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Marauder pvp. Who am I supposed to kill, what am I supposed to do?


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So I'm back playing a week now. Full T2 weaponmaster gear max expertise etc etc etc.

My issue is that in pvp I'm left in a position where I dont know who to kill. (Solo queue Warzones btw)

Gunslinger / Sniper.. I dont do any damage to them and they wreck me

Shadow / Assassin. Im dead before I come out of stun unless i have unleash. if i have unleash, then Im just dead a little later.

Vanguard / Powertech.. Literally pointless.

Commando / Mercenary.. Literally pointless.

Sage / Sorcerer.. kited and killed

Guardian / Juggernaut.. Get them to 80%. they kill me and go back up to 100%

Scoundrel / Operative.. Literally pointless.


I fee like I'm in a state of not doing enough damage, getting kited, taking tonnes of damage and just being a jack of all trades. except instead of being decent at all things, Im just terrible at all.


Is this the general feel of Marauders or anyone having good experiences with them ??


And before people start getting on their high horses. From all the warzones ive done so far. Ive very rarely seen another Marauder than me. Compared to the multiple stacking of other classes. A common trend ive noticed from Marauders is never seeing them get over 1million damage., and the ones that do are usually accompanied by 2-3 healers.

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Which spec are you playing, what utilities are you using, and how are you augmented? Knowing what your Accuracy, Crit %, surge %, and bonus damage are. If you can check and post those things I can give advice on improving your damage.


Some basic suggestions. If you are playing Fury your sustained damage is the lowest of any spec in the game currently but your burst is quite good. Try to look for targets that are already hurting and finish them with your substantial burst.


If you are carnage or annihilation your sustained damage is quite good (the current best in the game in the case of annihilation) but you have less burst. Pick an unguarded target, preferably a healer, and use that high sustained to provide good pressure.


Also, learn to use focus target. Use someone you recognize as a high output DPS from your team and make them your focus target. That way you can easily stay on their target (if you have target of target enabled) and more effectively focus fire. Some of what you are probably encountering is having difficulty dealing with opponent cross healing and guard.

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So I've tried Fury and Carnage so far. Currently specced Anni, which I haven't gotten to play yet but will try out later. Honestly didnt enjoy Fury that much. I felt the burst wasn't enough to warrant the downtime in between. Carnage was more fun, and didnt make me feel as useless, definitely provided higher overall numbers.


Not currently at home so i cant name off my utilities, as for augements im running mostly crit auges, I think I havev 108% acc but I'm not sure. will have to check later. If you happen to have ideas on game changes utilities Not only me but everyone should be using, feel free to post. theres limited pvp maurder stuff available at the moment.

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So I've tried Fury and Carnage so far. Currently specced Anni, which I haven't gotten to play yet but will try out later. Honestly didnt enjoy Fury that much. I felt the burst wasn't enough to warrant the downtime in between. Carnage was more fun, and didnt make me feel as useless, definitely provided higher overall numbers.


Not currently at home so i cant name off my utilities, as for augements im running mostly crit auges, I think I havev 108% acc but I'm not sure. will have to check later. If you happen to have ideas on game changes utilities Not only me but everyone should be using, feel free to post. theres limited pvp maurder stuff available at the moment.

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So I've tried Fury and Carnage so far. Currently specced Anni, which I haven't gotten to play yet but will try out later. Honestly didnt enjoy Fury that much. I felt the burst wasn't enough to warrant the downtime in between. Carnage was more fun, and didnt make me feel as useless, definitely provided higher overall numbers.


Not currently at home so i cant name off my utilities, as for augements im running mostly crit auges, I think I havev 108% acc but I'm not sure. will have to check later. If you happen to have ideas on game changes utilities Not only me but everyone should be using, feel free to post. theres limited pvp maurder stuff available at the moment.


I would recommend trying to substitute crit for all of your accuracy enhancements. You won't miss that much more often and will get substantially more burst. I agree with you on fury and prefer carnage a bit myself, despite the CC immunity in fury being so nice, and getting CC'd during gore so frustrating.


As for utilities I would consider brazen a must take, and the others should be some combination of Overwhelm, Maiming reach, and Innexorable. Overwhelm is a must for carnage in my opinion. In tier 2 Relentless is a must, but you could use Phantom, Defensive roll, or strangulate depending on preference for the other slot. In tier 3 Unbound is a must have, but the other slot has many possibilities and you could use undying, blood ward, expunging cammo, or brooding depending on preference.


The one thing I would say is that I would slant your utility choices towards things that break roots and snares and improve mitigation until you get really good at staying on target without dying a lot.

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