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The Lynx Legacy


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Been putting a ton of time and money into my characters lately, trying to get them all just how I want them. Some of the new KOTFE stuff has proven pretty useful. Went back and deleted a few characters I wasnt really feeling, and got some others re-made as different classes and whatnot, so here's the new Lynx Legacy:


Lynx: Bounty Hunter Powertech

Portrait: http://i.imgur.com/nCGJYUd.jpg

Ingame: http://i.imgur.com/UR53vOe.jpg

Mount: http://i.imgur.com/sKdGm9q.jpg


Progenitor of the Legacy. Lynx is, as much as any organic being can be, a walking flamethrower tank. Heavy mandalorian beskar armor, lightsaber resistant and nigh-blaster proof. Hip-mounted personal shield projectors. Dual wrist-mounted flamethrowers fueled via connections to a high powered jetpack.

Lynx was my first character, created back at launch. He was the first level 50 imperial character on Namadii Corridor, prior to the forced merges with Harbinger. He's always been the character I put the most effort and time into as well, and hopefully it shows with his outfit here =)



Leonen: Smuggler Gunslinger

Portrait: http://i.imgur.com/l6rkxTO.jpg

Ingame: http://i.imgur.com/3USoDE1.jpg

Mount: http://i.imgur.com/nXKNmYM.jpg


The brother in crime. Leonen is Lynx's brother. Despite often working for opposing clientele, Leonen and Lynx often support each other's ventures indirectly. Leonen provides his older brother with black market equipment and supplies, as well as information slighted from his customers. In return, Lynx provides a swift, silencing end to any individuals or groups that hinder Leonen's smuggling business.

After Lynx, Leonen has become my favorite character. I've only had him for a few months, since the 12x xp boost allowed me to go through and level classes that I hadnt had a chance to finish before, but the smuggler personality and style connects with me almost as much as the bounty hunter's does, maybe more in some cases.

The new Vectron speeder Leonen uses is a perfect fit for his character as well. I like to think he uses it as a cargo skiff, with that nifty little pickup truck bed. It looks unassuming and slow until he kicks the quad engines out for some extra speed in those quick getaways =P



Akeema: Trooper Commando

Portrait: http://i.imgur.com/2RU3CZB.jpg

Ingame: http://i.imgur.com/Ggixl80.jpg

Mount: http://i.imgur.com/J2fh0CN.jpg


Conflicted Spouse. Akeema, at one point, was Lynx's spouse - prior to her completion of basic training and entry into the republic military. At that point, the two had a falling out, Akeema committed herself to the Republic cause and allowed Lynx to raise their children. Since that time, Akeema has joined republic special forces as a Commando and medical specialist.

To be perfectly honest, I've never been that big on the trooper class, but after setting up the rest of my legacy family tree I realized that I needed a character that could serve as Lynx's spouse and mother to his children. Considering I already had a smuggler, and my imperial classes were all filled out, I was left with choosing between a jedi or trooper to fill the position. I'm not fond of the glowstick classes, and the jedi policy of forgoing personal relationships made things clear: Akeema had to be a trooper. I'm still working on leveling her up, but I do at least look forward to the relationship with Aric Jorgan, being the only cathar companion in the game.

You may notice through the pictures here that Akeema, Lynx, and their children share facial features and pattern similarities, I tried to make them look as much like a genetic family as possible.

Akeema uses the new Minas Hornet speeder, which immediately struck me as bearing a massive resemblance to the trooper's BT-7 thunderclap starship. It made sense to me that a special forces commando would have similarities between their ship and personal transport, so I like to imagine that the speeder is designed by the same team as the starship is, and was created to go along with it.



Bastet: Bounty Hunter Mercenary

Portrait: http://i.imgur.com/NSUJ6Nx.jpg

Ingame: http://i.imgur.com/ATOBnP2.jpg

Mount: http://i.imgur.com/Cz1MT2E.png


Daddy's girl. Of Lynx's three children, Bastet maintains the closest relationship with her father. She chose to follow the same way of life, and Lynx has trained her as a bounty hunter from the time she could lift a blaster. Bastet utilizes her father's starship, but takes on her own contracts and has a completely different approach to combat than her father. Rather than striding into the thick of things with impenetrable armor, shields, and flamethrowers, Bastet fights as a skirmisher, using speed, agility, and hit-and-run tactics combined with explosive ordnance and a pair of rapid-fire blaster pistols.

For the longest time, I refused to make more than one character of the same class out of principle. However, I've always wanted to try the mercenary AC, and finally decided to not let my history with my powertech interfere. I also think it makes for an interesting take on things having Bastet and Lynx utilize the same ship and crew.



Khelish: Imperial Agent Operative

Portrait: http://i.imgur.com/az49ls0.jpg

Ingame: http://i.imgur.com/9v6H8do.jpg

Mount: http://i.imgur.com/TSBaLSY.jpg


The rebellious son. Khelish was trained from an early age alongside his sister Bastet to become a bounty hunter. However, he never took to the lifestyle, and was always at odds with his father. Initially Khelish operated as a soldier of fortune alongside his sister and father, but eventually he took the opportunity to follow his own path, utilizing Lynx's contacts in the Empire in order to secure himself an assignment on Dromund Kaas. His skill set was put to the test by Imperial Intelligence, and after the trial he found himself serving as a new Operative of the Empire. While he has experience with blasters, Khelish favors knives and close quarters combat over ranged skirmishes, wielding a cortosis vibroblade to cut down his foes. Imperial intelligence has outfitted Khelish with the latest in prototype technology: A waist-fitted stealth field generator, a wrist-mounted dart launcher, informational heads up display, and miniature probe droids capable of performing medical functions, projecting force-shields, or assaulting opponents.

I had a sniper at one point, and I definitely prefer the sniper/gunslinger gameplay over that of the operative, but after having all of these cathar characters it struck me one day that not one of them fought like a cathar should: with blades, up close. Considering my aversion to force-based characters, the operative was the only way to go. I've definitely started enjoying the playstyle, though, and it's definitely fun jumping around a mob of enemies stabbing them all to death.



Pakhet: Sith Inquisitor Sorceror

Portrait: http://i.imgur.com/XXPDjxj.jpg

Ingame: http://i.imgur.com/nvodMIq.jpg

Mount: http://i.imgur.com/NZzCFBf.png


Darkside Prodigy. Pakhet was taken from Lynx as a child during a contract assignment with the Empire, after a Sith lord detected her connection to the force. While she initially struggled to survive her trials on Korriban as a young acolyte, Pakhet quickly hardened herself into a force of nature. Showing a remarkable connection to the force, Pakhet's abilities surface in primal, unpredictable ways. She is exceptionally good at taming and controlling wild beasts, as is evidenced by the obsidian-scaled, scythe-clawed varactyl she rides into battle. While not particularly adept at lightsaber combat, Pakhet's mastery of force techniques are more than enough to vaporize her enemies in a flash of lightning. Pakhet is, however, often looked down upon by her fellow sith for being crude, uncivilized, and feral; she, however, takes great satisfaction and pride in comparing herself to the primal creatures of the force.

Pakhet was actually my second character, created after Lynx back at the game's initial launch (she was initially a pureblood, while Lynx was human, both were later converted to cathar as they were always meant to be). While I've never been big on force classes, the inquisitor/sorceror storyline and personality fit me the best out of those available, and I love Pakhet's style now as a primal cathar sorceress, wearing animal furs and mis-matched armor platings while showing off just enough of her own fur to look alluring =P



Thanks for reading and checking out the pictures, the full album on imgur can be found here: http://imgur.com/a/QtZjM

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