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Building a ship for each map.


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So in the interest of not flying the same ship over and over again, I am curious about the feasibility on making a ship for each map.


5 Maps. 5 Ships.


So what would be the best ship for each map and with what loadout you guys think? No doubles and no cartel ships please.

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So in the interest of not flying the same ship over and over again, I am curious about the feasibility on making a ship for each map.


5 Maps. 5 Ships.


So what would be the best ship for each map and with what loadout you guys think? No doubles and no cartel ships please.


For Kuat Mesas TDM, Blackbolt with Targeting Telemetry, Shield-to-Engine Converter, Power Dive, Laser Cannons, Rocket Pods. The extended ability to boost will let it reach power-ups, flank enemy positions, and outrun pursuers. The extensive canyon walls and tunnels will give it lots of cover against Gunships, which helps make up for its slightly lower Evasion. Also boosting all the time through the canyons and tunnels is fun.


For Lost Shipyards TDM, standard DF/BLC/Clusters Sting.


For Denon, Razorwire with Hyperspace Beacon so your team doesn't have to respawn in the boonies.


For Lost Shipyards Domination, Mangler to take up position between B and A or B and C, so you can cover two nodes with Ion spam (you can't do this on Kuat because B is hidden, and it's hard to do it on Denon because of the extreme distances).


For Kuat Mesas Domination, Jurgoran with Slug, BLC, and Clusters, because it's the only other viable Gunship. Alternatively, you could grab a Legion to utterly lock down B--but you'd need your team's help to cap it.

Edited by Nemarus
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Lost Shipyards Domination T1 gunship. Not that it's an amazing ship+map combo, but it's always nice to have an Ion Railgun somewhere on your hangar bar.


Kuat Mesas Domination Razorwire. Just so powerful on this map, I think of it as the minelayer, "happy map."


Denon Exosphere Domination T3 scout. Tensor is great on this map, you can switch to your Kuat bomber later in the match for fun with hyperspace beacons later in the game.


Lost Shipyards Deathmatch T3 gunship. Bonus points for taking a Cluster-Interdiction build. The distribution of cover across the map goes really well with a high mobility gunship.


Kuat Mesas Deathmatch T2 scout. I tend to think of this as a very battlescout friendly map. The cover is arranged nicely for playing hide-and-go-seek with gunships.



As optional selections you can swap out a T1 scout or Dronecarrier for Lost Shipyards TDM.


Edit: All of the above assumes, "standard meta," builds, except for the double missile gunship.

Edited by Ramalina
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Denon Domination - Rampart for the beacon

Shipyards Domination - Quarrel for the ion spread and easy self peels between A-B

Mesas Domination - Flashfire Quad/Pod/Retro/TT/wingman for harassing gunships and killing bombers hiding under nodes. BLC/pod works as well. Personal preference.


Shipyards TDM - Condor with power dive and regen thrusters. This is a gunship friendly map and this build gives you a huge amount of mobility for grabbing damage overcharges and flanking.

Mesas TDM - Skybolt with Quad/pod/powerdive/DF/TT/running interference. This map is more scout friendly due to more LoS opportunities, but IMO you should still always max out your evasion in TDM so you don't die more than once or twice. Novadive works here as well, but you're weaker against railgun drones. Again, BLC/pod or BLC/cluster works here as well for the Skybolt.

Edited by RickDagles
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Denon Domination - Rampart for the beacon

Shipyards Domination - Quarrel for the ion spread and easy self peels between A-B

Mesas Domination - Flashfire Quad/Pod/Retro/TT/wingman for harassing gunships and killing bombers hiding under nodes. BLC/pod works as well. Personal preference.


Shipyards TDM - Condor with power dive and regen thrusters. This is a gunship friendly map and this build gives you a huge amount of mobility for grabbing damage overcharges and flanking.

Mesas TDM - Skybolt with Quad/pod/powerdive/DF/TT/running interference. This map is more scout friendly due to more LoS opportunities, but IMO you should still always max out your evasion in TDM so you don't die more than once or twice. Novadive works here as well, but you're weaker against railgun drones. Again, BLC/pod or BLC/cluster works here as well for the Skybolt.


He said no Cartel Ships :)

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