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Romanced companions giving incorrect influence for gifts


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I've seen this twice now. Once on my Sith Sorcerer who romanced Ashara, and once on my Smuggler who romanced Risha. In both cases, after getting affection to 10000 pre-4.0, both characters have reverted to pre-romanced levels of influence for Gifts. For instance, neither gives any affection for Courting gifts. Not sure if this is intentional in 4.0, but it's scaring the bejesus out of me as far as whether the game remembers I romanced them. It seems like that's something that will come up at some point in the KOTFE story, and I'd rather not have them totally forget I romanced them and miss out on that part of the story.
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I was just coming to report this one myself. I've noticed it twice now on both Warrior & Inquisitor.


But, I jumped into the FE content w/o checking that stuff on his companion. And there were some story referenced in there that I believe were based off the fact that I'd romanced the companion in question.


I won't say which class or which companion, but the romanced companion was specifically called out a couple of times. (One of which HAD to be due to the romance flag.)


So Yes & No... It's a bug that should be addressed... but it appears that it may not effect the story choices. (At least it didn't appear to do so for me.)

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