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Star Wars: Who would you be?


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While reading and replying to Strive-US' thread about "Who would your master be?" I thought I might take it a bit further, something like the Star Wars Questionnaire. So if you were in Star Wars:


1) What race would you be?


2) Would you be a Jedi, Sith or something else?


3) If you would be a Jedi or Sith, who would your master be?


4) What Form of Lightsaber combat would you specialize in (feel free to pick one-three forms or a hybrid style)?


5) Would you take an apprentice and if so who?


Sorry if this thread has been done before but besides that enjoy!

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Not trying to be cannon or follow lore to the T here.


1) What race would you be? Sith Pureblood


2) Would you be a Jedi, Sith or something else? Rather sit inbetween yet not bound by good nor evil.


3) If you would be a Jedi or Sith, who would your master be? Mace Windu


4) What Form of Lightsaber combat would you specialize in (feel free to pick one-three forms or a hybrid style)? Juyo


5) Would you take an apprentice and if so who? I would, not sure who.

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While reading and replying to Strive-US' thread about "Who would your master be?" I thought I might take it a bit further, something like the Star Wars Questionnaire. So if you were in Star Wars:


1) What race would you be?

Mon Cal.


2) Would you be a Jedi, Sith or something else?



3) If you would be a Jedi or Sith, who would your master be?

No one.


4) What Form of Lightsaber combat would you specialize in (feel free to pick one-three forms or a hybrid style)?



5) Would you take an apprentice and if so who?

Yes, to test the person.


Sorry if this thread has been done before but besides that enjoy!


Sums it up.

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1) What race would you be?




As a fantasy buff, I've often imagined what it would be like to be another race. What it would be like, for example, to have the agility of an elf or the strength of a dwarf? It's a tempting thought, but over the years, I've gained a steady appreciation for being human. We're quite a resilient and diverse species with many proud physical and cultural accomplishments. I can't rightly say the option of being a Twi'lek or Gungan appeals to me. Humans are the galactic standard and I'll keep it that way.


2) Would you be a Jedi, Sith or something else?


Gray Jedi


Let me preface this by saying I'm not totally thrilled with the tenets of the Jedi order. I think suppressing your emotions is a bad thing and let's face it, imposing celibacy on a large group of adults almost always ends in disaster. Though if you're able to live within a gray area where you follow the rules, but bend them occasionally to remain practical and morally upright then you can have a fruitful life as a Jedi.


My biggest trepidation with the Sith is that they're constantly backstabbing one another, which makes for a short life expectancy. So unless you're prepared to be ultra competitive and constantly on guard to thwart the next enemy around the corner, I would avoid the Sith. Also, the Sith have a tendency to end up deformed or amputated or some combination thereof and I'd rather keep all my limbs and bodily functions in tact.


3) If you would be a Jedi or Sith, who would your master be?




As I said in the other thread, I feel that Yoda potentially offers students the greatest learning experience. Yoda is one of the most accomplished Jedi in history and, because of his long life span, has been able to accumulate almost a millennium of knowledge and experience to impart. Some of the most powerful Force users have been taught by Yoda, including Dooku and Luke.


However, I would also be totally willing to sign up under Aayla Secura because if you're going to be spending years following someone on long and dangerous missions, she may as well be hot.


4) What Form of Lightsaber combat would you specialize in (feel free to pick one-three forms or a hybrid style)?


Form VI: Niman


Let's address something for a moment. I'm sure we'd all like to imagine ourselves as talented lightsaber duelists who master all seven fighting forms and give Mace Windu a run for his money. Practically speaking, however, that's not going to happen. If real life is any proxy for the Star Wars universe it's that developing that kind of skill in that many areas requires a huge investment of time and, admittedly, probably some inborn talent that very few people will have. I'm a practical person.


Niman represents the best investment of your time. It's like the MMA of the lighsaber combat world--it's well rounded, effective, and prepares you for a lot of different situations. Since I imagine myself as a consular type Jedi (there's only so much you can achieve with a lightsaber), going the Niman route would give me adequate fighting skills while allowing me enough time to pursue other areas of higher learning. Also, I should mention that Niman, which heavily incorporates Force techniques into its fighting, totally revolutionizes combat.


Most fencing as we know it today is fairly limited, from one perspective. There's only so many ways the body can bend and turn and so if you practice around the mechanics of the body you can reasonably defend against the majority of attacks (unless you're fighting someone like Grievous whose unique anatomy gives him an advantage). But using Force techniques re-writes the rules of combat because what you can do is really only limited by your imagination.


What if my opponent faces me, but I telekinetically turn him around so his back is exposed and his defenses lowered? What if I force his eyelids shut so he can't see? What if he stepped into attack, but I Force pushed his leg or the ground to unbalance him? What if I Force pull someone into my lightsaber? There's no block for that! Everything your opponent tries to do, that he's practiced for years doing, is now suddenly undone because there's no really preparing for the near infinite number of ways even the most fundamental aspects of combat can change when they can be modified or nullified by the Force.


Frankly, I'm surprised that every Jedi doesn't incorporate more Force moves as a staple in their dueling.


5) Would you take an apprentice and if so who?


Female Twi'lek


For the exact same reason I mentioned Aayla Secura above except the roles of master and student are reversed. But aside from just eye candy, I think it'd be nice to pluck someone from obscurity to become a Jedi. It doesn't seem very karmic for someone who already has something like wealth, power, or fame to also acquire godlike powers. I'd much rather rescue someone like a downtrodden girl from the slave market or an unfulfilled farmhand to aspire to the role of Jedi. I feel they'd appreciate the opportunity a lot more, work hard at it, and become great.



Glad my post could inspire you. It's fun to talk about Star Wars.

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1) What race would you be?


2) Would you be a Jedi, Sith or something else?

I couldn't decide this one since I really love Sith and Bounty Hunter

3) If you would be a Jedi or Sith, who would your master be?

Darth Marr....yeah, *weird-crazy attracted to this character*

4) What Form of Lightsaber combat would you specialize in (feel free to pick one-three forms or a hybrid style)?

I love melee and guns so... I'll say, a doubled-lightsaber that can turn in two blasters *wow, extreme imagination*

5) Would you take an apprentice and if so who?

I'll take a Jedi... it's fun turning them to the dark side.

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1) What race would you be?

true blooded sith


2) Would you be a Jedi, Sith or something else?

Je'daii Order.

There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.

There is no fear; there is power.

I am the heart of the Force.

I am the revealing fire of light.

I am the mystery of darkness

In balance with chaos and harmony,

Immortal in the Force."

―The Je'daii Code


3) If you would be a Jedi or Sith, who would your master be?

Qui-Gon Jinn


4) What Form of Lightsaber combat would you specialize in (feel free to pick one-three forms or a hybrid style)?

hybrid (Jedi Weapon Master type)


5) Would you take an apprentice and if so who?

not sure

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Glad my post could inspire you. It's fun to talk about Star Wars.


I loved your answers, keep that Twi'lek love going ;). Thanks for being cool about it, I was answering in your thread when I remembered an old Star Wars questionnaire I saw. Sorry if I stole from your thread. :)

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1) What race would you be? - Cyborg


2) Would you be a Jedi, Sith or something else? - Bounty hunter, i've always like the freedom a BH has and the ability to walk the path they choose rather than be confined to a particular route. I'd probably go powertech as well like my main


3) If you would be a Jedi or Sith, who would your master be? - Vader


4) What Form of Lightsaber combat would you specialize in (feel free to pick one-three forms or a hybrid style)? - Shien


5) Would you take an apprentice and if so who? - Mako

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1) What race would you be?

Kel Dor

2) Would you be a Jedi, Sith or something else?

Pragmatic Jedi

3) If you would be a Jedi or Sith, who would your master be?

not sure

4) What Form of Lightsaber combat would you specialize in (feel free to pick one-three forms or a hybrid style)?

reversed grip form V

5) Would you take an apprentice and if so who?


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1) What race would you be?

I'd be human. I honestly just have no interest in being another race. I don't have any understanding of their physical capabilities vs that of a human, while I am very well aware what a human force user can physically be capable of. That and I find 90% of the races in Star Wars to be background noise surrounding their human overlords.


2) Would you be a Jedi, Sith or something else?

I'd love to say that I'd be Jedi, but honestly if the world of Star Wars actually existed there is no way I wouldn't become completely corrupt and hungry with power. It's just like if Harry Potter were actually a thing, I would IMMEDIATELY have the philosophy of Voldemort in making myself incredibly powerful and something to fear. I'd like to say that I'd like to not go completely mad (comparatively how Sideous pre-mace duel is able to keep his composure completely clear and natural), but I would without a doubt go full sith. Peace is a lie there is only passion.


3) If you would be a Jedi or Sith, who would your master be?

I love Kreia's teaching and philosophies so she is a very probable choice. This also feeds into my argument of not wanting to go completely mad as she shows a bit of restraint and apathy towards chaos and unnecessary mayhem, while still heavily teaching the deeper understandings of the Sith.


4) What Form of Lightsaber combat would you specialize in (feel free to pick one-three forms or a hybrid style)?

I think Vapaad would be my number one choice. A sith's greatest fear is other Sith so why would I not choose a style that uses my darkness and my opponent's darkness to fuel the battle and reflect opposition. I could see it somewhat being effective against Jedi as I am still using my darkness, but I would probably revert to Shi-Cho.


5) Would you take an apprentice and if so who?

Most likely someone like ashoka (without being Ashoka) who is spunky and gets things accomplished while remaining completely loyal. That, or take the Jaesa route and enjoy listening to her whore stories I can't wait to be a part of.

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Well I might as well do my own, so:


1) What race would you be?


Probably an Iridonian Zabrak, mainly for the pain resistance.


2) Would you be a Jedi, Sith or something else?


Definitely a Jedi, a pragmatic one though. I couldn't handle the cruelty of Sith life.


3) If you would be a Jedi or Sith, who would your master be?


Yoda. Probably my favourite Star Wars character, he would be the perfect teacher in all aspects. He's a master of all seven forms of lightsaber combat and one of the most powerful force users ever but the best part is that he knows when someone needs encouragement, guidance or talked down.


4) What Form of Lightsaber combat would you specialize in (feel free to pick one-three forms or a hybrid style)?


I'd probably try to master Shii-Cho, Makashi and Soresu. Now this sounds like it wouldn't work but the idea would be to use the simplicity of Form I against many opponents (or one with multiple blades) and to launch devastating offenses, use the mastery of Form II to keep the battle flowing how I want it to and to be able to pierce even the most formidable duelists defense and use Form III to tire out opponents initially so that I can either pierce their defense with Form II or overwhelm it with Form I. I would always be using the one handed grip of Makashi.


5) Would you take an apprentice and if so who?


T'ra Saa, it would be interesting training a tree like humanoid.

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1) What race would you be?

I'd be human. I honestly just have no interest in being another race. I don't have any understanding of their physical capabilities vs that of a human, while I am very well aware what a human force user can physically be capable of. That and I find 90% of the races in Star Wars to be background noise surrounding their human overlords.


2) Would you be a Jedi, Sith or something else?

I'd love to say that I'd be Jedi, but honestly if the world of Star Wars actually existed there is no way I wouldn't become completely corrupt and hungry with power. It's just like if Harry Potter were actually a thing, I would IMMEDIATELY have the philosophy of Voldemort in making myself incredibly powerful and something to fear. I'd like to say that I'd like to not go completely mad (comparatively how Sideous pre-mace duel is able to keep his composure completely clear and natural), but I would without a doubt go full sith. Peace is a lie there is only passion.


3) If you would be a Jedi or Sith, who would your master be?

I love Kreia's teaching and philosophies so she is a very probable choice. This also feeds into my argument of not wanting to go completely mad as she shows a bit of restraint and apathy towards chaos and unnecessary mayhem, while still heavily teaching the deeper understandings of the Sith.


4) What Form of Lightsaber combat would you specialize in (feel free to pick one-three forms or a hybrid style)?

I think Vapaad would be my number one choice. A sith's greatest fear is other Sith so why would I not choose a style that uses my darkness and my opponent's darkness to fuel the battle and reflect opposition. I could see it somewhat being effective against Jedi as I am still using my darkness, but I would probably revert to Shi-Cho.


5) Would you take an apprentice and if so who?

Most likely someone like ashoka (without being Ashoka) who is spunky and gets things accomplished while remaining completely loyal. That, or take the Jaesa route and enjoy listening to her whore stories I can't wait to be a part of.


I think your response has been my favourite so far. Its nice to see someone else value Shii-Cho and question their own character. Also I'd go route 2 as far as your apprentice choice goes. :D

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1) What race would you be?



2) Would you be a Jedi, Sith or something else?

Sith or perhaps an independent force-user of some kind


3) If you would be a Jedi or Sith, who would your master be?

Darth Marr. Exar Kun or Mara Jade are my runners up


4) What Form of Lightsaber combat would you specialize in (feel free to pick one-three forms or a hybrid style)?

Juyo and Soresu


5) Would you take an apprentice and if so who?

I'd take Jarael. Ahsoka Tano, Tahiri Veila, Tenel Ka, Ben Skywalker, and Kira Carsen are all suitable candidates as well.

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1. Human.


2. Obviously a pragmatic jedi. Anyone who seriously says sith should check himself out with a psychiatrist, no offense. But the jedi code is too restricting.


3. In the other thread I said Windu, but I'd rather be something like Revan, learning from numerous masters. Those include Windu, Aayla, Shaak Ti.


4. I'd use most of the offensive styles. Makashi, Ataru, Djem So, Juyo (Vaapad OP). And I'd use most in a Jar'Kai variant, except Djem So for obvious reasons.


5. I would, a female Nautolan, because there aren't any during the CW afaik.

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1. Human.


2. Obviously a pragmatic jedi. Anyone who seriously says sith should check himself out with a psychiatrist, no offense. But the jedi code is too restricting.


3. In the other thread I said Windu, but I'd rather be something like Revan, learning from numerous masters. Those include Windu, Aayla, Shaak Ti.


4. I'd use most of the offensive styles. Makashi, Ataru, Djem So, Juyo (Vaapad OP). And I'd use most in a Jar'Kai variant, except Djem So for obvious reasons.


5. I would, a female Nautolan, because there aren't any during the CW afaik.



Awesome answers and as a Nautolan specialist I can confirm there are no female Nautolans during the Clone Wars. :D

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2. Obviously a pragmatic jedi. Anyone who seriously says sith should check himself out with a psychiatrist, no offense. But the jedi code is too restricting.


Hey no offense taken, but I think it's a little presumptuous to believe people who choose Sith need to seek psychiatric help. Those who would choose Sith just for the point of "Murder and Mayhem await" should probably seek help. In order to understand the great mysteries one must also undertake a larger view of the force, not just the confounding views of the Jedi.


Also it restricts you from forming attachments, in addition to really doing anything that promotes humanity. I would just say that the Sith philosophies absolutely push for limitless potential which I absolutely agree with. Their code also just makes more sense and isn't so influenced by Asian philosophy of pacifism and enlightenment. Being cruel for the point of being cruel I absolutely agree is just non-sensicle. But to deny the possibility of a humanistic life with the Sith would be more close-minded. I agree, pragmatic is better than pure as far as Jedi go. No one is saying Sith=Evil. It's just a point of view.

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Hey no offense taken, but I think it's a little presumptuous to believe people who choose Sith need to seek psychiatric help. Those who would choose Sith just for the point of "Murder and Mayhem await" should probably seek help. In order to understand the great mysteries one must also undertake a larger view of the force, not just the confounding views of the Jedi.


Also it restricts you from forming attachments, in addition to really doing anything that promotes humanity. I would just say that the Sith philosophies absolutely push for limitless potential which I absolutely agree with. Their code also just makes more sense and isn't so influenced by Asian philosophy of pacifism and enlightenment. Being cruel for the point of being cruel I absolutely agree is just non-sensicle. But to deny the possibility of a humanistic life with the Sith would be more close-minded. I agree, pragmatic is better than pure as far as Jedi go. No one is saying Sith=Evil. It's just a point of view.


Well without specifying what kind of sith they meant I'm gona presume they meant Alderaan bombing, genociding, power hungry, murderous maniacs, because 99% of the sith in star wars are like that. Traditional siths have no good quality.


I specified what kind of jedi I would be for example. Anyway I'm might've been a bit hyperbolic.

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Well without specifying what kind of sith they meant I'm gona presume they meant Alderaan bombing, genociding, power hungry, murderous maniacs, because 99% of the sith in star wars are like that. Traditional siths have no good quality.


I specified what kind of jedi I would be for example. Anyway I'm might've been a bit hyperbolic.


That's fair. I guess I clarified in my approach that I would prefer to follow the philosophy for power but not be a chaotic madman. To me that's just the wrong way to be Sith.

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Hey no offense taken, but I think it's a little presumptuous to believe people who choose Sith need to seek psychiatric help. Those who would choose Sith just for the point of "Murder and Mayhem await" should probably seek help. In order to understand the great mysteries one must also undertake a larger view of the force, not just the confounding views of the Jedi.


Also it restricts you from forming attachments, in addition to really doing anything that promotes humanity. I would just say that the Sith philosophies absolutely push for limitless potential which I absolutely agree with. Their code also just makes more sense and isn't so influenced by Asian philosophy of pacifism and enlightenment. Being cruel for the point of being cruel I absolutely agree is just non-sensicle. But to deny the possibility of a humanistic life with the Sith would be more close-minded. I agree, pragmatic is better than pure as far as Jedi go. No one is saying Sith=Evil. It's just a point of view.


I guess you would say you're a pragmatic Sith who only harms if necessary?

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No dude kill them all.


Hahaha jk yeah pretty much sounds about right!


My views on pragmatic sith below


I kinda view a pragmatic Sith as comparable to a general in an ancient Empire (Rome in particular but also Greece or Persia) or like the Lords/Dukes/Earls etc... of Medieval aristocracy. (won't step on a landmine by using modern examples)


Basically people who wield immense power over their subjects within a highly structured society. There are rules as to how killings can take place, who can be killed, how, when etc... and authorities or rivals to strip you of your power if you display blatant disregard for the norms.


In all honesty, Sith aren't particularly worse than some of the leaders from earth's past. Granted, people we might not want to emulate in today's society but not wholly or innately evil nor insane (aside from the lunatics who do just crave destruction).


Besides, I'm sure you can find equivalents of sith (in theoretical terms of personal ideology/morality) in our modern world who are morally disreputable but operate within legal (or semi-legal) means in the pursuit of their own power/goals/desires etc... Some of these people we often even envy.


Point I'm getting at, if you aren't overly concerned with morality or have your own definition of morality then being a Sith isn't a great leap (cept for the whole force-powers thing) and most Sith don't ever seem to be insane.



All that said, I'd like being a pragmatic Sith for the structure more than most things. I also wouldn't mind just travelling the galaxy and learning new force-stuff from various groups/traditions as some kind of unaffiliated force-user either. That idea appeals to be a bit more I think.

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While reading and replying to Strive-US' thread about "Who would your master be?" I thought I might take it a bit further, something like the Star Wars Questionnaire. So if you were in Star Wars:


1) What race would you be?




2) Would you be a Jedi, Sith or something else?




3) If you would be a Jedi or Sith, who would your master be?


Satele Shan


4) What Form of Lightsaber combat would you specialize in (feel free to pick one-three forms or a hybrid style)?


Soresu for Defense, Shien form for offense and Makashi for dualing. Mix all three and I've got an awesome form.


5) Would you take an apprentice and if so who?


Kira Carson. :)


Sorry if this thread has been done before but besides that enjoy!


It's ok, it's fun. :)

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