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"Conqueror of Belsavis" title still not granted, waiting patiently since September


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My guild successfully conquered Belsavis on the conquest week that ended September 21, 2015. image proof


We understood that Bioware was having trouble with conquest rewards at that time so we didn't make too much noise and respected their request to be patient and submit a customer support ticket


Patience was held, support tickets were submitted, and no titles were granted! The whole guild is very upset by this, we don't conquest frequently so it is very hard for us to win when we do decide to do conquest and we feel very robbed when we cannot receive our hard-earned title.


The most recent CS ticket I submitted got this generic response:



I am Protocol Droid M0-T0, Human-Cyborg Relations.


Thank you for contacting us about the issue you encountered. This particular case appears to have been caused by a bug within the game that will need to be corrected in a future game update and as such, cannot be corrected by Customer Service.


To allow us to identify and correct these issues, we would request that you submit a Bug Report on this issue. Bug Reports submitted though the In-Game Help Center go directly to our development QA team and not to Customer Service. To submit a bug, you can type /bug in your chat window or select Bug Report from the drop down when creating a new ticket in the In-Game Help Center.


We also recommend checking the latest patch notes at http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes for information on any fixes or changes in our game updates or our Known Bugs list, located at the top of our Bug Forums which can be found here: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=417.


We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and to thank you again for the valuable feedback you have provided. Please do not hesitate to report any other issues you may encounter while playing.


Galactic support is our specialty…




Protocol Droid M0-T0



It is my understanding from reading the forums that this is not an isolated event. I know for a fact that tensions are rising as many players are not receiving their hard-earn conquest titles.


Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.


P.S. I will happily provide any proof in order to get this resolved for my guild, I have screenshots of the guild roster and who got how many points if they are needed (I've withheld them for now to protect their character names). Work with us Bioware, let us prove to you we earned it and are not trying to get a free title.

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