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Few Important Bugs and problems I found


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1. Maelstrom Prison Flashpoint

- Lord Vanithrast can't be interrupted, he does not have uninterrupteble buff, he should be interruptable.


2. Companion Equpment

- Nadia Grell can't use Cathar Warstaff


2a. Companions

- Ensign Temple does not have correct voice / "Get Up!" / "Rise and shine" is not voiced by correct person


3. Alliance legacy gear

- Remnant Dreadguard, Remnant Arkanian, Remnant Underworld, Resurrected ....

- Missing Legacy Remnant MainHands and OffHands ! Only Armor is available !!!

- Can we get back rakata/columi/tionese gear as Remnant legacy gear including mainhands and offhands ?


4. Imperial agent companions do not unlock in legacy

- I tryed with normal gifts to get them to 10000 and completed all the missions and conversations and none of them unlocked in legacy window


5. Republic Smuggler

- Can't complete Akaavi Spar romance

- Infact no companion romance can be completed, currently bugged


6. Voss Heroic 2+ [Cyber Mercenaries]

- Not enough npc's to complete bonus


7. Legacy gear

- Legacy gear can't be put into legacy storage, has to be mailed instead

Example, Logs:

8:31PM Birak'k: "Gree commerce always evolves blue equilateral"

8:31PM Bought item [blue Scalene Chestguard]

8:32PM Item is bound


8. Legacy storage

- Some friends report buying legacy storage tab and after they close tab down it will disappear.

- Lower/upper Cartel Market Armor Crates can't be put into legacy storage [invalid item type for this container.]


9. Decorations

- Ancient Rakata Alchemical Beast, no preview, does not work


10. Purple items from flashpoint

- Have no stats on ear or implants etc etc.


11. Lost Island flashpoint (HM)

- Putrid Shacklaw does 81k hits ? is this intended ? 68k hits on tanks.


12. Armstech

- I lost 2 schematics (not even in archive anymore)

- Advanced Skill Barrel 34

- Advanced Reflex Barrel 34

- Are they lost forever ? i should have them as other friends still do have them


13. Cartel Market Gear

- [Primordial Assault Cannon Grek] spinning barrel disappears and becomes "ash tray" and you have to re-equip it to get spinning barrel back again

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14. Group

- Group chat is displayed in blue instead of purple


15. Vendors and gear

- Smuggler and Agent elite vendor and drops from OPS have wrong icon on the pieces and wrong slot assigned [legs show head slot and preview]



- Defiant Targeter's Jacket MK-2 icon shows bracers instead of chest piece, when player equips the item, it shows bracers and it hides chest slot, very confusing.


16. Cartel Market Reputation Items/Vendors:

- Contraband Resale NPC "TOL FESHIN" on republic fleet no longer sells: 1. [Revan's Mask] 2. [Mask of Nihilus] while npc on imperial fleet sells both items.

- Contraband Resale is also missing these items: http://www.netsky.org/Contraband9.jpg


17. PVP:

- Bolster description in warzones still says level 60 instead of level 65

- Mission {[WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor} awards 300 ranked commendations, which are no longer available.

- http://www.netsky.org/SWTOR/bugcoms021.png


18. Legacy Datacrons:

- Naming problem, Dromund Kaas is renamed to Dromand Kaas


19. Personal Ship:

- [improved Power Conversion Module] does not stay on the ship, instead every time i relog it goes to my inventory.

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Your legacy bank bug in regards to armor is uniform.... unless the armor is in individual pieces, you are unable to store it in your bank; Upper, Lower, Supplementary, or even the entire set box. Another bug I'd like to add to your list is the fact that all GREEN Versatile and resistive barrels/hilts from the gear vendors require Artifact Authorization when they should not because, again, they're green. Aside from that, you have a very nice list here :)
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Legacy Mounts also can not be placed into legacy storage:




[1:20 PM] Jeelvic: "You Bring Credits?"

[1:20 PM] Bought Item [infected Varactyl]

[1:21 PM] Jeelvic: "Buy More!"

[1:23 PM] Item is bound



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  • 4 months later...

[HK-55's Vibrosword] is only defined as mainhand, sentinels/maraduders can't use it as offhand.



Alot of those bugs here have not been fixed since i posted them



Example: legacy storage still not working on legacy items.

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On Jedi Covenant (since yesterday - the last day I have been able to successfully play)


Alderaan issues


Airborne random attacks by mobs of rakghoul plague carriers over House Organa Market (I was midair on a Thranta, and got knocked off by a mob that suddenly spawned in front of the beast. Needless to say, my sentinel is infected now)


Unkillable enemies in low-level quest areas (my marauder and her companion ran afoul of some house Ulgo goons that were two levels lower than her, but still couldn't kill them. They were doing damage to us, however.)


When I try to move to another location on Alderaan, the screen will either go black, then go to the loading screen and quit to windows after a few minutes, or it will just drop back to windows.


All of these issues seemed to manifest practically overnight. I am currently trying to kill Darth Nefarid, and want to complete the quest, or at least get some rakghoul vaccine so that my sentinel will stop puking her guts out every ten seconds. But whatever bug is in the game has made it impossible to do so.


The forced repair button doesn't work.

I'm not on a streaming client

I'm on a very strong wifi connection, and still get stutter and lag.


Other planets that have minor bugs in comparison:


Tatooine - stuttering, lag - especially in low-traffic areas


Dromund Kaas - Stuttering, lag - especially in Kaas City or the starport.


Coruscant - Well, that one should be pretty obvious by now


Nar Shaddaa - Come on, EA... Admit it, the Hutts put you up to this, didn't they?


I could go on forever. The fact that more than one server has issues with Alderaan that is interfering with, or even preventing gameplay is something that I've not been able to get someone from EA to openly acknowledge thus far. Usually, all I get is the bog-standard "Have you tried updating your gfx drivers?" or "Send me a screenshot of dxdiag."


The fact that I've been happily playing SWTOR for the last few months without problems until now should speak for itself. It's not the drivers on my PC that are in question here. What I want to know is this: When is EA going to just be straight-up with us, and tell us what's wrong, and then FIX THE PROBLEM?


Don't get me wrong, I love this game. I don't want to see it become a nightmare, like what happened to SOE and Star Wars Galaxies. I like being part of the Star Wars Universe, and SWTOR delivers. When it works.


I get it. All games are buggy to some extent, but it is the job of the developers to fix the issues as they arise, not be condescending to the players or dance around the issue when they don't know what's wrong. That's where we the players come in. We're here to tell you what's wrong, so it can be fixed. And not all of us are morons. I used to build custom gaming rigs. I know my way around a PC. I'm not an elderly grandmother who doesn't have any idea how that "magic computer box" works. So don't treat us that way, please.


All I want is a game that works. If that's too much of any player to ask, then we will leave. And SWTOR will die in its tracks. A happy gamer = lots of money for game development. Remember that.


Thanks for hearing me out, I'm climbing down from my soapbox now.

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The forced repair button doesn't work.

I'm not on a streaming client

I'm on a very strong wifi connection, and still get stutter and lag.


in the spoiler and apologies to Spc for an off topic post, if i had mod abilities in this forum as i do at Answers HQ I would move Dalekgod post elsewhere


I will mention the non streaming repair only works after logging in on the launcher and when the play button is lit.

You also didn't mention previously repair doesn't work, you actually said

"I already tried the repair option. It did nothing to fix the issue."


Compare wifi to ethernet connection just in case....


So now your saying all your crash issues are just Alderaan , like i said earlier no detail is unimportant, it also helps if the detail is consistent.


Also Remove and re-add exceptions to the firewall and AV for Both launcher.exe and swtor.exe


Again you are posting in a thread that has little bearing on your issue , make your own thread if need rather then deride someone elses thread.


I wont be posting here further on Dalekgod post as this isnt the thread to be discussing further

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