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Could You Recommend a Spec for Me?


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Folks, I don't often play a Marauder, just do Dailies once in a while to help her craft. I really dislike the entire Knight/Warrior Class, not just the AC. So, I maintained Annihilation as the easiest spec to drop in and not die, well, because it had that leap that made the class easier to play. Now it's gone, so there is no point in staying in the Anni. I would like something that I can just re-line up on the bars, kill stuff fast and that flows as natural and least clunky as humanly possible for a Mara. With as little of the 'so what's the next move?" moments as possible. So, Fury or Carnage?
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Folks, I don't often play a Marauder, just do Dailies once in a while to help her craft. I really dislike the entire Knight/Warrior Class, not just the AC. So, I maintained Annihilation as the easiest spec to drop in and not die, well, because it had that leap that made the class easier to play. Now it's gone, so there is no point in staying in the Anni. I would like something that I can just re-line up on the bars, kill stuff fast and that flows as natural and least clunky as humanly possible for a Mara. With as little of the 'so what's the next move?" moments as possible. So, Fury or Carnage?


I LOVE Fury to the death(I really LOVE Sentinel as a whole to the death <3 ), but it is clunky and impractical. I feel like it is best enjoyed in PvP or somewhere where huge burst / not many moves are necessary. During the leveling / dailies, it is... clunky.


Hence your only option being...Carnage. Enjoy ;) !

Edited by Cuiwe
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Thanks, guys! If I by whatever reason decide to run a few zones on it, will Carnage hold up okayish too?


Carnage will deal solid damage, but it's still easy to shutdown and susceptible to cc.


I'd suggest Fury for PvP; cc immunity and better movement.

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If you played Anni for short range leap I suppose you're not very experienced in moving around the battlefield a lot while dpsing. Carnage is most difficult in that regard since it also has a minimum range on leap and basically no other gap closer. 10m abilities like clashing blast are supposed to be in fixed part of the rotation.


So I'd actually recommend Fury in your case: You have several 10m abilities that can be moved around in the rotation to a certain extent. Burst AoE is quite good (though not as good as spamming your spammable AoE in Carnage) and you hardly ever run out of rage. If you spec into gaining fury with Channel Hatred and charge into groups with Berserk and then Smash it's pretty much easy mode.You can finish your main target with Force Crush, Ravage and Furious Strike and clean up any survivors with Force Scream / DST / Obliterate from 10m range, with Battering Assault somewhere inbetween. If it's a single mob just replace Smash with Furious Burst and you're good.

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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Yes, staying on target is what I really dislike about the warrior/knight class. My friend spent about 2 hours on his Operative trying to teach me to stay on target on a Guradian, while I was chasing him accross Tattoine Den, and he could mount a speeder while I was trying to catch up to him, roots, chokes, leaps nonwithstanding....


Fury sounds easier in that regard. Fury is Concentration on the Sentinel, I guess?



Edited by DomiSotto
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Yes, staying on target is what I really dislike about the warrior/knight class. My friend spent about 2 hours on his Operative trying to teach me to stay on target on a Guradian, while I was chasing him accross Tattoine Den, and he could mount a speeder while I was trying to catch up to him, roots, chokes, leaps nonwithstanding....


Fury sounds easier in that regard. Fury is Concentration on the Sentinel, I guess?




Concentration is the sentinel version and is the most CC proof of any sent spec as others have stated. Feel free to alter your utilities before entering a warzone as well and load up on those that break snares/roots and make you more resistant to kiting. I consider Ardor and Fleet footed mandatory, but there are several other options to help you stay on target.

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Cool, thank you guys so much for all the help sorting it out!


Adieu, Annihilation!


Kindda sad, almost, since that Mara was my second solo character, way back when, and Anni carried me through leveling before 3.0, before the XP boosts.


Anni is actually pretty effective for warzones yet, and still has the highest single target sustained damage of any marauder spec, so it is far from useless. Just harder to do well with in PvP than the others. You may want to try it again after you get some more experience with fury and feel confident in you ability to stay on target without obliterate and the CC immunity.

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