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Journey Into Dust


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I opened a ticket but as per usual no response.


My character started the Journey Into Dust on Tattooine, I arrived in the area and started slaying Sand People and quickly got the compass however the quest said I didn't have it.

I slaughtered Sand People in their 1000s, each time I tried to collect more compasses it said I was not allowed because I already had one ... but according to the quest I still did not.


I reset the quest in a hope this would fix the issue but, despite making the Sand People extinct I still could not get the dropped compasses to register on the quest ... despite now several angry resets and trips back to the holoterminal..


As a last resort (the crowning turd in the toilet pipe) I thought, rather foolishly, that I would simply abandon the quest and go collect it again from the quest giver.


Did it work ... nope, when I arrived back in town I returned to the location where he was previously to find he'd buggered off and locked me out.


So i'm now stuck with a quest I can't get or complete even if I could get it.


I wouldn't care if it was a side bonus quest but its a core planet quest.

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I had this same problem today. I discovered that there's a problem with area loot and this quest. so, to finish the quest:


1. reset the quest, make sure there's no compass in your mission items inventory

2. turn off area loot from preferences

3. go back, kill a sand people guide and loot his compass, it should progress the quest normally.


Hope that helps!

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