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Serious Item Collection Issue - Makes some quests practically uncompleable


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I know this has been covered with a post or two before, but the issue needs to be urgently fixed as I am finding some quests are impossible with the issue as its - this post has been copied into a bug report ingame.


General Issue - Unless you click on the Mob with the yellow bar you will not get the quest item logged in your inventory.


Potential Issues : -

Issue 1 - Quest = Collect Item Y -> Doable if you click on the right guy

If you accidentally click on the wrong guy you will need to reset the quest and click on the yellow guy - attempts to pick up another item will fail because you can only "only carry one"


Issue 2 - Quest = Collect X of Item Y -> Takes longer to do quest

More often than not you will kill more than 1 guy at the same time, this has therefore the chance that multiple mobs will drop the yellow items - you will only be created with the one you clicked on meaning all the others will be lost.


Issue 3 - Quest = Collect Item X, Item Y and Item Z -> Practically impossible.

The problem is when you kill a group of mobs more than 1 item will drop meaning that 1 of the yellows won't register, as you cannot pick up any more of these the quest cannot be completed. The only way this quest type can complete is if each yellow item only drops once per "killing spree" as soon as two drop together you need to reset and retry.


The last issue occurred repeatedly for me on a heroic quest which after countless resets I gave up.



I had to collect 4 unique items which randomly dropped - you can only carry 1 of each item


So, i kill 4 mobs in one attack

Mob 1 dropped Item A from the list

Mob 2 went green

Mob 3 went blue

Mob 4 dropped Item B from the list


If I collect from Mob 1 the quest is now FUBAR'd because while I have item B it has not registered and any further attempt to collect Item B will fail

If I collect from Mob 2 or 3 the quest is now FUBAR'd because while I have items A and B it has not registered either and any further attempt to collect Items A or B will fail

If I collect from Mob 4 the quest is now FUBAR'd because while I have item A it has not registered and any further attempt to collect Item A will fail


Basically unless I am lucky that only 1 quest item drops per attack the quest cannot be completed

Edited by AlkieDropout
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Turn off area looting in the preferences.


This bug has been in the game forever, but most old quests are unnaffected by it. Most quests seem to keep track of the items you actually have, instead of counting how often you picked them up, and in others it just doesn't matter how many quest items you actually have, so it just takes longer to finish when picking up 5 items at once counts only as one for the quest.


There are a few quests, though, that allow you to have only the required number of items in inventory or drop the items only once, unless you reset the quest. In this case the bug is really serious.


Quests i remember having this issue:


Armed and Dangerous on Korriban (Quest stuck if you don't loot the corpse with the unique quest item directly)

The Face Merchants on Coruscant (Only looting the quest item directly proceeds the quest)

Friends of Old on Dromund Kaas (Only looting the quest items directly proceeds the quest)

Hunger of the Vrblthers on Nar Shaddaa (Takes longer because different quest items don't count when area looting)

Edited by Mubrak
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