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Can you please make kolto infusion/ kolto pack a strong hot again


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I liked it the way it was pre 3.3 a lot more, it allowed for proactive healing and was really strong. ATM.it has lost some of it's power (less healing overall) while being a gimped version of kolto injection.


It does not.help.you burstheal, there is no time in which you cannot afford to cast injection but a infusion would save someone. It is neither good as burstheal nor as a hot and that means there are no decisions to make with it.


Give us overall better bursthealing and make infusion a hot again please.

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Yeah, I think it's better to go back to the Op roots of heavy HoTs. Revert the changes back to pre-3.3, take the buff from Injection and put it into Infusion in terms of initial healing and remove the CD of Infusion. Edited by Diachi
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I liked it the way it was pre 3.3 a lot more, it allowed for proactive healing and was really strong. ATM.it has lost some of it's power (less healing overall) while being a gimped version of kolto injection.


It does not.help.you burstheal, there is no time in which you cannot afford to cast injection but a infusion would save someone. It is neither good as burstheal nor as a hot and that means there are no decisions to make with it.


Give us overall better bursthealing and make infusion a hot again please.


Well for dps operatives it was retardedly overpowered, so no.

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Yeah, I think it's better to go back to the Op roots of heavy HoTs. Revert the changes back to pre-3.3, take the buff from Injection and put it into Infusion in terms of initial healing and remove the CD of Infusion.


I am talking about infusion having a small upfrontheal, then a strong hot and 9 seconds cd. It would be nice though if it was castable on the move or instant as every other healer has some sort of strong st heal on the move

Edited by aristrokratie
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I am talking about infusion having a small upfrontheal, then a strong hot and 9 seconds cd. It would be nice though if it was castable on the move or instant as every other healer has some sort of strong st heal on the move


I guess I'm just use to my Resto Druid in WoW... :rolleyes:

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It's just that kolto infusion 2.0 was a very big part of the scoundrel's/op's identity as it was a very strong casted short duration hot which helped keeping people up that were being tunneled. Now it's just a mediocre burstheal with a pathetic hot afterwards.


I just hate the fact now that in order to counter high burst, we have to cast Injection more often than pre-3.3 (which was like 2-4 times a ranked match) up to 12-15 times and it just destroys energy management.


I was in a solo ranked where the 2 enemy PTS did 3.5k each and the mara was holding 2.8k. Their burst alone made me Surgical Probe > Injection > Infusion > Injection > Instant Injection and at that point my energy management is screwed. And the lame part is that they have burst up every 4-6 GCDs while my burst is reliant on if I wasn't interrupted or if my energy isn't destroyed.

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I just hate the fact now that in order to counter high burst, we have to cast Injection more often than pre-3.3 (which was like 2-4 times a ranked match) up to 12-15 times and it just destroys energy management.


I was in a solo ranked where the 2 enemy PTS did 3.5k each and the mara was holding 2.8k. Their burst alone made me Surgical Probe > Injection > Infusion > Injection > Instant Injection and at that point my energy management is screwed. And the lame part is that they have burst up every 4-6 GCDs while my burst is reliant on if I wasn't interrupted or if my energy isn't destroyed.


That's the weakness of ops. Injection-> surgical should be almost as good hps wise as injection->injection->injection...

Edited by aristrokratie
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