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Game Freezing randomly. BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) happenings.


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Hello everyone! I hope someone replies to this. I know it's not technically a bug ingame, but I am not sure where else to post this, since the support forum is 'read only'. Also, I'd like to apologize for the sheer length of this post, but please take the time to read everything! So, here's how it is:

Three days ago, while I was playing, my game froze completely, and an annoying buzzing sound was coming from the speakers, as if a game sound had gotten "stuck" while playing. The PC was completely frozen. I tried alt-tab-ing, tried running task manager, nothing worked. The only thing that knocked the PC out of the frozen state was a hard reset.

Then, two days ago, the same issue almost happened, in the sense that I was playing, and heard the same buzzing noise, was expecting a freeze, but instead the sound just went away after like 2 seconds, and the game went on as normal. I'm writing this because I've had issues like this before, more than 2 months ago, issues that caused me to stop playing the game. I had no other similar issues at the time, and decided to do a clean install of the game about a month ago and start playing again, and now here are these issues once more. I also talked to some of my guild mates, and some of them did say they sometimes (though rarely) get the same issue.

I tried doing some CPU/Process monitoring while playing, and here is what I was able to find. Take note that this is all very basic, simply by monitoring the information Task Manager tabs provided:


Here are the details with the game not running:

Physical Memory Usage: 37% - with a few things, like Opera, Skype and a few other utility applications running.

CPU Usage: 0% to 3% usually.

Same details, including game virtual memory usage, while the game is running in the character selection screen:

(Note that there are 2 figures here)

998,504 k, and 307,704 k. I assume the first is the game itself, while the second is the launcher. I am not sure as both processes are labeled 'Swtor.exe"

Physical Memory Usage: 53%

CPU Usage: 10% on average, with occasional 15% peaks.

Same details while a character is actually in the game world:

1,377,704 k - Game VM usage (this figure steadily goes up the longer I stay in-game)

369,576 k - Launcher VM usage.

Physical Memory Usage: 61%

CPU Usage: Minimum at 10%, but fluctuates a lot, with peak moments of around 40%, and an average looking around 20%.


Here is a simple summary of my System Specs - if more details need to be provided, I may do so later:

OS: Windows 7 Professional, SP1 - 64Bit


CPU: IntelCore i7-2600, 3,40 - 3,80 GHz

GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6700 series - 1GB memory.

My Hard-drive is 1TB, but that doesn't matter much.


So anyway, after all that, I'm wondering if the game might be having some kind of memory leak, or whatever other issue there might be that causes these freezes/crashes.

Any help is appreciated, from either GMs/Devs or the community. Solutions, workarounds, any kind of advice is welcome!

Thanks for reading!

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