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QOL improvement for Crew Skills


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The more influence = better efficiently for your companions.


Please either give us a sort option (i.e. alphabetical/influence) or change the crew skill listing so that it list our companions with the highest influence in descending order.


A first reason behind asking for the easy QOL improvement is due to the fact that one may have their top two highest influenced companions on the top and the bottom of the crew window.


A second reason is simple. How are we supposed to remember who has the next highest influence? The only possible way atm is to pull up the alliance window and look.


My guildies and I were talking about this last night so I thought I'd throw it out there. Idk if someone else has already brought this up. I would assume someone already has.


Thanks you for your time and consideration.


Edit: Did a quick search and found a post similar to what I'm reference. Go vote for it so the Devs will see it.


Edited by DieLikeAHero
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The more influence = better efficiently for your companions.


Please either give us a sort option (i.e. alphabetical/influence) or change the crew skill listing so that it list our companions with the highest influence in descending order.


A first reason behind asking for the easy QOL improvement is due to the fact that one may have their top two highest influenced companions on the top and the bottom of the crew window.


A second reason is simple. How are we supposed to remember who has the next highest influence? The only possible way atm is to pull up the alliance window and look.


My guildies and I were talking about this last night so I thought I'd throw it out there. Idk if someone else has already brought this up. I would assume someone already has.


Thanks you for your time and consideration.


Edit: Did a quick search and found a post similar to what I'm reference. Go vote for it so the Devs will see it.




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