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[Heroic 2+] Hired Guns - won't complete


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Doing this quest on my lvl 65 shadow, got it from one of the alert contacts - Veeroa Denzon - on Nar Shadaa

The "Loot Acces Key from Mercenary Veteran"

1st of the key didn't seem to drop until I had killed mostly everyone in the heroic,

and then when it finally did drop I looted it and the quest was still stuck on "Loot Access Key from Mercenary Veteran" even though I have the mission item in my inventory.


I'm pretty sure it's bugged but want to confirm if others have encountered it?


Edit: upon quest reset I was able to get the access key and the quest updated from the first mob I killed :rolleyes:

Edited by Azareya
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This bug has been around a very long time. I had trouble with this quest as well as a few others, but it seems very limited.


The ISSUE is that when you have area loot enabled, it clumps all of the loot and mission items together and when you hit take all, it does not update(Where in lies the issue I believe). Try turning off area loot, and just loot the yellow beams individually. (You can still possibly use area loot enabled, yet instead of hit TAKE ALL, just click on each mission piece individually in the list. I have had it work that way.)


I have done all heroics listed in the new reward format for the expansion for each faction. I have been able to complete them all, even the ones for which has this bug.


Try this, if it still does not work, update this post for dev review.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Having the same problem with [Heroic 2+] Hunger of the Vrblthers yesterday. I reset it several times, and it just won't work. I got so bored and fustrated that I just abandoned the whole quest. And I was having the same problem with [Heroic 2+] Jawa Trade, both today and yesterday. And when I tried it again today, it didn't work the first time, but when I reset it, it worked.
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