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Best Server for GSF?


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While true a lot of pilots have transferred to the Harby including myself (I transferred from the JC way back tho in Oct. of 2013 I think...) most of the original Harby "Aces" no longer fly there as they have moved on to other games like star conflict etc. The skill level on Harby when I transferred was way higher than the JC had at that time. I miss a lot of the old fellow fliers that no longer play. If you doubt what I say just ask the Red Eclipse guys what happened to them when only 4 former Harby fliers made toons on that server and threw it into disarray hehe.


Back on topic the Harby has always had great pops due to the APAC guys logging in when NA went to bed. That's why I transferred from the JC way back when. Cus working night shift and coming home in the morning the JC was dead and Harby was popping. That's just my two cents. ;)


I flew on Harbinger in early 2014 and I can only remember 4 other great pilots. Kaoz, Willie, Harfang, and Mxyan. Except no one used bombers for some reason.

Edited by RickDagles
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Ignoring who said what and just focusing on the content of the post - someone's a little to eager to say someone's providing misinformation.


Yeah, this is pretty much all I was trying to say earlier. I have absolutely no beef with Sriia; I appreciate/recognize her contributions to the community - I just thought her response to Flav was a little harsh. That's all. What he posted was pretty accurate, imo.


Not really sure where all the elitism stuff came in, but this is probably fodder for a different thread. That wasn't quite what OP was looking for, I imagine.

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