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Cannot start Shadow of Revan


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I made a new character using the level 60 Character Token from the Cartel Market and I cannot find the prequel to Shadow of Revan or Forged Alliances quest. I have checked on my mission terminal aboard my ship, all I see is Ilum, Makeb and Oricon; I've gone to the Imperial Fleet to try and talk to the droid that gives out the Prelude but all he says to me is like "Awaiting Priority Signal" and no conversation starts. I've made an in-game ticket on 10/30/2015 and updated it on 11/07/2015 and I have yet to be even contacted by a customer support representative. I've finished the Makeb storyline and almost finished Oricon, just need to finish the Operation because I thought maybe I had to finish those before I could start Shadow of Revan or Forged Alliances but I still do not get the mission.

Any help with this would be much appreciated.



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