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Aesthetics matter!!!


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The new story is really cool, although for anyone considering just buying a level 60 toon, be aware that there are a lot of titles that you will not be able to get, so far as I know. I used my free level 60 the get a jedi shadow, only to find out that I will not be able to get any of the character titles from before level 60, or from before KoTFE. That's not really a complaint, just a fore warning. My complaint is the lack of being able to outfit the new companions. I hate generic companions. I strive to keep my toons looking very unique, that includes my companions. Please bring back the ability to gear companions, especially since it will have no bearing on their stats. I can even live with having to complete the 9 chapter story line first, that's fine. However, when it's done, can we please have the ability to gear our companions again? Individuality has been one of my favorite things about this game from the start, please don't kill it now.
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