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Original idea for Jedi in SWG


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God I miss that game


You can play the game if you like. Bloodfinemu has been the best emu I have ever played. They finally got the server stable and they add more to their emu then any other. Great people running it. Id still be playing it if I didnt have to cut down on the amount of games I had time to play. And ot the OP, permadeath was ingame when jedi first came into swg. A lot of what was stated in that post was ingame in the beginning

Edited by AoseTades
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Wow, sadly corporations like EA those days don't want to take any risks with their games, they just want extra fast and stable flow of money, i would love to see an MMO in the new era after episode 7 were such great ideas are applied in an immersive sandbox MMO but sadly iam sure that iam gonna die before that happens unless some other gaming company take the license to Star wars.


SWTOR is a great MMO so far and it is getting better but they can't grow beyond the limits of this trash engine, i still remember the days of Ilum even though it was lagging like there was no tomorrow but just the fact that there was an open Warzone made it worth trying sometimes.


I still wish to see an RTS star wars game too just like Total war!

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You can play the game if you like. Bloodfinemu has been the best emu I have ever played. They finally got the server stable and they add more to their emu then any other. Great people running it. Id still be playing it if I didnt have to cut down on the amount of games I had time to play. And ot the OP, permadeath was ingame when jedi first came into swg. A lot of what was stated in that post was ingame in the beginning


heck ya bloodfin emu is the best and its free of course... awakening server is ok, but bloodfin emu has so much more its better then live. its publish 12 pretty much. with more... you dont have to miss swg. facebook search "Blloodfine emu" or http://www.bloodfin.net. you wont be disapointed. and star wars galaxies is a totally different type of mmo then swtor.. i love both of them swg was before its time. and swtor could do so much more if they wanted, swtor is a themepark mmo. they could make an offline mode if they wanted with this new dlc. and swg is a total sandbox... community ran marketplace. crafting. armor/weapon/vehicle/ship/Food /Houses and way more. all done by the players. so yea two different mmos in total. but yea. TRY BLOODFIN EMU if u miss swg. ive been playin it since it came out. 4 years ago

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It sounds like an interesting concept, other than the idea to have the final fight (if you made it that far) with Vader being rigged to set you up to lose. It would make sense from a story perspective of course, given the setting, but from a gameplay perspective that would suck hard. Who wants to overcome every gameplay challenge thrown at them, beating the odds to survive, only to get trolled at the end by a boss encounter that is rigged to end with your character permanently dead?
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Early on, permadeath was in; you had three deaths, and then had to reroll.


...you also started naming a backpack with your toon's name on it, and hanging it beside the entrance to your house pretty quickly. (so, /tar Myrdinn would get the backpack)

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SWG was my first MMO and by far best.

Number of choices and options was fantastic.

But thing I liked most (at least in the beginning) was that any player could have only one character per server.

That feature enable MMO, multiple characters disable this part off MMO completely.

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SWG ( pre cu ) was the MMORPG with the greatest potential of all. Too bad greed destroyed it. LA/SOE wanted the subs like WoW and enter the CU and then the NGE.

It was truly a fantastic game and the fact that it is still played and remembered today is a testament to its quality and uniqeness.

Edited by LoverNoFighter
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Early on, permadeath was in; you had three deaths, and then had to reroll.


...you also started naming a backpack with your toon's name on it, and hanging it beside the entrance to your house pretty quickly. (so, /tar Myrdinn would get the backpack)


dont for get corpse run. you use to have to run to your body after you died. to get loot.. .and if u died as a jedi VERY early on.. you became a padawan again , as in losing all your skill points.... it was hardcore... also City warn.. if u didnt want someone in your city , a mayor/militia can target the person and type /citywarn and the person had 1 min to get out of the city or they would become attackable... but people were citywarning CSRs and killing them so they got rid of that.... STAR wARS GALAXIES was a mmo that was way before its time... if it came out today.... it would be amazing... even the Bloodfin emu, is adding new stuff.... new planets.... its still amazing. but think if they did a Total Graphics rehall and re re released it.. and the game takes place in between the first and second movie.. a new hope and empire... after the death star exploded.... i would love that but we know it wont happen.... but im happy with bloodfin emu... its great... just logged on today and they added kashyyk but they totally re did it. and made it like a regular planet... no path ways... heres a screen shot from the main devs view.. it reminds me of that spot where yoda gets ambushed by the clones and cuts there heads off...


Edited by Foreignobjects
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SWG ( pre cu ) was the MMORPG with the greatest potential of all. Too bad greed destroyed it. LA/SOE wanted the subs like WoW and enter the CU and then the NGE.

It was truly a fantastic game and the fact that it is still played and remembered today is a testament to its quality and uniqeness.


yep it was very underated and before its time... if swg came out in 2010 or w/e or now... since the new movie is coming out.. and since its canon.. cause it takes place between ep 4 and 5 after the deathstar is blown up for the first time... i think it would do alot better.. cause it was released around the time ep 2 was coming out... so as the mmo has amazing crafting/jedi unlock aka you cant just start out as a jedi.. you goto grind for months to become a jedi/ building citys, becoming a mayor, which was an awesome prof , it was one of several that didnt cost any Skillpoints... there are 32 proffession not counting the free profs. Pilot / Mayor/ Force Ranking system. . awesome professoins from TKM taras kasi master.. are unarmed jedi killers... "mace windu actually was a TKM. , Swordsman... Fencer," Bio engineer" which can craft pets. or enhance pets for Creature handler... THERES TONS... the game was ran by the community... we didnt have this Coms crap. we had to Repair our speeders. and they could be blown up by other players... Bounty hunting was another great thing... later on ,,, they made it so Bounty hunters could hunt ANYONE.. instead of just jedi., that generated Force visibility which was using force powers infront of ANY Npc or player... pulling out your light saber for one...


the Space JTL was the BEST space emulator EVER!!!!!! you could do anything... anyway.. im enjoying bloodfin emu.. its basically pub 12... and they added all the Sweet Houses/ speeder bikes./ Weapons... from the Later updates of the game.. and Heat the Main dev of Bloodfin is actually creating NEW content and Remade kashyyk so its an actual planet. and looks more like kashyyk from ep 3... but anyway... yea the game was before its time.. and its still better then alot of mmos out..


I dont compare SWTOR to SWG cause they are totally different types of mmos... SWG is a sandox and SWTOR is a Themepark mmo that could really have an offline mode... specially with the new DLC... but CHECK IT OUT if you wanto play a Real Star wars MMO bloodfin emu is the way to go.....i play both.. as well as DC universe online , guild wars 2 . but i just got fallout 4 and pre ordered battlefront soooo i will be a busy Bee...

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