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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

WTB DPS for our raid team... PST


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  • Guild:
MAKE IT SO (Pub side)

  • Role Needed: DPS

  • Classes Preferred: Vanguard, Gunslinger, Sentinel


MAKE IT SO has been around since 2012 and we are probably the one of the smallest, close-knit, active guilds in the history of the universe. Okay so a slight exaggeration there...


Due to some real life issues, one of our raid members has had to step away from the game for an unforeseen amount of time. We would like to fill this spot on our HM/NiM raid team with a DPS that can make our raid nights of Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays @ 2030 EST.


Are we a OMG WORLD FIRST/SERVER FIRST guild? No. Are we consistently clearing more challenging content? Absolutely (7/10 HM in 3.0). Do we like scary murder clowns? Um, who does?


All joking aside, we are an EXTREMELY small raiding guild that is 100% free of drama, BS, braggarts, know-it-alls, and condescending attitudes. This isn't a guild that recruits level 1s from Tython/Ord Mantell at random... Please keep in mind that attitude and general cohesion with the rest of our team is more important than all else in terms of membership. We would love for you to join our group one raid night to see how we mesh.



~All repairs covered by our epic guild bank of doom

~Guild ships on both factions (wtb someone to decorate that crap, but that's another story)

~An extremely competent Ops Lead

~You'd be a part of a close-knit team that crushes its enemies, sees them driven before them, and hears the lamentation of the girly men


Please PM me if our guild sounds like it might be a good home for you and we can set up a time/date to raid!


TL;DR: Small, active guild filled with competent players needs a DPS to fill out their HM/NiM guild roster. Also, drugs are bad, mkay?


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Completely agree with Schwarzchild.


Amazing team, cool guild. I tried to ninja them all and it didn't work. They're too cool for that.


They also have a real life living Captain Picard from StarTrek.


Cool bunch of ppl, and i'm not even in their guild and I say that, so that should speak volumes.


Best wishes on finding that dps :)



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