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PowerTech vs Mercenary


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I really can't choose my adv.class right now. That's where I turn to you for the advice. Here are the things I admire about the both:




+ + PyroTech

+ ShieldTech

+ Jet Charge (lvl 22 yay!)

+ close and personal style




+ Inn.Ord

+ Bodyguard

+ Dual Pistols

+ Progression from IO to BG fits my story

+ It overall fits the story and the template better

+ EDIT: I just realised when I wrote down there that it even fits the character better(Arsenal nonwithstanding)!


Now, if you noticed they contain the exact same number of things going for them. This is where I turn to PyroTech vs Inn.Ord. Because it most certainly does boil to the duel between those two. So, let's get on with it, shall we?




+ + Personal favourite( ! )

+ All the flames! <3

+ Actually fun

+ Mobile, yet nice dmg and survivability

+ Fire and Ice template(concerning story ;) )

- - HORRIBLE leveling(and that's an understatement yo!)

- Ineffective(even more so in 4,0 where they ACTUALLY NERFED it lol!)

- Doesn't really fit the character


Innovative Ordnance:


+ Revolver action(a LOT of things focusing on the guns <3 )

+ Fits the character the best

+ Thermobaric theme

+ Uber efficacy

- Static

- Ugly F.Missile animation

- Too many misses(due to 70% accuracy on offhand, Power Shot and the like look quite silly :D )

Edited by Cuiwe
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I have a character of each AC, and they're both fun. Powertech was the first character I made at launch and has always been my main, and for the longest time I wouldnt make a merc, even though I wanted to, just because I had a thing against doing multiple characters of the same class/story. Glad I got rid of that idea =P


I havent played Innovative Ordnance much on my merc, I tend to swap between arsenal and bodyguard. Not sure why you dislike arsenal, it takes some getting used to but it is definitely the best choice when soloing for burst damage potential. I do like having the heavier focus on blasters in general though, my powertech almost never fires his gun except to discharge heat. Then again, the powertech is a walking flamethrower tank, and just wants to watch the world burn =P


I leveled my powertech from the start as a shieldtech. Tried out pyro and prototypes a bit here and there, but I'm just too familiar and comfortable with the tanking style of shieldtech to give it up. I do miss being able to include the retractable blade in my build though, ever since they got rid of hybrid specs.


I think this is really going to come down to what role you feel more comfortable or confident playing: Tank, or healer. Either can fill a pve DPS role just fine. If you're planning on doing a lot of pvp, I'd probably stay away from the mercenary, as it has a lot of mobility and survivability issues right now (though we'll see how it shapes up now that rocket away has been added).


If you want to see my characters, the class symbols in my signature link to pictures =P Lynx is my powertech, Bastet is my merc.

Edited by Tenacity
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I have a character of each AC, and they're both fun. Powertech was the first character I made at launch and has always been my main, and for the longest time I wouldnt make a merc, even though I wanted to, just because I had a thing against doing multiple characters of the same class/story. Glad I got rid of that idea =P


I havent played Innovative Ordnance much on my merc, I tend to swap between arsenal and bodyguard. Not sure why you dislike arsenal, it takes some getting used to but it is definitely the best choice when soloing for burst damage potential. I do like having the heavier focus on blasters in general though, my powertech almost never fires his gun except to discharge heat. Then again, the powertech is a walking flamethrower tank, and just wants to watch the world burn =P


I leveled my powertech from the start as a shieldtech. Tried out pyro and prototypes a bit here and there, but I'm just too familiar and comfortable with the tanking style of shieldtech to give it up. I do miss being able to include the retractable blade in my build though, ever since they got rid of hybrid specs.


I think this is really going to come down to what role you feel more comfortable or confident playing: Tank, or healer. Either can fill a pve DPS role just fine. If you're planning on doing a lot of pvp, I'd probably stay away from the mercenary, as it has a lot of mobility and survivability issues right now (though we'll see how it shapes up now that rocket away has been added).


If you want to see my characters, the class symbols in my signature link to pictures =P Lynx is my powertech, Bastet is my merc.


Comfortable: Tank ( My most natural role )

Confident: Healer ( I am somewhat averse to the idea of leading total strangers AND having to know the whole tactical layout of a FP )


Merc healer has stupid animations-cargo bay scanning ftw! But is otherwise just enjoyable.


I chose Merc btw. Inn.Ord is so much fun. As is Pyro, but Pyro's leveling curve is beyond fked up, quite unlike Inn.Ord's. If it were anything like what I outlined in my Pyro rework thread...I wouldn't have even as much as blinked. Until then...Inn.Ord it'll be.


I dislike Arsenal because it doesn't use Blasters enough-quite unlike Inn.Ord. And it's quite boring(full rotation is what 5 buttons?). But it is quite effective AND has the name ( <3 ) . Oh wow, you totally didn't see that one coming, did you?

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If you ever plan to roll trooper, make BH Mercenary and trooper Vanguard. This way you'll be able to play both classes, and Commando (merc mirror) animations suck balls



I freaking love the commando,the BFG is awesome,the whole trooper feel is awesome. Unfortunately the animations are poop compared to mercs. I swear every time I use grav-round a little part of me dies each time.And why would I throw a grenade when I can shoot someone with a 40mm shell.It just lacks a little moxie.If I had a choice though I would still go POWER TECH and COMMANDO because there's no way in hell im gonna choose two pistols over a freakin cannon......Like seriously.

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I have two Powertechs one Shieldtech and the other is Pyrotech. For my two Mercenaries one is Arsenal and the other is Innovative Ordance. I have yet to try Bodyguard healing and the burst dps from Advanced Prototype. I am not sure what disciplines to choose when pvping.
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I freaking love the commando,the BFG is awesome,the whole trooper feel is awesome. Unfortunately the animations are poop compared to mercs. I swear every time I use grav-round a little part of me dies each time.And why would I throw a grenade when I can shoot someone with a 40mm shell.It just lacks a little moxie.If I had a choice though I would still go POWER TECH and COMMANDO because there's no way in hell im gonna choose two pistols over a freakin cannon......Like seriously.




Combat Medic has better animations than a Bodyguard. Requisitioning field probe support is much more cool(and better) than the cargo bay scan. How do those heal anyhow? But I agree about the rest.

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I freaking love the commando,the BFG is awesome,the whole trooper feel is awesome. Unfortunately the animations are poop compared to mercs. I swear every time I use grav-round a little part of me dies each time.And why would I throw a grenade when I can shoot someone with a 40mm shell.It just lacks a little moxie.If I had a choice though I would still go POWER TECH and COMMANDO because there's no way in hell im gonna choose two pistols over a freakin cannon......Like seriously.


Well, between blazing bolts and superhcarge mechanic added, DPS mercs (especially arsenal) feel like walking tanks. Seriously, BB animation is one of best things in entire 3.0

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I kinda disagree with the vanguard/merc comment.


Powertech animations are much better than vanguard, in my opinion. I was never big on the vanguards "I shoot lightning out of my blaster, cuz... y'know, lightning" thing. Vanguard ability animations also felt a lot more clumsy to me, almost like there were hidden global or internal cooldowns that my powertech didnt experience. Where a vanguard is constantly shooting weird energy bursts and lightning like some kind of sith sorceror, my powertech is flying all over the place with a jetpack roasting baddies with dual flamethrowers. I almost wish I could get rid of my blaster pistol and replace the whopping two blaster fire abilities my powertech has with more flamethrower attacks.


Commando vs merc, on the other hand... I havent seen the healing animations, but the whole crossing over your arms and firing your dual blaster pistols like some idiot gangster capping mofos with his glocks just rubs me the wrong way. Hold your gun straight and shoot like a professional, not some two-bit thug.

I do love the BFG commandos get, but I agree that many abilities should be replaced by more blaster fire rather than weird energy blasts or grenades/explosives.

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Commando vs merc, on the other hand... I havent seen the healing animations, but the whole crossing over your arms and firing your dual blaster pistols like some idiot gangster capping mofos with his glocks just rubs me the wrong way. Hold your gun straight and shoot like a professional, not some two-bit thug.

I do love the BFG commandos get, but I agree that many abilities should be replaced by more blaster fire rather than weird energy blasts or grenades/explosives.

Because Star Wars. Not even the elite of the galactic empire, the stormtroopers, hold their carbines to their shoulders.

Firing from the hip is equally unprofessional, and the commando does that too.


Imo both troopers have god awful animations and in comparison to the coolness of BHs they are nothing.

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I dunno too much about Powertech, but i just started a level 60 merc and i realy like the animations....granted i am not sure of what i am doing and what skilsl to use...but the dual guns shots...the missiles..and the fly up and shoot down things are quite cool. Seem like mercenaries got many cool animations.


I also tried a 69 level scoundrel lethality three, and i though that the animatins was lackluster..and the stealth thing i dont like..

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i did both to 50 and i have to say i enjoyed the PT much more than the merc.


Merc's are static turrets raining fire from a distance but with the PT you get up close and personal, move about loads more and dish out some pretty solid damage.


I went with Advanced Prototype and had so much more fun than my ordinance Merc. would recommend PT to anyone who wants to play more like Boba Fett than Jango

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I would say "Why not both?" but I understand that here we actually choose only one of them (is it for maining that class?).

So I will just throw my 2 cents. By effectiveness if we compare Pyrotech to IO, I wouldn't say Pyro is that bad. It's just that you need to look at Pyro as an AOE spec and IO - single target. Pyro is not even close to what Engineering sniper can do but it is definitely a top level AoE spec. IO is a great sustained single target dps spec but it was nerfed a bit in 4.0. Still good enough but you might also want to consider Arsenal.


Another thing - you can look at them as at melee and Ranged. PT is pretty much full melee and Merc is full Ranged. So there is that, too.

Also you said Pyro doesn't fit the style, but don't Bounty hunters spit flames? IMO it is perfectly fine. Shield Tech might be a more fitting spec tho, yeah.

Personally I like Pyro a bit more. And also mercenary has Arsenal which I will take over IO any day. By design, animations and gameplay. So between PYRO and IO I would choose Pyro. And well, my PT actually is in that spec and I am sometimes having fun with it. Usually it is just laying dusted on the shelf. Because Gunslinger for life :p

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