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[BUG] Major lag and stuttering issues on Odessen - May have discovered the cause?


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I've noticed that since I got to Odessen, I get odd lag happening - usually when I look in a certain direction. When I've mentioned it to people, they've usually told me that it's just the amount of people around, but there are more people on the Republic Fleet, and it doesn't happen there.


I usually pull 100+ FPS in most areas, and Odessen is no different, until the aforementioned issues in a certain direction.


I went into the republic dome and stood on the left side outer ledge, looking down to where the player ship would be (in my case, a Defender Corvette). I saw it, but when I moved, it changed back to plain grass. I stood on the left side of the ledge again, swing my camera around a bit, and it reappeared - only this time it was the Imperial Agent ship. Then I noticed a Sith Fury overlapping it. Then a Defender, Then a Thunderclap, and then what I could only assume is an XL: Freighter, all overlapping oneanother.


When I moved my camera around, I got about 111FPS. When I viewed the direction of the ships, it instantly dropped down to rock bottom.


Screenshots attached, notice the FPS counter at the bottom corner:


111FPS - Looking away from the ships


16FPS - Looking at the ships


Has this been noticed / logged before?

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