please let me know. Here, or ingame. In game might be better since I'll probably forget to check this thread!

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