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Taral V solo mode is not working for me


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I am doing the SoR pre missions and the Jedi gives me tactical mode, which I can't do alone obviously. So I tried abandoning the tactical and talking to the FP astromech droid select the solo mode option and the shuttle hanger won't let me in it says I have another difficulty active. Am I not allowed to do this one Solo for the pre mission? The other FP pre mission let me run solo. I have an odd schedule so most of my guild mates aren't on during the day when I am on.


If there is something else I can do differently to get it done solo and count towards my pre qualifiers help a playa out. :p

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  • 10 months later...

Could be a bug, I wrote a step-by-step guide how it worked for me, maybe it helps.

I did both Taral V The Jedi Prisoner and Maelstorm Prison flashpoints in Solo mode, with purple missions too,

to get Dark vs Light Achivement (one day ago)


Here is my step by step Republic side guide where to get or change type of Taral V The Jedi Prisoner flashpoint mission, and the Maelstorm Prison flashpoint (only because I got lost too :D )


Good luck !


Edited by Poong
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