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Main class quest still gone ever since release of 4.0


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Just as the title says, ever since the release of 4.0, my sith warrior has been missing his class quest, it's completely disappeared from the mission log. I know that recent patches were supposed to fix this issue and it has for some people but it still hasn't for me and it's been weeks since 4.0. I've opened FOUR customer service tickets already. Two were closed with no fix, the third has been open for over a week with no reply at all and now I just opened a fourth one just for ***** and giggles in the vain hope that customer service will actually do what they're getting paid for instead of sitting on their thumbs.


My sith warrior is level 43 on Harbinger. I don't quite remember the name of the class but it's the beginning of Quesh.


Anyone have ANY solutions at all?

Edited by Sage_of_Battle
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Hey there!


This is something that we are aware of and are looking to address in a future patch. My best guess says 4.0.2 currently.




In the meantime that i cannot play on my sith warrior which is my main char, can we get a discount for not being able to play for a entire week? So far i'm having this issue since last friday.

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Hey there!


This is something that we are aware of and are looking to address in a future patch. My best guess says 4.0.2 currently.




My Sith Warrior was 50 and had completed the class quest line before I stopped playing years ago. Upon resubscription, that character has no expansion missions available via the ship mission terminal, so I can't start Rise of the Hutt Cartel.


Is this related to the same problem as the class quests? It *really* sucks to come back and not be able to play my preferred character. I've had a ticket open for over a week now and haven't gotten any kind of response

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I agree with the protests above. I have one character atm and don't feel inclined to waste time if there is a broken issue in the game. It has been 3 weeks since I subscribed, two weeks of which I have not been able to enjoy what I paid for. Promises of future fixes, maybe, if you get around to it, while at the same time ignoring our tickets or closing them without the decency of an intelligent response is insulting. I think the credit or refund of subscription is an excellent idea for those of us who have been short changed by a broken product and lassiez-faire customer service. I would also suspect that this could be fixed on an individual basis whenever a client submitted a ticket, that you just prefer not to dedicate the man hours to help us.
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