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Datacrons...still not getting credit for those already found.


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I had this with one of the Taris datacrons not showing up. then noticed the parenthesised 'Imperial' highlighting that I haven't collected one of the faction specific 'crons, even though I have collected the one for the other faction. maybe that's the problem with yours too? my issue is with all the data shards and cubes vanishing from my inventory since the kotfe update. even though they're now essentially worthless (because of the new levelling cap) I would still really like to have them returned to my collection. as a mark of the time taken to collect then, if nothing else 😏
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i have the same issue, the legacy list shows some datacrons (whole planet worth) just not there.. nar shaddaa for one example


i know for a fact i had nar shaddaa cause of all the jumping/wall walking involved


yet? still not there.. opening the codex for some planets in detailed view shows odd results for some as well.. 10/5 comes to mind for one planet..


not 5/10... 10/5


ideas? solutions?

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