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Begeren Colony Summit


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Hello again, we are planning the next Summit and would like some input on the best times and days for availability for as many players as can come. Please take the 10 seconds to vote in the following strawpolls to help us get your voice heard. http://strawpoll.me/5895637 for the day of the week you are most likely available and http://strawpoll.me/5895695 for the time slot you prefer on the day you are available. The goal is to have this polling done by the Saturday November 14th so we can plan the following weeks Summit. Please let everyone you know about this so they may be able to attend. Also if you have any ideas to add to the agenda we are drafting please feel free to post them here. It is helpful if after you complete the polls if you could say if you are interested and who you are in game below as well. Thank you for joining in our efforts to bring the community together. This Summit will be in Teamspeak3.



~Dezz'revas~ Republic (The Revas Colonial Alliance)

~Dessel'revas~ Imperial (The Fallen of Revas)

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This person does more to bring the server community together than a hundred guild summits.


This person ^ adds nothing but trolling to this forum.


If you want to help the server help new players. No amount of group think or giveaways has ever or will ever convince even a single player to stick with this or any game.


Anyway, sorry I'm so negative, good luck with your efforts, I love BC.

Edited by Monumenta
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This person ^ adds nothing but trolling to this forum.


If you want to help the server help new players. No amount of group think or giveaways has ever or will ever convince even a single player to stick with this or any game.

I guess the only thing that can explain your attitude on this issue is "jealousy." What exactly do you think the giveaway events do?


Anyway, sorry I'm so negative, good luck with your efforts, I love BC.

If you were sorry for being negative, you would not have done it in the first place.

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I guess the only thing that can explain your attitude on this issue is "jealousy." What exactly do you think the giveaway events do?


Giving anything to anyone helps no one, refer to the old saying about teaching people to fish. You sound even more dumb when you think you have a point, you should stick to your usual mindless negativity, or really improve the community (back on point) and leave it.


If you were sorry for being negative, you would not have done it in the first place.


No one's apologizing to you clueless...

Edited by Monumenta
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Giving anything to anyone helps no one, refer to the old saying about teaching people to fish. You sound even more dumb when you think you have a point, you should stick to your usual mindless negativity, or really improve the community (back on point) and leave it.

At this point, it's clear you are simply trolling. There are a few bitter, jealous, unhappy players who make complaints in the game similar to yours. I suspect you are one of them (one in particular who complains that the events make it too hard to get Ops groups).


No one's apologizing to you clueless...

You already did.

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At this point, it's clear you are simply trolling. There are a few bitter, jealous, unhappy players who make complaints in the game similar to yours. I suspect you are one of them (one in particular who complains that the events make it too hard to get Ops groups).



You already did.


No cluless I was apologizing to Dezz who's thread I derailed berating you for being a constant troll.


I am not an unhappy player nor is there anything to be jealous of, who the f does Ops in swtor anymore? Your assertions are a joke as are most of your statements here.


Helping new players is the only way to improve the server. Bran leaving would also be good for BC. Are you sure you don't hear Harbinger calling for your bs attitude?

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No cluless I was apologizing to Dezz who's thread I derailed berating you for being a constant troll.

Do you know what "irony' means?


But if you knew it was a derail before you did it and then felt compelled to apologize for it, why did you do it in the first place? You're saying "I knew I was doing something I was not supposed to do, but I did it anyway."


I am not an unhappy player nor is there anything to be jealous of

Do you know what "lying" means?

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Server Wide Guild Summit


Scribe: Vallati Rose


Guild Masters (And Their Plus ones) and Their Guilds in attendance:

Roll call (In no particular order):

Brinnete (Guild Name Not Mentioned)

Audaine (The Valefor)

Aylaa (BC.org)

Cordae (BC.org)

Cathana (Jedi Council)

Slavish/Perrfect (Jedi Council)

Blaze (Imperial Commend)

Dezz'Revas (The Revas Colonial Alliance)

Lady Skyborne (The Revas Colonial Alliance)

Chionesu (Jedi Council)

Artisan/Esk (BC.org)

Bodaway (Legion of the Jedi)

Hamlinius (Legion of Jedi)

Jason (Pyro)

Tanka (More Man Then Machine)

Liltroublemaker (LORTJ)

Leoonides (Origin)

Niahmara (Blue Star Alliance)

jimbolo (Jedi Council)

Le'Andre (jedi Council)

Crimsonas (POC/TOC)

Sionnz/ Dorian (Valefor's GM)



Observations: Good and Bad

  • A big increase in PVP activities and a huge increase in GSF. Also in OPS and Flash points.
  • The Trolls have moved from the Republic to the Empire.
  • Hackers in grouped PVP.
  • Lots went to harbinger server.
  • People are moving here from other servers and they have different in play styles. This is causing problems in PVP especially. Players are triple caping, and spawn camping.
  • RP- Some people are finding it hard find it.
  • PVP- People want to stress working together on both sides to balance the Imperial and Republic. This will increase the number of piolets and pops.
  • More people are using the the channels but more people need to join them to make them efficient.

Website http://www.begarencoloney.com

  • Was started to be THE website for the server. It was morphed and changed for the RPs because they were the majority still using it.
  • You can put a blurb about your guild on Guildnet. Also have please have your guildies and new recruits sign up at both your guild website and BC.org.

Website Staff:

Admins: Esk and Crodae

Arbiters/Moderators: Aylaa, Dezz'Revas, Lurilla, Slavish and Livia.


Working Together

  • Since people are moving around there are people who don't know the mechanics of operations, we should help them learn so as to cultivate a greater pool of players. It was suggested a short version of the mechanics be made and shared in the beginning of fights. A TLDR version of basic mechanics.
  • Suggested to expand ops sign up and coordinate with the weekly's.
  • It was suggested that people please not treat Imperial players a second class citizens.
  • Having 'nights' for PVP/GSF/PVE (There is an events on the calendar)The website will eventually have tags on the calendar.
  • Post the events in game. In the channels of the game because there are people who don't use the websites.
  • It was suggested to go to the started planets and have 'classes' on how to learn to play your class, and help choosing disciplines. This way the new players will have a better grasp on the game and their parts in raids, ops, etc...
  • To have more guild activates and RP events on planets so they can be join by all.
  • Hold cross guild competitions. Duels and pvp events.
  • People are more likely to stay on the server if engaged socially.
  • There is a guild who has trials to advance guildies in the ranks. such as registering on the site and making a backstory.
  • Suggestion: Origin assigns a "Master" to help players learn their classes, game mechanics and how the guild works.
  • Have massive events!! Like speeder races, having the course layed out. Even pelting passersbyers with snowballs. Hide and seek (with nameplates turned off) Voss and Kaas city were suggested. Big and small events to have fun for hours, or fit between matches.
  • RPers have expressed that they are ok with the time skip and after playing through the new content, will continue their story lines.
  • Permote pops if you want pops
  • Permote the channels.
  • Please correct ungrateful winner who say they had to carry noobs. This is rude and does not make people want to play.
  • Having new player meetings once a week/month and answer the questions they will have, also a way to permote guilds. This will help foster a sense of belonging and help players
  • Guilds who attended, please reach out to those who couldn't make it. This way we will have more and more guilds join.
  • It was also suggested that we have independents also join the summits. This will give more input as well.
  • It would be good to have a few 5 min bio breaks.
  • Set up a regular meeting time and place, then get the word out there. Also having cross faction meetings on ie: Nar Shaddaa.
  • Also suggested that we do not use Raidcall. Too many people had problems with it. It was suggested that we have the meeting every 3 week. It will be decide later, after more input, when to have these meetings. Keeping in mind that we have guilds/players who are based in different countries.

Edited by Shiroi_Bara
The spaceing was all wrong
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  • 3 weeks later...
No cluless I was apologizing to Dezz who's thread I derailed berating you for being a constant troll.


I am not an unhappy player nor is there anything to be jealous of, who the f does Ops in swtor anymore? Your assertions are a joke as are most of your statements here.


Helping new players is the only way to improve the server. Bran leaving would also be good for BC. Are you sure you don't hear Harbinger calling for your bs attitude?


At this point the only one trolling here is you. Feel free to grab a can of ****

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