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Player made Loot Crates similar to Cartel Crates


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It would be awesome if BioWare allowed crafters to make Loot Crates that open like Cartel Crates, that we can put items into for sale or exchange as gifts. Of course to prevent scams the contents would need to be able to be previewed.


I envision these as being used by crafters to make gear sets to sell on the GTN, or players using them as a kind of gift box to give to friends.

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If players are allowed to create their own crates with any items, wouldn't that make items much harder to find on the GTN? Who decides what the name of a user created crate would be? With a user created crate it will be more likely that you'll have to buy an item you don't want just to get the item you do want. I think this will add too much chaos to the gtn.
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