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Yet Another General Frellka Bug Thread


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Isn't happening to me, my friend is having the issue where he can't access the mine computer, after defeating Frellka. He's tried resetting, relogging, pretty much everything that others have suggested, but nothing is working.


We find it bemusing that this issue has threads dating back to 2012, we also find it strange that the threads get locked when no fix has been issued.


For the record I managed to complete it, with no problems, but my friend is having these problems. Just because it doesn't affect everybody doesn't mean it doesn't affect anybody.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is a class mission and, needless to say, this bug is hindering his progress.



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Open up your mission log and go to the quest that is giving you trouble. There should now be a reset button at the bottom of the quest description, press that and it will restart the quest from the beginning. Hopefully you will not run into that bug the second time through.
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