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Directive: Activate Assassination Protocols


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Imperial side, I had started the quest chain to acquire the HK-51 Companion. I assume that the issue I'm having with this quest is related to the massive changes to the companion system.


The problem I'm having with this specific quest isn't a problem with the quest itself, exactly. The problem I'm having is that I have already completed this quest and moved on to the next stage. As anyone who's done it will tell you, the Theoretika mission/instance is a fairly long time investment. Having already completed this mission, I don't particularly want to go and do it again.


More importantly, the next stage of the quest is using the Burba Seismic Detector to find the HK-51 Components. I had already acquired 3 of them... but, because my quest progress has been clawed back, all 3 of those items have been erased from my Mission Items.


I have filed an in-game bug report, but the reply I get isn't helpful... things like "leave the story area and reset the quest" no, no no... none of that will work. The problem isn't completing the quest, the problem is I've already done it. I don't know if this is so much a bug that someone can go and fix, so much as it is someone needs to manually credit my character with quest completion and spawn me some HK components... if the Theoretika was a fairly involved time commitment, finding 3 components was much, much worse.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still no help for this issue.


My tickets filed in game have given me useless answers such as "reset the quest" or "reset the instance." Neither of these things will work.


I suspect that this is a problem that's fairly limited in scope, perhaps even unique to me... the three or so hours I've put into progressing this quest that are lost are perhaps being weighed against a programmers time to fix this for me, and I lose. I can understand that, but that doesn't make it fair to me.


Is there no way to resolve this that doesn't force me to start from scratch, or use a lot of a programmers time?

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With 4.0, they reset the progress on pretty much every quest. I also had my ranked PvP weekly at 14/15 and it was reset to 0 but they won't do anything about it.

There's no need to impede Customer Service with that; they are not allowed to help players with this, so just accept it that you have to redo the quest and move on.

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I can appreciate what you're saying... but this was such a massive time investment on my part that, I really don't feel that "well... we don't support those quests" is an acceptable answer.


I mean... if it were FUN to try and find HK components, that would be one thing. Perhaps if the Berba Seismic whatsis acted more like the Seeker Droid, and steered you towards what you were looking for, it would be more fun, and less tedious... but in the meantime, I burned probably 4 hours just acquiring 3 pieces. And it's not like I did something stupid here... this was straight up caused by a change to the game. I didn't do this, this was done to me.

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I tried an ingame ticket and got a reply pretty much telling me that they couldn't do anything about it and that it needed to be patched. Which seemed code for "don't hold your breath".


Yeah, I don't look forward collecting the pieces again, so for now HK-51 is definitely on hold.

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