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My companion is needed but i can't summon him


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I was playing the storyline of jedi knight on balmorra and i already had finished the mission i'm on now. After I updated the game, it went back to a mission where I need Doc, but when i open the crew window (Press N) he doesn't show. Can someone please help. I searched online and there was no help on this.
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You don't summon companions from the crew skills window anymore, you use the new "alliance window".


If its not that, well, Ive heard about bugs related to companions.. Ive also noticed that the missions that were underway during the update seem to have reset, try going back to previous contact and check your mission tracker.

Edited by Karkais
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THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME! I'm glad I'm not the only one but even in the 'N' window he's not there to summon. As a result I can't continue my class story on Balmorra since the elevator won't move without his presence. What gives?? I hope they mend this bug soon.
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