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Where to find some armor


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I'm playing a Sith Marauder, I'm level 39, and I'm playing strictly solo.

So far I've been getting my armor primarily from armor vendors, specialty vendors, equipment vendors, and as quest rewards. However, I find that most gear look simply ridiculous. I've used most of my current armor since Nar Shadaa and have been unable to find any satisfactory replacements.

I don't know about you, but I feel really cheated when the NPCs I'm sent off to kill have cool black, armored Sith robes, while I'm rewarded for said killing with a ******* red dress. Guys (and gals), I'm cruising around the galaxy spreading death and terror, not going to a ******* bachelor party. I don't think a fitting attire is too much to ask for.


So I wanted to ask, am I missing something? Where do you get your armor and gear? Is PvP and grouping necessary to get the better-looking armors?

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