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Tips for a Domination NovaDive


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Usually the LC+Pods Novadive would take out mines/drones between him and the high priority targets (gunships), hit the selected target, then bug out in order to rinse and repeat said tactic.

Wrong. Before killing a gunship you need to kill the railgun drone. Yes, ignore the bomber, but don't ignore his tools.

That is exactly what I was saying actually. (bolded for emphasis)

It's not what you're saying though. If you waste time killing the seeker mines first, then the railgun will slug you hard.

Maybe that is not how you interpreted what I said, But I assure you it *is* what I said. Note the use of the "/" rather than a comma between the words drone and mine... If you think it would be less confusing to everyone though I will happily go back and edit that post to read "Drones/Mines" instead.


At takes you at least 2 seconds to line up and tunnel a target -- the gunship will be happy to wait for you to do this, and he will land a full slug on you every time. I think the difference of opinion is related to how you don't usually fly against multiple competent gunship pilots.
I should have clarified that in the use of this tactic it would be imperative to be flanking the opponent(s). Charging straight down a gunships' sights is of course a particularly bad idea in a S2E setup.


Sure, but it's a bit insane when a handful of pilots that only play on Ebon hawk claim that the best Novadive aces in the GAME use this inferior build.
I'm not sure if this was directed at me since I've made no such claims . I visit Ebon Hawk so rarely I surely couldn't tell you who was best at what there to be quite honest and only suggested S2E as an alternative component option.



...Siraka, I could be completely misinterpreting the tone of some of your replies to me (it is easy to do when conversing in text-based format after all), but I'm starting to get the feeling I have offended you in some way. If that is the case please let me know because that has never been my intention.

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Does anyone know if Ion Railgun's cleave is affected?


I'm fairly sure that it is not affected. At any rate if I'm having trouble hitting a nuisance of a scout directly I'll often target a nearby target instead, and I have yet to see the splash fail to connect with anything within range.


I suspect that mechanically it's treated like the other AOE effects that ignore evasion.

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If anyone is interested, here is my T1 Scout build:

Laser Cannons (crit, shield damage), occasionally Light Laser Cannons (tracking, shield damage)

Rockets (ammo, plasma warheads)

Targeting Telemetry (Target Prediction, Precision Targeting)

Distortion Field (missile break)

Power Dive (turning), occasionally Barrel Roll (turning)

Lightweight Armor

Frequency Capacitor

Regeneration Thrusters


+13% engine and weapon efficiency

+6% accuracy and +25% ammo

+5% evasion and +10% shield pool


Why do you take plasma warheads? I've seen plenty of players flying them, but it always seems an odd choice... The damage increase is so small, especially if you consider the fact that DoTs clip in GSF.

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Why do you take plasma warheads? I've seen plenty of players flying them, but it always seems an odd choice... The damage increase is so small, especially if you consider the fact that DoTs clip in GSF.


Damage from DOTs prevents shield regeneration on the target, more damage is more damage, it gives a really obvious indication of whether or not you're hitting consistently with rockets, and it makes the ranges of Laser Cannons and Rocket Pods match more closely (a minor quality of life feature if you just mash all your "fire" buttons when the reticle turns red).


Oh, and lulz.


If you add, "comes with a valuable debuff," in the case of Thermite Torpedoes, that makes a pretty complete list of, "why take a DOT," reasons for GSF.


It all translates into, "the other option isn't very compelling, so why not?"

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Damage from DOTs prevents shield regeneration on the target, more damage is more damage, it gives a really obvious indication of whether or not you're hitting consistently with rockets, and it makes the ranges of Laser Cannons and Rocket Pods match more closely (a minor quality of life feature if you just mash all your "fire" buttons when the reticle turns red).


Oh, and lulz.


If you add, "comes with a valuable debuff," in the case of Thermite Torpedoes, that makes a pretty complete list of, "why take a DOT," reasons for GSF.


It all translates into, "the other option isn't very compelling, so why not?"


I never though about that, but still the range seems more valuable. More range is more accuracy at closer range, which is (assuming you can hit consistently) a direct dps increase, while dots are indirect (and mostly wasted because you rely on burst to finish your opponent off, and anyway they clip).

The shield regeneration really isn't an issue while firing, although it is nice to be able to fire the pods from the same range as you fire lasers.


I'm not sure I understood the thermite comment. Do you mean that you prefer taking the dot on thermite instead of the debuff increase? If so, I think there's a big difference, because if you can fire at the target for 15 seconds he's dead anyway, and if not the extra 15% damage is actually a lot more damage. If I misunderstood you, sorry :)

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Why do you take plasma warheads? I've seen plenty of players flying them, but it always seems an odd choice... The damage increase is so small, especially if you consider the fact that DoTs clip in GSF.


I hadn't thought much about this choice. The accuracy increase from the range upgrade is pretty small. At 6000m, it would go from 86.0% to 87.8%. I'm actually not very sure how the +15% damage is applied.


Damage from DOTs prevents shield regeneration on the target...


This could be useful sometimes.

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I think people got a bit overzealous.


Now for uncaptured sats - speed is the key and can decide whether you lock it down before the opposing team can get close enough, not as likely against higher skilled opponents but something to keep in mind.


Clearing turrets is a pain without ignore armor, something I've realized after running some baby ships so I've got an alternative to conquest points. Rocketpods will be virtually essential to clear those turrets quick but you will have to be mindful of ammo, especially if there's no one with reload around.


None of the laser cannons available on nova have ignore armor, so it's essentially range and damage that will dictate your choice.

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I never though about that, but still the range seems more valuable. More range is more accuracy at closer range, which is (assuming you can hit consistently) a direct dps increase, while dots are indirect (and mostly wasted because you rely on burst to finish your opponent off, and anyway they clip).

The shield regeneration really isn't an issue while firing, although it is nice to be able to fire the pods from the same range as you fire lasers.


I'm not sure I understood the thermite comment. Do you mean that you prefer taking the dot on thermite instead of the debuff increase? If so, I think there's a big difference, because if you can fire at the target for 15 seconds he's dead anyway, and if not the extra 15% damage is actually a lot more damage. If I misunderstood you, sorry :)


Basically burst damage is so valuable that DOTs as a mechanic in GSF really have an uphill battle to be worthwhile. You don't take Thermite for its DOT, you accept that the debuff is so good that you'll still take it despite the fact that a big chunk of the damage is applied as a DOT. One definitely doesn't want more DOT on Thermite, one wants more debuff.


The context was supposed to be that if you don't get something at least as good as the Thermite debuff, there's no way anyone is going to accept a component with significant DOT component as being any good in GSF. I wasn't very clear about that though. Basically you have to bribe a pilot with other stuff to get them to take something that does its damage as a DOT.


The only reason that plasma warheads on rocket pods isn't completely insane as a choice is that accuracy for pods is significantly different than accuracy for cannons, so the small amount of extra range is substantially less valuable than it would be for most other weapons affected by accuracy.

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Well, I did a bit of math, and came back surprised. The dps increase on both upgrades is practically the same... So it's really up to personal preferences. I could see the use of both upgrades, depending on play style and intentions.


That being said, I still value the range increase more than the DoT, for the same reason people value evasion. It gives you a chance to land an extra rocket, which is a big damage increase (to a specific fight).


For anyone interested in the actual dps differences:


Rocket pods accuracy at 4500m w/o the range upgrade: ~91.28%

Rocket pods accuracy at 4500m w/ the upgrade: ~92.63%

~1.35% accuracy increase = ~1.35% dps increase. 437 dps => 443 dps.


(60 seconds / 97.2 rockets per minute) x 437 dps = damage per rocket = ~270 damage

60 seconds / 97.2 rockets per second = time between rocket hits = ~0.62 seconds

15% rocket damage x time between rocket hits = 40.5 x 0.062 = ~2.5 damage increase per rocket

2.5 dp rocket increase = 4.05 dps increase. 437 dps => ~441 dps... (actually ~442)




Really doesn't matter... So disregard my previous comment :)

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Just wanted to touch on this.


Railgun drones do indeed ignore all Evasion of their target. However the other drones (Interdiction and Missile) and defense turrets all are affected by Evasion.


Let's just throw up some lists for everyone for fun.


List of things unaffected by Evasion:


All missiles (Except Rocket pods)

All mines

Railgun Drone

Missile Drone's Missile (Not it's lasers)



List of things affected by Evasion:


All Lasers

All Railguns

Rocket pods

Missile and Interdiction Drone's lasers

Defense turrets (Including Capital ship turrets)


Drak, i actually disagree with raildrones ignoring evasion. Raildrones accuracy is insanely high, but in high evasion builds i saw them miss multiple times


Also it would be weird if there would be only one thing that ignores a designed game mechanics(mines, i know) It`s kind of the same as cap ship turrets. Ther are basically unkillabe...but only to the fact that they have about 250k hp

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