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Bring Back the Heroic 4 Missions!


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How is it a race? How many influence rank 50 companions you have or how many characters you have at influence rank 20 with the alliance "bosses" has no bearing on my game play and is of no interest to me whatsoever.


Unless you are being sarcastic.

>_> How to explain this...


It's a progression race and how many weeks it's going to take you to catch up, sort of like how guilds compete to clear bosses in all operations on all difficulties. You opt in to the race and the finish line mentality. The weekly heroics now have a weekly lockout, beat the lockout by having more level 61+ characters to repeat them in the same week.



How is it a race? How many influence rank 50 companions you have or how many characters you have at influence rank 20 with the alliance "bosses" has no bearing on my game play and is of no interest to me whatsoever.
It does have some bearings on gameplay. Crew skills and combat performance. Max deployable is 6 and you'll need 1 combat companion. Depending on how much you craft for conquest, farm mission gifts or whatever, you'll benefit from having +crit and +efficiency. It does have bearing on gameplay, however slight.


There's a finite amount of companion rank and alliance rank you can get per week. Unless you had a lot of gift fragments, jawa junk, scrap parts, companion gifts left over prior to 4.0 (like Khevar from the crew skills forum) you'll be soft capped to how much influence you can grind per week. I obviously haven't done the math but there are limits.


In italics is my iffy word choice, suggest better alternatives.



There isn't a fixed finish line, you have to make up your own goals.

no bearing on my game play and is of no interest to me whatsoever.
Good for you, it seems you've taken a higher road. Some lesser folk like me care a little too much about falling behind on influence progression.
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There is no stupid race on how many or who gets the first rank 50 companion, thats just silly. I worked my *** off leveling up 16 toons to max, over a 2 year period, so your trying to tell people like me that we shouldnt be able to do the heroic2s on all our toons per week?? Just cause you feel your falling behind for no reason, doesnt mean all the rest of us who slaved away at making alts, maxing crew skills etc.. have to be penalized for it! it is never gonna happen anyway Bioware devs would never put a limit on how many toons on one account that can do all the weeklys in a week. You would see a revolt in mass if that were to ever happen. Edited by Allamirr
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I wasn't even talking about KotFE story. Alliance and companion influence grind are where the hotcakes are right now. Your alts serve as Locked Supply Crate farmers who funnel them to one main character. Alliance rank 20 with for all alliance specialists isn't that hard to do. Some guy on reddit already got 20 x 4 in the first two weeks: http://i.imgur.com/GUZukoO.jpg


There are reports of players with more than one Influence rank 50 companion. I wish I could confirm them with picture proof, these players need to start posting images on the forum or reddit.com/r/swtor


Here's a list of all the weekly heroics with annotated completion length. If you're smart, you'll play the shortest heroics then log into an alt and repeat the short ones again as time allows for all your 22-40 alts. After level 61 each weekly heroic drops 1 locked supply crate, which can be opened for alliance rank and companion gifts.



Eat your own words, because conquest is literally a list of chores for guilds to do. And the companion influence grind and companion alerts are a player's personal list of chores to do.


Bioware keeps adding more chores and it's beneficial to complete them in as short a time possible. Less time wasted, more rewards. Complete as fast as you can and move on to the next alt for that week's lockout, personal conquest goal, weekly heroic limit.


There are no leaderboards or ways to track who has the most influence rank 50 companions or completed 4x20 alliance rank but it's a silent competition and you can fall behind if you don't pick up the pace. Having more level 61+ alts gets you to the finish line faster, it is a race.


What do i win if i have most r50 companions and completed 4x20?


The only thing i can think of is atrophy.

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Level sync says NO, no heroic 4's anymore and no more bonus series because of level sync.


Its not because of level sync, its because it was dead content.


They did a LOT of cleanup of severly underused stuff (vendors on fleet, bonus series, H4s). Some got just removed, some got reworked (H4s, FPs OPs)

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Its not because of level sync, its because it was dead content.


They did a LOT of cleanup of severly underused stuff (vendors on fleet, bonus series, H4s). Some got just removed, some got reworked (H4s, FPs OPs)

But it is because of level sync, everything has to be the same level now, H4+ and bonus series were above planet level.



So now because of level sync, this content can't exist anymore.

Edited by -Spc
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I agree. I also miss the heroic 4s, and I also find the heroic 2s insultingly easy.


But it is because of level sync, everything has to be the same level now, H4+ and bonus series were above planet level.



So now because of level sync, this content can't exist anymore.


Please take your tired anti level synch crap somewhere else. It has no foundation in fact, or in this thread. You are simply outright lying here to try and tie this issue to your own personal grievance.


Every single heroic 4 was set at an appropriate level to the planet level. I did them numerous times levelling up in the past, and I did them on level.

Edited by clearsighted
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Every single heroic 4 was set at an appropriate level to the planet level. I did them numerous times levelling up in the past, and I did them on level.

Every single heroic on belsavis bonus series was above planet level and now it's all the same level, and H4+ are gone.

That is a fact.

Edited by -Spc
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How about instead of asking Bio-ware to change everything for everyone to suit your wants. You either dismiss your companion or wear lower tier gear to get that challenge you are so desperately looking for. If you can't live without your companion just put it on passive. The game doesn't need to change for everyone when they can adjust the challenge level themselves without the need for another patch..



That said I don't see why there isn't a option of a H4 to be selected if you wanted it.

Edited by morningstation
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