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Satele and Theron question ( yea,yea, spoilers :S)


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Overlooking the fact that Satele had a kid with Jace, which is against the Jedi Code of emotional attachment...she probably is the most fit to be Grand Master. Remember, Satele had numerous achievements to her belt and is one of the most capable/powerful Jedi during her time.


Personally, I don't see the problem with kids or marriage...a life without emotions, or even a pent-up emotion, is not a life at all. The Jedi Code is very idealistic (which is good...sometimes), but impractical.

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So, Theron is Satele's child. Why did she became a Grand Master when she was less than the perfect candidate for that post? Or maybe the "pure righteous jedi thinking about a purpose bigger than themselves" are not so pure?


Unlike the Sith Empire, the Jedi don't punish failure, they learn from it. Satele had sex with Jace. We don't know much more than that. It could have been a one-night stand aboard Nico's freighter after her master died. Jedi do feel, they just try to remember that force users must be careful of those emotions.


Satele gave Theron to others to raise, she didn't continue any relationship with Jace. Such incredible sacrifice for the Jedi befits its Grand Master, don't you think?

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Unlike the Sith Empire, the Jedi don't punish failure, they learn from it. Satele had sex with Jace. We don't know much more than that. It could have been a one-night stand aboard Nico's freighter after her master died. Jedi do feel, they just try to remember that force users must be careful of those emotions.


Satele gave Theron to others to raise, she didn't continue any relationship with Jace. Such incredible sacrifice for the Jedi befits its Grand Master, don't you think?


Spoilers from Annihilation:



Jace and Satele actually had a relationship for six months until Satele discovered she was pregnant and broke it off without telling Jace that she was carrying his child.


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Spoilers from Annihilation:



Jace and Satele actually had a relationship for six months until Satele discovered she was pregnant and broke it off without telling Jace that she was carrying his child.


This happens when they are on Alderaan leading the occupation resistance, just to inform OP.

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Also, as far as I know, Theron's parentage isn't publicly known. Satele broke off her relationship with Jace and gave Theron up so that she could dedicate herself to the Republic and the Jedi Order. That couldn't have been easy and with her list of accomplishments as a Jedi I'd say she deserves to be Grand Master.
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