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<Resurgence> Heavy RP Imperial Loyalist Guild


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The Imperial Accord


The <Imperial Accord> represents the 9th Imperial Fleet and the 21st Imperial Infantry Brigade, which fall under the Sphere of Military Strategy. Though we maintain a mil-sim vibe for immersion, our event focus is actually on intrigue, including intelligence gathering and security missions as well as covert strikes. We pride ourselves on prioritizing immersion through adherence to lore and guild spaces built for maximum RP function. Our combat system is one of the few to prioritize utility and noncombat aspects, giving agents and contracted specialists a chance to shine.


Our 11 major story arcs we've run since 2015 have established a proud tradition, but our future lies in the hands of today's membership. Our two darths also maintain private agendas, maintaining their own networks on Dromund Kaas, Nar Shadaa, and Denon, reflected by additional Strongholds. We have a fully unlocked guildship and use the ship on the Rishi Stronghold as an additional flagship for our second naval battlegroup.


Though we focus on our members' stories and that of the overall Accord, we also maintain ties with the community, welcoming alts and inter-guild RP. What else is different about us? Our smaller size allows those who join now to really participate in our guild core. We're active and friendly in guild chat and in Discord!


We welcome Sith acolytes, apprentices, lords, soldiers, agents, naval crew, mercenaries, and contracted specialists such as slicers, doctors/medics, technicians, and investigators. One of our darths maintains ties in Hutt Space, one in private sector weapons production, and one of our lords maintains ties with the criminal underworld. There are many ways to join us!

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General Guild Information


Imperial Accord (IA) has existed since early 2015 (under the name Imperial Resurgence) and was intended to provide immersive Imperial RP. Our story has evolved as our membership has changed, ensuring our active veterans are part-owners who embrace and shape our story. *Our active membership changes, and our numbers of people online vary dramatically based on the season. We're proud to maintain incredibly talented RPers, story writers, and event coordinators for our size. You can whisper any of our members who will testify to the quality we've established.


Action Resolution and Combat System (ARCS)

We use a roll-based system built around Levels that are based on IC personas and ranks. For example, an established lord has a higher Level than a recent graduate of Korriban, and a veteran soldier has a higher Level than a soldier right out of basic training. People who hate roll systems have admitted to liking ours because it's based on what Level of power the character should be fighting at. It's very flexible to customize around your character and is designed to work quickly in events, even for ones in which we used to have 20+ participants.


OOC Ranks

We currently have a GM, co-GM, and officer. We try to keep the leadership cadre as small as possible and still run the guild. Advisers are long-time members who fill a specialized administrative role and assist with running events. Veteran Members who are active and tenured enough to understand our guild culture and provide feedback and direction. Member is our standard rank, and new recruits hold the rank of Prospect.


RP Style and Events

The biggest thing we look for is RPers who can stand on their own, meaning they can create stories for themselves, approach people, and create an engaging dialogue. RP is a two-way street in that both have to engage the other, otherwise it becomes a burden to the other player.


We especially value people who aren't sore losers or sore winners and can take the bad days with the good. Even though our RP is often intense, we are OOCly rather laid back.


Our members will definitely approach someone to get them tied in, but if they notice an RPer is more of a wallflower and doesn't add to the scene—acting only in a reactionary manner—they'll move on to more engaging members. All of our members, from the GM to the newest Prospect, play to enjoy the game. That said, don't be afraid to approach an officer to discuss ways to make your character more engaging or to tie them into the guild.


We have talented Event Coordinators who run events to support the guild story, too. Many of these are training or combat events, but they can include anything a Coordinator wants to run. This has included intrigue, training, political, underworld, cantina, award ceremony, naval, and research RP.


Guild Strongholds

We've also taken our strongholds quite seriously and would stack them against any on the server. Though we decorate for RP utility foremost, our guild ship, the IDN Resurgance, has fully functional spaces for bridge crew RP, barracks, officer quarters, Sith quarters, a general cantina, mess hall, R&D lab, med bay, detention center, interrogation room, throne room, and various cabins and state rooms. Our Rishi ship represents our other flagship, the Defiance, which has spaces for bridge RP, crew quarters, mess hall, med bay, item modification, sparring, detention, planning, and briefings.


We use the Rishi Stronghold for our current story arc (Campaign 12). We also use personal Strongholds to represent our other areas of operation such as a cantina, the Prism, on Nar Shadaa that is a front for an Imperial network.


Is there room for non-Sith?

Yes, we love having non-Sith and try to support them as much as possible! We've recognized that agents are the most flighty if not given lots of attention, and we're always recruiting them since intelligence and covert operations are such a major part of our story. We have a Chief Medical Officer/Surgeon, field agents and ciphers, a Mandalorian mercenary, and a scientist. In the past, we've even had smugglers to move our supplies covertly and a bridge crew that underwent combat support during events.


Are Sith more powerful than everyone else in IA?

Yes. We observe lore, and those with the Force have remarkable advantages over those without. This is portrayed in the movies, books, and comics. That said, a guild of only Sith is boring, and diversity is what makes things interesting. Non-Sith bring many skills to the table that Sith don't have such as slicing, demolitions, and a knowledge of the criminal underground. Many smugglers use guile and dirty fighting in combat to tip the edge in their favor. Many ciphers are snipers or assassins able to inflict a lot of damage even if they can't take it. A Sith doesn't usually know how to decrypt intercepted comms, how to operate weapon batteries on a capital ship, or how to avoid Zakuul customs patrols in the space lanes. This is where non-Sith come in.

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  • 8 months later...

Process to ICly Enter the Guild


ICly, our guild is a joint powerbase between Darths Malice and Valias that they refer to as the Accord. This encompasses all of their holdings including R&D and the Archives, which contains all arcane knowledge the Accord has gathered in its decade+ of operation. Within the Accord is the Ninth Imperial Fleet, includes two naval battle groups led by the IDN Resurgence and IDN Defiance. The battle groups carry the 21st Imperial Infantry Brigade, which consists of two battalions of infantry, a marine battalion, and a special tactics company.


The Ninth accepts Sith, Imperial soldiers, Imeprial agents, and hired help including mercenaries and contracted specialists. Though we fall under Military Strategy, Darths Malice and Valias direct a wide range of misssions to increase their combined powerbase including political and diplomatic missions, commercial espionage, and archaelogical expeditions.


We're regularly assigned new graduates from the Sith Academy on Korriban and are reassigned Imperial soldiers, spec-ops veterans, and intelligence agents.



Ask on the forum or in guild chat to be ICly in-processed once you're comfortable doing so. We'll have someone in-process your character aboard the IDN Defiance (the ship in the Rishi stronghold). Your character should be taken on a tour and shown their quarters.


There are several ways to join our guild ICly. The most conventional approach is official assignment to the task force.

  • Graduates from the Sith Academy on Korriban can be sent to the Accord as their first assignment. While most of the Sith Empire involves individual lords traveling to Korriban to select specific apprentices, our Order is assigned a pool of graduates without specific masters unless otherwise arranged.
  • Soldiers can be reassigned to the fleet by Imperial High Command.
  • Agents can be reassigned by Sith Intelligence. The Accord is also sometimes willing to find disenfranchised agents from the Imperial Intelligence days, provided they can be trusted based on past performance or someone speaking on their behalf.
  • The Accord also recruits mercenaries, contracted slicers, medical personnel, smugglers, and scientists.





Sith can join the Order in a variety of ways.


Force Sensitive (Initiate/Acolyte)

A player can make a character who was presumably a regular soldier, crew member, or relative who is found to be Force sensitive. In such cases, the Accord will often keep them to train themselves rather than sending them to Korriban and risk them being reassigned elsewhere.


A character can also be "found" by the Accord such as through its holdings on Nar Shadaa, Denon, Vena, or through someone in the task force stumbling across them.


In either case, such a character won't have a lightsaber in almost all circumstances and should start at Level 2 or 3 in our combat system. Carrying a lightsaber within the Sith Empire if you're not a Sith is punishable by death. The character is called an Acolyte, or an Initiate if starting completely from scratch.


Korriban Graduate (Adept/Apprentice)

This is the most common type of Sith we receive. A graduate of Korriban is a lethal killing machine waiting only to be provided an assignment to wreak havoc on the Galaxy. Unlike many guilds, we follow lore and treat such graduates as full-fledged Sith and not basic training recruits. They are to be addressed as 'my lord' by all non-Sith Imperials (except perhaps Senior Officers, Cipher Agents, and Watchers).


Rather than assigning them to a specific master immediately, Resurgence reassigns such graduates, who are addressed as Adepts, to the task force as a whole and provides instruction collectively until a master takes them or they make lord through their own progress in the Order.



Of note, not all Sith will gain masters in our guild. Not only do we not have enough lords to do so, but the extremely high rate of turnover of junior Sith in our guild (as with most guilds) leaves lords very wary until they know that person is going to stick around. In addition, a master-apprenticeship is a two-way road in which both players invest a significant amount of time and must chhalnge each other, lest the RP become one-sided and stale. For these and other reasons, we provide most instruction to junior Sith through the task force as a whole, assigning them to a combat team with a mentor and team leader.



Korriban graduates should use Level 4 in ARCS. Attire should be appropriate to a junior Sith (i.e. simple robes and such) and not decked out like a darth.


Experienced Non-Lord (Adept/Apprentice)

Such characters range from ones who graduated from Korriban and briefly had a master to ones with many years of experience. They could be reassigned to the Accord through their Sphere or might have sought a powerbase to join on their own.


Such characters will usually have a lightsaber unless it was lost. They can regain a new master but can also eventually attain the rank of lord without one. They will still fall under Level 4 in ARCS, or Level 5 with permission. They are to be addressed as 'my lord' by all non-Sith Imperials (except perhaps Senior Officers, Cipher Agents, and Watchers).



A Lord could be someone who is no longer in service to a darth and seeking a new powerbase or a liaison from another sphere. A Lord will usually be Level 6 in ARCS. They can be raised if the guild leaders unanimously believe it's warranted based on a convincing persona and activity. Entering the guild as a lord requires an IC interview to ensure the player can roleplay the persona required of a lord.



Unlike some guilds, our lords are under pressure by virtue of maintaining guild immersion to play a convincing Sith. Those not able to do these things should consider an untitled Sith, who would still be accorded respect. We've also seen Sith who 'try too hard' to play lords and are rigid, disliked, and eventually force their way outside of RP. We prefer people with experience to play lords in our guild, and many of our lords could easily pass as darths in other guilds.


See Introduction Process below.




The easiest way to bring an Imperial character into the Accord is to have them reassigned here by Imperial High Command as a soldier or by Sith Intelligence as an agent.


Military personnel will be assigned a supervisor aboard the IDN Defiance (the Rishi stronghold ship). Agents will fall under the Intelligence Division and report to a Sith overseer. They are based out of the IDN Resurgence but are often placed aboard the IDN Defiance to support missions. Most agents will be Field Agents unless they are one of the select few 99 or less within the Sith Empire who were picked up for Cipher. Fixers and Minders are highly sought after as well. The Accord makes efforts to locate agents from the Imperial Intelligence days who might have become disenfranchised as a secondary means of filling its Intelligence billets.


Imperial military and agents should fall under Level 2 in ARCS if right out of school or slightly experienced, and Level 3 or 4 if more experienced. The rare Cipher agent would start at PL 4.


See Introduction Process below.



Mercenaries and Contracted Personnel

This covers a range of personnel such as armed mercenaries, contracted slicers, doctors, technicians, scientists, and even smugglers to augment military numbers. An IC interview can be arranged, with the character being contracted and paid monthly for their services.


Such characters should generally start at Level 2 in ARCS if they are rookies, Level 3 if experienced, and Level 4 if significantly experienced.


See Introduction Process below.



Introduction Process


Step 1 – Preliminary Background Screening

Presumably, once a character is on a manifest for being inbound to the Accord, a background check will be completed, with Imperial and holonet records being checked for derogatory information. If they are determined to be a threat, the shuttle will be directed elsewhere or they will be taken into custody upon arrival for further questioning.


Step 2 – Arrival

Once the character arrives aboard the IDN Defiance, they'll be met by someone to in-process them as well as security personnel to screen them for explosives, electronics, or surveillance devices. Specialized scanners are used. They'll then be taken to the Bridge to be in-processed. They'll be asked for a datachip with their records and biographical information.


Step 3 – Tour

The character should be taken on a tour and shown where they will be quartered. Sith lords use the starboard room near the Bridge. Sith Apprentices and Adepts, Imperial military, Imperial agents, mercenaries, and contractors use the crew quarters in the back of the ship.


Step 4 – Orientation

The Accord holds periodic Orientations during which leaders of the Accord will meet with the prospects and explain the overall purpose of the Accord. These are scheduled twice a month.


Step 5 – Assignment

Your character is assigned a supervisor depending upon their role and skills. The supervisor will ensure they are integrated into the Accord, and that their skills are known and used in missions.

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IC Guild Background Information


Founding (Campaigns 1 and 2)

A secretive Imperial task force that would become known as Resurgence after its flagship was created by master ritualist from the Sphere of Mysteries at the directive of a more pragmatic member of the Dark Council. Its purpose was to ensure continuity in the event the Sith Empire falls. Several times in history, the Sith were eradicated, their ways almost lost. If necessary, the Contingent stood ready to depart known space to rebirth a new Empire and some day return as it has in previous eras.


The Order was generously funded with resources and personnel, and built a prototype Imperial dreadnought—the IDN Resurgence—capable of sustained Hyperspace jumps with changes in heading, an important concept that would allow it to be undetectable in its mission.


The Contingent also needed Sith and Imperials who were strong and had been blooded in battle. It began performing precise strikes against the Republic and Hutts, choosing engagements that would not squander its resources in sustained conflicts.


It's bloodiest engagement against the Republic came in the form of a shadow war with a task force led by a renowned Jedi Master named Balaron (Campaign 1). The engagements escalated and became increasingly personal until Balaron was eventually killed and his task force disbanded.


Zakuul Invasion (Exodus Campaign)

When the Zakuul attacked, it was obvious their fleets, which were striking from surprise, posed a grave danger to the Order's contingency plans. The Order decided to launch Exodus—its covert journey to an uncharted system that it had identified as a former Rakata safehaven world from 22,000 years ago. The Order decided it was better to launch Exodus early and return if the Sith Empire survived than it was to wait and potentially lose its ship in a Zakuul surprise attack.



Most of the Order, including its leadership, left. A stay-behind force was instructed to disperse and monitor the Empire. A couple of its members had access to an emergency communications protocol, a means to send a one-time message to Exodus, giving the all-clear if the Empire survived. This message was never sent, and over the years Exodus was forced to assume the Empire had indeed fallen.


The stay-behind force decided to fight against the strange force besieging the Empire, losing in every engagement to Zakuul's superior numbers and technology. After losing its fleet and army, the stay-behind survivors discreetly returned to its base on Tatooine to lick its wounds, starting a program to study the Zakuul and their technology.


Reunification (Campaign 3)

Those who left the known Galaxy during Exodus returned and hid the ship near Yavin IV, unsure of the status of the Galaxy to which it had returned after a five-year absence. Darth Malice—now the overall leader of the Order—was surprised that the stay-behind force was not eager to see the return of its former comrades. It was not long after she oversaw the reunification of the two factions which had been separated for five years that an Imperial delegation was sent from Empress Acina's court to ensure this newly returned task force would bow to her.


The negotiations were tumultuous, with the Order demanding much for its return and initially delivering little. A secret society of traditionalists within the Empire, the Pact of the Chosen, had long held designs for the Order and sought the IDN Resurgence—a heavily modified Harrower-class dreadnaught and experimental super weapon—for its own uses, especially in an age in which the Empire had lost most of its naval forces against the Zakuul.


The Pact struck the Order's forces, well prepared for this confrontation but unknowing that the Order had already been approached by an Imperial delegation. (Campaign 3) The Pact had sought to conquer the Order before the rest of the Sith Empire took notice that the wayward task froce had even returned. Following a covert war involving assassinations and naval engagements, the Order was finally able to defeat the Pact's naval fleet, forcing the Pact to request a ceasefire and pay reparations to the Order.


A major accomplishment that the Order achieved against the Zakuul was the destruction of the Sky Fortress over Tatooine in a carefully prepared operation that framed the assault on the Republic. This was enough to win the Imperial Court's favor and once again gain access to Imperial resources such as Sith graduates from Korriban and Imperial soldiers and personnel. The Order's flagship was also modified to return it to a fully operational warship rather than a colonial vessel.



Against the Zakuul (Campaigns 5 and 6)

The Order struck against the Zakuul, even launching two covert missions on the Eternal Empire's homeworld to rescue one of their Sith lords the Zakuul had captured. (Campaign 5) Unfortunately, the Zakuul learned of the Order's Imperial ties, and the Empress was forced to disavow the Order to maintain Sith neutrality and maintain its armistice with the Zakuul. The Order made an enemy of Knight Adjudicator Val'aya, nicknamed the Ice Queen, and her lieutenants Aren and a Scion named Taradyn Veldras, also known as the Wraith.


The Order was forced into hiding in the Outer Rim and used this opportunity to repair its vessels and establish a sustainable presence on a world they had taken from the Hutts called Arrochar as well as Tatooine and even Nar Shadaa. (Campaign 6) When its agents heard that the Zakuul who hunted them were on Nar Shadaa, they made their move, forcing the Wraith to surrender and later killing the Ice Queen. With the Zakuul's throne changing leaders and the loss of the main antagonist pursuing the Order, it lay forgotten by the Eternal Empire, laying the groundwork for the Order to return to the Imperial fold.



The Ninth Fleet (Campaigns 7, 8, and 9)

The Order was re-designated the Ninth Fleet under the Sphere of Military Strategy upon returning to the Empire, receiving orders to pursue a Republic Admiral—a former Watcher from Imperial Intelligence who had defected many years ago—who had been striking against Imperial interests. (Campaign 7) The newly minted Ninth Fleet succeeded in its task, not only killing the traitorous admiral but also uncovering some of his spies remaining within Imperial Space.


Fresh off of its success against the Republic, the Ninth was surprised when its leader, Darth Malice, was accused by the Sphere of Laws and Justice for treason. (Campaign 8 ) A shadow war quickly escalated into Darth Malice announcing a Kaggath against the specific darth behind the accusations. The Kaggath exacted a brutal toll before a third party was discovered to have been manipulating the two sides—a darth from the Sphere of Mysteries named Trule. Trule was eventually killed, and the Ninth focused on repairing its image.


That same year, the Ninth was directed into a major invasion with other Imperial Forces on the planet Chardaan. (Campaign 9) It faced Republic units and Jedi before being pulled off the system to assist the acting Minister of War in investigating a shadowy network calling itself Sovereign. It was discovered that this network consisted of compatriots to Montevor, the Watcher from Imperial Intelligence who had become a Republic admiral and been killed by the Ninth Fleet the previous year.


Jedi Interference (Campaign 10)

The Ninth Fleet returned to its roots by negotiating an exit from the Sphere of Military Strategy to better investigate Sovereign. It took its old callsign of Resurgence, reporting to the Imperial Court and working alongside the Spheres of Defense of the Empire / Laws and Justice. It closed its base on Yavin IV and opened a public Headquarters in Kaas City to coordinate its efforts on the Imperial capital.


When a shadowy 'Jedi' organization issued a series of attacks that directly hit the Ninth Fleet, focus was redirected to face this new, Republic threat. This interference allowed Sovereign to pull ahead. An assassination was attempted against a major Sith figurehead within the Sphere of Defense of the Empire. As the bargain to eliminate Sovereign wasn't being upheld, Ninth Fleet's status and resources were revoked, resulting in the deactivation of the Order.

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This fluxes with membership. We don't run those currently because we're in our summer lull, aside from a couple of people running HM FPs for the Light vs Dark event. Most of our membership are dedicated RPers.


We once had a huge PVP component, but I think most have become inactive with the game, unsatisfied with the state of WZs. We have some active raiders who queue but not our own casual raid team anymore, at least until people start to trickle back.


You might look for a casual RP guild...they tend to mix it up a little more.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 months later...
I'm extremely new to roleplay, especially in the Star Wars universe. A lot of the information here going over my head but I've been wanting to try for a good while. Are you guys newcomer friendly or do you only take "seasoned" roleplayers and people who understand the lore to its fullest?
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