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Cant start KOTFE


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So my problem is that I can't start KOTFE, there are no missions on my starship mission console. Came back to try KOTFE, have 6 days of subscription, but it seems I cant' play it. For all the time I didint play and subscribed just to get the fake "rewards" that are just a rename of the old items from game... Well EA...

Maby anyone know how to "fix" the problem and finnaly start KOTFE?

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I had this problem with Rise of the Hutt Cartel (After 4.0's release) on my smuggler. I was level 50 but it refused to give the mission. I did some other stuff, and got up to 51 and it gave me the mission. Does it work for you? Try planetary heroics from Dromund Kaas or Coruscant.
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