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BUG: Medical Probe -- Broken AGAIN?


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Hi again,


After the silent patch Tuesday night I got the Medical Probe back on my Commando and all was functioning as intended.


However, today when I logged in, I noticed that Medical Probe is no longer on the quick bar and I have a "see Trainer" notation in my Abilities.


Here's the kicker --

I pull out the Hutt Trainer, Re-train the skill and it doesn't actually give me the skill, it just sits in an infinite loop telling me to see the trainer... it's kind of like "stop hitting yourself!"


Take a look at this picture....




Edited by Baby-Girl
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To test this, I created a level 60 Commando and re-spec'd her to Heals. The Medical Probe will not train. I am wondering if any other Commandos have the same issue? There's a thread in the Class forum but there's no consistent fix. For example some are retraining constantly after zoning into an instance. :eek:


Can we get some sort of official response to this?

Edited by Baby-Girl
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I kinda figured the bug. For some reason the skill Medical Probe only disappears when you zone in into any Stronghold , be it yours or a friend's. If you train it on the fleet , inside your ship , planets etc the skill will not disappear. At least that's how it's been working for me. After tthat it's just a matter of training the skil everytime you come out of a stronghold. Edited by Bazarov
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Thank you for the reply I tried the suggestions you provided and it's not working e.g. I was on my stronghold when I first trained it (not on the fleet) and whenever I am out doing dailies, H2s etc, I throw out the Hutt to see if it will train and it seems no matter where I try, I cannot get it to apply. :-(


Edit: Got it to apply on Rishi, went to park on my Stronghold... gone... grrr that's an annoying bug!

Edited by Baby-Girl
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