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Lvl 65 Powertech Bounty Hunter LFGuild, mainly for PvP, but up for PvE and RP


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Good day, everyone. I'm Clank Bot and I'm looking for a fun guild to call home for my lovely bounty huntress, Tesse Polarpaw. I'm mostly interested in trying to have some fun in PvP (already got a full lvl 65 PvP basic set), but I'm also up for any PvE content (especially heroics). Also would love to do some RPing, but I can probably find that without a guild, so not 100% looking for that reason.


I have alot of MMO experience, played WoW since vanilla, unsubbed recently after the guild decided to take a break from raiding until Legion and played SWTOR since launch, mostly PvPing with some PvE now and then, so I know the basics of raiding (always prefer tanking, but I have healed and dpsed as well for long periods when it was needed).


On Empire side, I got 3 alts, a lvl 60 Operative (I will get to him one day x3), a lvl 20 Juggernaught and a lvl 40 Sorceress.


If you have any questions, feel free to post them in the comment section :) I will try to answer ASAP.

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