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Kyle Katarn, Mace Windu or Jaina Solo ? Which one is the best ?


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So i am wondering which one is the best.


Normally i wouldn't considered jaina solo here, but since she is named "sword of the jedi" it also says a lot of about her skill.

Mace windu may have his own style but kyle on the other hand have survived countless wars during new republic area, not to mention he was the teacher for mara jade on top of that also have access to dark sides abilities which mace doesn't have access too.

It is hard to say what is array of mace windu skill since he didn't face off against high level opponents, ( i may be wrong here, correct me if i am wrong).

As kyle was fighting years and years against different enemies through the galaxy.

So what you guys think, which is the best duelist/ martial artist ?


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