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Crit is the new power *Tested*


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Hey there guys, So I have been doing some runs and parses in operations and training dummy, I am running completely all critical augments + at least 3 alacrity and 1 accuracy augment. Here's an example of what my stats look like, (I forget the exact from memory, but they are a little higher than listed with decimal placements) I run a Combat Sentinel.


Accuracy - 110.19%

critical chance - 38% +/-

critical multiplier - 67% +/-

alacrity - 8.22%


I am using this current build as a placeholder for when I eventually get better gear, then I can possibly replace the augments with other stats. My critical chance is right where I want it right now, but plan on increasing alacrity to at least 9-10%, as it has given me better numbers. an example of chained hits with my critical on combat sent, is 18k with clashing blast and 17k on Dispatch in one instance. Given a precision window everytime, my clashing blast will average about 12k-15k, even without zen active. All is dependent on of course using your abilities on certain procs to attain higher numbers, but I thought I'd share to give insight as to how well critical has been working as the new power. I still currently use Hawkeye crystals, and don't plan on switching, as I feel there are alternatives to still having power implemented, just in smaller amounts this time around.


Like anyone, It's my goal to continually get better and understand this class as a whole so that I can give sentinels a better rep in operations, and perhaps influence others to give this class a try or pick it back up if abandoned. I share my numbers to hopefully interest others in giving the class a try, even if its not combat spec. all forms are fun to learn.


On Dulfy, a fellow Sentinel by the name Hayete posted a guide to combat sentinels, and I recommend checking it out to get a better idea as to where your gear should be, or where you can work towards. Very helpful!





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