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Can't login to characters on the guild ship


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Ring them again. Some support people are flat out denying they can help, others are straight away helping.


We tested the "remove them from guild" option and it worked. The way we did it was that one of my officers was on the long loading screen. In guild it didn't show that he was online. I removed him from guild and it changed to a different loading screen for him and he landed on fleet. We've done this with a few people now, quite easy to co-ordinate with a teamspeak server :)


One thing to keep in mind is that they will lose any conquest points they earned towards their guild weekly. The still have their personal points and the points don't get taken away from the guild.


Unfortunately that option of a fix isn't going to help with Guild leaders and similar folks that removing them means huge guild problems.

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Ya I know but it's a fix to help your guild members play the game while waiting for a further lack of response from bioware. I spent an hour or so last night kicking and inviting guild members back. The real kicker is that you get locked again if you forget and make the mistake of returning to the guild ship.


For guild leaders and people that don't want to be kicked then ringing them up is the only way to go.


It's a crap situation to be in, I kept all my characters on the guild ship/stronghold to pop them back when they vanish due to the other bug and now it's not safe to have them there. Great way to reduce one of the most expensive and time consuming things in the game to nothing more than a nuisance and an embarrassment.

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Can access guild ships again after today's patch. I took a character there and logged out then back in again. Not sure if this vague line in today's patch notes relates to this or if it was just solved because of a server reset.

Multiple server side performance and logging-related changes.


We noticed other people in guild had a similar problem even though they were not on the guild ship. 2 were on Makeb and 1 was on Dromund Kaas in their own stronghold. Removing them from guild also fixed it for them.

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This is still an ongoing issue and so far we've had absolutely no reply. It is affecting a large number of players and in-game customer support have been absolutely terrible in helping. I had to ring up CS to get my character moved off the guild ship. It seems like a very mixed result via the phone. Some agents say they can not help as it is a bug with the game that only the devs can solve whilst others say they have heard about the problem lots and are willing to help straight away. I got an answer to my 2 in-game tickets today saying they would help me out, almost 2 weeks after asking for help. I'm glad I went the phone call route but I shouldn't of had to.


We've had to remove lots of people from the guild and re-invite them which totally undermines their trust in being able to use the guild ship and stronghold which sucks as we use these as social gathering points.


I think this list of threads both here and in the EA answers forum shows the level of the problem. This is affecting people in multiple guilds on multiple servers. These are just the threads I found with a few minutes of looking.



  1. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=852350
  2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=852042
  3. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=852422
  4. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=851555
  5. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=852116
  6. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=764859
  7. http://answers.ea.com/t5/STAR-WARS-The-Old-Republic/Can-t-access-guild-ship/m-p/4936088#U4936088
  8. http://answers.ea.com/t5/STAR-WARS-The-Old-Republic/SWTOR-Help-me-Character-in-location-which-causes-infinite/m-p/4934886#U4934886
  9. http://answers.ea.com/t5/STAR-WARS-The-Old-Republic/Can-t-travel-to-stronghold-or-access-certain-characters/m-p/4936086
  10. http://answers.ea.com/t5/STAR-WARS-The-Old-Republic/Character-Log-in-Problem/m-p/4915465
  11. http://answers.ea.com/t5/STAR-WARS-The-Old-Republic/Cant-log-in-to-some-of-my-chars/m-p/4919591
  12. http://answers.ea.com/t5/STAR-WARS-The-Old-Republic/Stuck-at-Loading-Screen/m-p/4917023
  13. http://answers.ea.com/t5/STAR-WARS-The-Old-Republic/Guild-Flagship-unable-to-travel/m-p/4912647
  14. http://answers.ea.com/t5/STAR-WARS-The-Old-Republic/Can-t-log-into-my-imperial-characters/m-p/4913034


I wonder if this is related to the vanishing guildship/stronghold problem that is still not resolved.


Please give us a reply and let us know what is going on.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Also happened for my Nar Shaddaa Stronghold... I can't get to it, cannot invite people to it and cannot log into characters I had logged out in it.

If I invite people to it and they accept, they get kicked out of the game.

I have tried deleting the cache, but that didn't do anything. This is server-side.

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Just an update on our situation, that may help some of you:


- Calling customer support and having them move ONE of your toon off the guild ship to the fleet seems to work to unstuck this toon. One representative said he could only move one toon, and 2 other representatives moved several while on the phone with us, but it only worked for some of them. So, pick which toon you want moved first, ask them to move this one specifically, and then ask or call back for the other toons if you want / need.

- /gkick worked on the toons that were stuck on the guild ship. After being gkicked, those toons were logging back on the fleet.

- /gkick obviously did not work on our gm, but customer service moved that one when specifically asked to do so, and he could gkick his alts. However, his newly unguilded alts logged back on the guild ship instead of the fleet, and our guild ship now appears to be fixed for everyone, even if we are now all abandoning ship...


Conclusion: Those may or may not be a coincidence, but for us:

- the bug appeared to be linked to one specific toon that was on the guild ship, and after moving him off the ship via phone support, the bug seems to be fixed.

- this toon was moved via customer support and not via /gkick.

- this toon had been logged in the day the ship broke.

- this toon was the gm himself.


I hope this helps at least a few of you, and maybe even helps Bioware, who knows... Are they reading the forums?


As a reminder, be REALLY nice with customer support on the phone. However upset you may be, remember that you have a better chance of having a pleasant conversation with results if you are the nice caller of the hour than if you are one of those hundred really frustrated people calling that day.

Edited by mdseta
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