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Looking for Polish or English guild


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I was playing SWToR since it's launch for a few months. Then I stopped and played occasionally, mostly as preffered player. From some time I'm back in the game. Right now I have 50 Sorcerer and 65lvl Guardian (my main) who's about to start KotFE storyline now. I want to spend my 60 token on Assassin though


I'm looking for Polish (as I'm Polish) or English social guild. I would like to play PvP or multiplayer PvE content as well, but it's not my goal. It would be nice to see some RP too as The Progenitor is Role Playing server.


I'm currently in some guild, but from what I've seen they are just talking with people that they already know and won't even respond if I'll say something, so this is not what I'm looking for :)

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Yay. I'm also Polish, and I'm also looking for a guild... (best polish D: ) PvE, RP.. some PvP with time too maybe :D *-*

That would be could if there was any... could talk on teamspeak and stuff. But... if there's none ... hmm.. Maybe let's make one then? :(



P.S. In most huge, old guilds, ppl don't talk to newcomers too much and don't care to make them "join the band" in some more ways :)

Edited by Drzumatella
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I'm Polish as well and what I have to say I always stick to English-speaking guilds. There are just more of them. Casual, social leveling ones. From my sad experience Polish guilds tend to make raid-guilds only which I don't find plausible. Also I've been in three polish guilds already and all of them 1) wouldn't speak to me too when I needed help or an advice 2) were just plain rude 3)not active at all. I see you can use English very well that it can't be a problem for you to communicate with people from different countries. So you can join an English guild as there are more of them and are actually better. And, oh, if you don't really have a clue about Roleplaying I'd suggest finding a PVE guild or transfer over to Red Eclipse. Edited by CommanderVintres
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That's weird. I played many MMO and always found a nice polish guild. Well of course they're not as big but I prefer smaller guilds 'coz ppl aren't anonymus in there. And it feels better to talk in polish, when most of your studies and work concentrate on talkin other languages.. xD

Seems gotta gather some pals and other ppl and make one.. hm.


So anwserin what ya wrote: 1) feel sorry for U.. I never had bad experience with PL guilds :(

2) it's not bout problems with communication but I would love to talk in my language... it gets really annoyin when most words you used one day, were other language than your own..


Beside you can meet many great ppl and I prefer to meet them in Poland, coz then I have an oportunity to meet them one day - I already met many of my friends that way :D



So we seem to have different points of view but maybe we search for other things too.. I search for some ppl to talk to and play with.. 'm not the kind of person who runs from one "dungeon to another war"... (only in Guild Wars I do a lot of WvW)... 'f course it's nice if guils does it too, but It's not my priority :) especially when I have so many work that I don't know if I can manage meeting on the event :)

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Yeah, I get your point pretty much. I suppose it's just me that doesn't really got used to talking in my own language in MMO's. I've been playing few mmo's that haven't got any Polish people in their community so I had to socialize speaking English. :rak_01: And in SWTOR I'm a Roleplayer since launch and there are not many (if not at all) Polish Roleplay guilds..especially on this server.
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