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what happened to ravage?


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(in juyo form) ravage does 10-11K while viscous slash does almost 5K? making viscous slash near enough the same DPS Not that im the kind of try hard that runs parses and that kind of thing but im sure it used to hit harder than that in relation to my other abilities
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It's quite hard to estimate as of 3.2.1 Ravage was typically clipped, but let's pick some older parse (I took Svi-x one http://parsely.io/parser/view/8954/2 for example) and extimate numbers. Vicious Throw didn't crit for him once, which makes it statistically hard to evaluate, but luckily enough Parsely has estimator! Let's go there and put Crit # = 0 for each Ravage tick as well as compensate missing 11th tick on one of the offhand hits. 24500+1201+23884+779+47386+2861=100611 which makes 100611/11=9146 damage per activation, while Vicious Throw average hit is 4583. See? It's essentially the same.
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